by Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro Thursday, Oct. 07, 2010 at 3:37 AM

They want our hearts and minds, but they just deserve our contempt.

Étienne de La Boétie described the tyranny as being product of the voluntary servitude, as well as a regime in that the small tyrants can step the people because they accept to be stepped by the tyrant (

The tyrant exercises a power permanent, absolute, limitless and for life. Who in Brazil does fill out these requirements?

José Serra is, as all the other politicians, just somebody that it can be chosen, forgotten, testified or discarded. Serra is just a puppet in the true tyrants' hands.

In Brazil the tyrants always survived the all of the regimes, they shouted for the coup d'état of 1964, defended the political opening, they created the New Republic, they took Fernando Collor to the power and they dropped him, they chose FHC and they supported his Privataria* and they made opposition to Lula and now they want to destroy Dilma Rousseff. The tyrants' stage is not the tribune of the Senate and of the Camera of the Deputies, but the pages of the newspapers and television screens. Frias (Folha de São Paulo), Mesquita (Estadão), Civita (Abril Cultural) and Marinho (Globo TV) they are the true tyrants from Brazil.

Serra is not and he will never be able to be the true tyrant. It is just a small tyrant to service of who believes to have a power originated by God (the god money), limitless (the freedom granted by the monopoly of the media) and permanent (guaranteed for the deprived property). The tyrants (Frias, Mesquita, Civita and Marinho) they pull the ropes that make José Serra to speak, to walk, to sit down, to jump, to roll and to manipulate the population. Behind the tyrants they are the soldiers (generals and colonels committed with the project of initiate Brazil in 1964 and that in fact still didn't end because no uniformed criminal was punished).

Who is José Serra? He is modest merchant's son that it began to live well and it liked the new standard of living. And as every "new rich " Serra makes any thing to eat Ham of Parma and Cheese of Kingdom in the first meal, to sip his Port after eating lobster, caviar and other delicacies in the other daily meals.

To throw stone in Mountain is waste of time (and of stone). It is necessary to attack the true tyrants, those that want control the State poisoning and enslaving hearts and minds with their newspapers and TV news. Frias, Mesquita, Civita and Marinho want the monopoly of the political power, because they believe that the same is a natural consequence of the monopoly of the media.

It is in them that we have to throw our stones. But they cannot be destroyed with stones, because they produce words and images in wide climbs and they are specialist in what they do. They can only be defeated by the contempt. In Brazil not to read newspaper and magazine and not to see TV during the electoral period is the best thing that we can do to vote for without having our hearts and minds poisoned by the true tyrants.