by Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro Friday, Dec. 17, 2010 at 4:09 AM

The future in the hands of all now.

Since the fashion is to leak official or almost officials documents, it follows below the content of a fragment of subtracted document of the files of Itamaraty. The document is an exercise of "possible futures" done by Brazilian specialists with their Russian friends' help.


The next British dynasty will have tight eyes and it will speak Mandarin. English stopped being the language taught at the British Schools there are some years. In reason of the price of the coal, oil and electric power, the white minority burns books published in English to heat up their poor houses.

In that one day was Trafalgar Square the Smiling Statue of Mao Tsé Tung the humanity's public patrimony it was declared.

In front of the former Palace of Buckingham the monument for Deng Xiaoping is washed every 5 days by the white subjects of the British Chinese Monarchy.

In London and in the close cities the poverty moves forward among the white minority. Men only get work as handles of Rikcha and English women work as prostitutes and chambermaids.