Bureaucrats are betraying freedom in America as ‘silence like a cancer grows’, a New Zeala

by Anthony Ravlich Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010 at 7:17 PM
anthony_ravlich@yahoo.com (0064) (09) 940 9658 10D/15 City Rd., Auckland City, New Zealand

I consider that the American bureaucracy, in an act of betrayal, are attempting a complete takeover of academia. And once truth, to be marginalized to the fringes, is lost so is freedom as 'silence like a cancer grows'.

Bureaucrats are betraying freedom in America as ‘silence like a cancer grows’, a New Zealand perspective.

I consider that the American bureaucracy, in an act of betrayal, are attempting a complete takeover of academia.

And once truth, to be marginalized to the fringes, is lost so is freedom as 'silence like a cancer grows'.

The following is a recent email I sent to a very concerned US citizen doing battle with the US Food and Drug Administration. I changed the name to protect the source and other minor changes to be suitable for the public domain. I was answering questions she put to me. I am speaking from my New Zealand experience. What Americans seem to be going through is very similar to what has already taken place in New Zealand.

Anthony Ravlich

Human Rights Council Inc. (New Zealand)

(also see below, my book on United Nations website)

Dear Carol,

(when you are in Plato's Cave it can be very difficult to work out what is going on simply from the shadows on the wall)

You have helped me with another bit of the jig saw – I am not sure whether I already sent the following from American Small Business League http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvd9WEPmsP4.

Why are they doing this to small business? Bottom-up independent development depends on freedom of thought, conscience and expression (a private sector was a major reason these freedoms were required – you have to go against the flow with new ideas) but these freedoms are also required by intellectuals in search of truth. The US has more than almost any other country had a space for the sincere search for truth as well as greater freedom of speech and press freedom than anywhere else. But these freedoms become less relevant when so much production is done overseas. In my view they want to capture academia as they have done in NZ – what you get is individual thought, conscience and expression becoming collective thought, conscience and expression – how? Because a Corporate consensus approach is adopted by universities – in other words, no dissent in public is permitted under threat of losing one’s job. the mainstream media becomes the voice of the collective middle classes and academia (in NZ they attend conferences and just stare into space hardly saying anything at all - its sad because of so much potential is wasted). Truth and the inner being (i.e. God) are marginalized e.g. left to now to the recently passed legislation by the Senate to permit community radio stations and the internet but to be unspoken in the mainstream media or political/human rights establishment or universities. There is no more seeking of truth by academics – just preparing students for slots in the status quo with the main purpose of perpetuating its existence.

And yes – I have been a voice in the wilderness for 20 years - I felt I knew exactly what you are talking about but it seemed to describe a situation quite a while ago (it seems to have started much later in the US than NZ - I may be able to help) – play the video 'Sound of Silence' by Simon and Garfuncle - while the 'people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made....silence like a cancer grows' and 'the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls' (P.Simon, 1964). It seems to have happened before in history doesn't it?. But this time it could very well be much worse. In NZ it developed into a groundhog day – a country going nowhere – people suffering arrested development. They have devastated this country (see social stats in submission below). Only saved from real disaster by a major earthquake (no one killed – one of life’s miracles, although sympathy to those suffering trauma) and the emerging truth of the human rights omissions – individualists are now required in rebuilding – personally I view the bureaucratic elite as p………. although professionally I simply describe them as utterly incompetent and having engaged in gross human rights malpractice. I have no fear of them. Also have a look on the internet: collectivism - sons of darkness and sons of light. I found NZers were and still are in a state of shock. Now it has gone so far I suspect relationships are breaking down in NZ – so much image – what are you loving – truth, character, the person, humanity is lost. I hope this does not happen to the US.

Also when life becomes v hostile people like to do and say safe things - they decide to follow their own personal dreams - altruism dies - fearing to speak out they salvage their dignity by chasing the money - but the State knowing it has captured them will take another opportunity to reduce lifestyles where possible. Americans have to fight for America and the world - to h..l with the things you did wrong - they can be resolved at a later stage. America has to have faith in the truth and fight for its freedom. Focus on the future and getting the omitted rights (see below) included and hold them to account when they break the law. I just so strongly sense the danger America is in. And just regard what the FDA tell you as utter c...p because that is precisely what it is. Tony

And just in case you did not know my book, ‘Freedom from our social prisons: the rise of economic, social and cultural rights’ (Lexington Books) is in libraries and on the United Nations Practitioner’s Portal on HRBA Programming http://hrbaportal.org/?p=528 or http://hrbaportal.org/?page_id=3180 and articles which extend my argument are on our website, www.hrc2001.org.nz ). My main supporter has been Noam Chomsky. I have had about 14 emails over the years. But beware the academics – many may have been taken over.

You may be interested – sorry I have devoted so little time for proper form but my circumstances can be difficult at times although I am happy just where I am (especially given what I know of the alternative).

All the best, Tony (PS feel free to send this to whoever)

Below are some recent letters - not long:




Below is my submission to the Auckland High Court:


Below follows directly from my book:


Original: Bureaucrats are betraying freedom in America as ‘silence like a cancer grows’, a New Zeala