Rigo Ruelas' brother on KPCC

by tclouie Friday, Oct. 01, 2010 at 11:36 PM

Rigo, of course, is the teacher who recently died after experiencing job-related stress, including a low rating in the LA Times database of teachers. Supposedly it was suicide. We who worked with him know what a lie the LA Times ranking is.


Alejandro did a good job on the audio portion of the program. There are also many written comments on the show's bulletin board.

Warning: some of the posted comments are insensitive, ignorant or even cruel, for example and especially the second posting.

It is dismaying to see how many people take the Times at its word and treat its teacher rankings as gospel truth, especially when there are so many studies available showing the unreliability of that method.

Original: Rigo Ruelas' brother on KPCC