The Harmony Project

by The Harmony Project Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2010 at 6:58 AM

The Harmony Project is a way for individuals and small groups to directly and positively change the world and themselves –– with a minimum of effort. It's a simple,uncomplicated and powerful way for individuals to positively change consciousness.

The Harmony Project

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."


Martin Luther King

The Harmony Project is a way for individuals and small groups to directly and positively change the world

–– and themselves –– with a minimum of effort. It's a simple,

uncomplicated and powerful way for individuals to positively change


The Harmony project is based on three simple concepts:

1) The inherent spiritual nature of every human being

2) Quiet


3) Social networks

1) Everyone on earth has a spiritual aspect. In that profound sense, we are all linked on a very fundamental

level. In the Harmony Project, we use this idea to raise our own

vibration, and others as well.

A human being is a divine, immortal Spirit temporarily associated with a physical body. You either

understand that, or you don't. If you do, you are capable of reaching

the state of love. Love is the quintessential expression of our inherent

spiritual nature.

If you know what love feels like, then you are qualified to participate in the Harmony Project! By love I mean that

powerful, awesome feeling of excitement and connection that unites all

life everywhere. It's easy to get that feeling back in your heart. All

you have to do is remember a time you fell in love. Or got a wonderful

present. Or saw someone smile. Or looked into the eyes of your pet. Love

is a feeling of warmth that is inherent to all life everywhere. Love

keeps the universe working. It is who we are at the core of our being.

All else is an illusion.

2) What is Quiet Power?

Quiet Power is the expression of love. Love is serene, calming, quiet,

confident, and enormously powerful. Love doesn't jabber, shout, or

scream. Love is not ostentatious or ego driven. Love is unconditional.

When you love, you give your heart and soul.

Love is exciting, but in a

peaceful way.

Love is like giving someone a present. You wait silently, with eager anticipation, for the smile that comes when a

friend or a loved one opens your gift. That smile is your reward. It is

an acknowledgment of your shared divinity, of your shared spirituality.

There aren't words good enough to express that feeling. That's why I

call love, Quiet Power.

The expression of love finds many forms, in every area of life.

Have you ever noticed that the most influential people are always those who lead by example? Like Mother

Theresa, or Gandhi. Or maybe, one of your friends. Or maybe your mother,

or one of your relatives. It could be a teacher, a co–worker, a

musician or an artist. Regardless of who it is, the people you admire

most walk the walk, and don't just talk the talk. They're not in the

streets yelling and screaming, but quietly going about their business,

demonstrating competence, integrity, and compassion, showing others the

true path by their example.

What is the true path?

It's just the recognition of who you are. The cells of your body are made of

condensed love. Everything in existence resonates strongly to this

fundamental frequency.

The idea of the Harmony Project is to quietly open yourself up to the world, leading by example.

Don't panic! The Harmony Project isn't hard, it's fun! Anyone can do it. It's

done quietly, at your own pace, and in your own time. You don't have to

sign up for anything, or study anything, or ask permission from anyone.

There aren't any rules. Everything you need for the Project is already

inside of you.

3) The power of the Harmony Project is based on the social network. A social network is all of the people you know.

Every country has thousands or millions of social networks, and they all

overlap. These networks are spontaneous and people–created, unregulated

by government or authority. Because of mobile technology, instant

messaging, and email, people are now in instant communication, so an

idea can spread rapidly within your network and between networks.

Millions of people quietly, voluntarily and positively influencing their

social networks has the same effect as one or two people reaching

millions of people on the Oprah show.

It's better to have millions of people quietly effecting change on a one–to–one basis within

their personal networks, rather than a couple of people leading on the

masses. Why? Because the idea of "follow the leader" has gotten mankind

into trouble over the past 5,000 years, creating hierarchical societies

with a few at the top and the millions at the bottom. So we simply

by–pass the authorities and, without fighting or resisting the current

order, create a new world.

In the American West, for example, boomtowns like Silver City, Idaho and Virginia City, Nevada simply

disappeared. No one came in with an army to wipe these places out. They

vanished as a result of natural economic forces. This is what social

networks and endeavors like the Harmony Project will do to the

established order.

What is the Harmony Project?


Harmony Project consists of two simple activities:

1) Walk quietly down the street with love in your heart. The more crowded the

street, the better! Repeat as many times as you feel like it. Or, sit

quietly in a café or a coffee shop, and feel love. You don't have to DO

anything, or make a big speech, or make a spectacle of yourself. Just

sit there feeling love and observe what happens. You can do this

anywhere people gather. I like to do it at the checkout counter in the


You don't sing, or chant, or talk loudly, because that would be distracting to others, and could morph into an ego thing.

Just sit or walk quietly and unobtrusively, blending in with the

scenery. When you are around people and feel love, you quietly affect

everyone around you. That's because love is the most powerful vibration

in the universe.

What happens is that the vibration of love goes quietly, but powerfully, outward from you to everyone around you, and

alters their aura. I've done this myself, and when I am truly in tune

with love, people will often look up and smile. Sometimes, they'll even

stop and want to talk. What you are doing is literally changing the

vibration of those you meet, without having to argue with them, or

"raise their consciousness. " You can't know how powerful this can be

until you actually do it! And do you know the best part? It makes you

feel great! It can be addicting, in a good way.

Don't be discouraged if you don't see a miracle right away! The idea of the

Harmony Project isn't to show everyone how awesome you are (even though

you ARE awesome!). It's not an ego thing. The idea is first to feel love

inside of you, and to share that love quietly with others. What you are

doing when you radiate love around others, is vibrationally altering

their consciousness. This occurs invisibly, just as radio and micro

waves travel invisibly and find their way to your hand held

communications device.

2) The second activity is even easier. When you talk or chat with your friends, bring up something positive and

exciting, and get people talking about it.

For example, I just read an inspiring speech by a guy who says that mobile phones and social

networking will completely destroy the hierarchical nature of our

societies, returning power and freedom to individuals and away from

governments and powerful elites. In India, poor fishermen have already

used mobile technology to create a people–based market, completely

unregulated by government or big corporations, that efficiently supplies

Indian coastal villages with food. People who were starving are now

fed, and fishermen who were dirt poor are now doing much better. He says

that in ten years, if present trends continue, it will no longer be

possible for a small elite to start a war, or have economic or political

dominance over humanity. Instead of governments and bureaucracies and

elites having power, independent social networks of people will have

power! Now that is something that excites me!

What excites you? It

doesn't have to be profound! It could be a good tune you heard, or a

podcast, or a movie, or a book you read. Whatever it is, make sure it is

positive, not negative. Get people thinking and talking about something


That's it! If you are ready to create some miracles, go to it! Share your results and successes, and ask questions, on the

Harmony Project Forum: http://tinyurl.


Taking Action

You can do the two steps of

the Harmony Project by yourself, or with friends. You can walk silently

down the street as a group radiating love, or sit quietly in a coffee

shop, café, or any other appropriate place. Remember that love is quiet

and powerful, but not ostentatious. The idea is not "wow look at us,

we're awesome," but "we are here to saturate this place with love and

good vibes." A group of people radiating love together is an enormously

powerful force, like the warming rays of the sun that reach out and

touch others. And the best thing is that when you radiate love, you feel

it inside yourself first. So the first person who benefits is you!


can you tell whether something you bring up in part 2) is positive or

negative? The answer is, observe how people react. Are they happy, or

sad? Angry or joyful? Apathetic or excited? I've included a scale of

emotions from highest to lowest so you can accurately catalog emotions.

Positive emotion is anything above 2.0 on the scale, and that's good.

Negative is anything below 2.0 on the scale, and you want to avoid that.

Experiment with this and soon you will be much better at recognizing emotions, and become much more sensitive to people and how

to make them happier. Your relationships will improve, because you will

be more observant. You will also feel more powerful, because sensitizing

yourself to others also makes you more sensitive to what you like and

dislike. So you achieve a state of higher discernment and knowledge of

self, as well as knowledge of others.


You can test to see how you are doing. In the first step, one person acts

as an observer. That person determines the emotional level of the area

before you begin, and then assesses the emotions of the area afterward.

In the second step, you (or an independent observer) can monitor the

emotional tone of the group before and after the introduction of a

topic. In all cases, the idea is to raise the emotional / vibrational

level of the group. Of course, these observations are subjective, but so

is a feeling of love, or a feeling of happiness, or any positive


Send in your ideas, experiences, and successes!

Share your experiences with others and ask questions on the Harmony Project

Forum http://tinyurl.


The Harmony Project is as much about raising your vibration as it is

about transforming others!

Feeling Love

People will respond to you in proportion to how much love you are feeling.

Most of us are creatures of habit. The Harmony Project is an opportunity

for you to practice love. The better you feel, the more amazing result

you are likely to get.

How do you feel love?


you just sit quietly and remember a time when you felt loving towards

someone, or someone felt loving toward you. Then you pick up on that

feeling and let it saturate your consciousness, and the cells of your

body. You know what love feels like, or you wouldn't be interested in

the Harmony Project. Did you know that of all the emotions, love is the

easiest feeling to let in?

That's because love is the OM, the fundamental vibration of the universe. Love is in every cell of your

body. It's who you ARE. Love feels warm and fuzzy and powerful and

generous and when you really feel love, you feel invincible and

wonderful and you want to share yourself with the whole world!


can get that feeling back any time, you just have to practice! It's the

most rewarding practice you can do for yourself, because it sets you up

to have a perfect day. People naturally respond positively to those who

feel love. That's the idea behind the Harmony Project.

The Quiet Revolution

You don't have to be famous to have a positive effect. In the past, trying to change the

world through person–to–person contact was time consuming and

inefficient, but not anymore. Today, person–to–person contact is the

best way to make positive changes, because all of us belong to social

networks. When someone gets exited about something, he or she tells

everyone in his or her network and it spreads rapidly. A positive idea

can literally spread itself all over the planet in almost no time at

all! This is how we can create a new paradigm of thought in the

consciousness of humanity.

The idea behind the Harmony Project is to raise the background vibration of society, and make it possible

for positive solutions to occur. The human population is growing and

more and more people are rejecting the old values of deceit, dishonesty,

competition and war. Our species is rapidly approaching a tipping point,

where a quantum leap in consciousness is possible. A tipping point is

defined as the critical point in an evolving situation that leads to a

new and irreversible development. This irresistible development is the

idea that love is more valuable than hatred, that cooperation is better

than conflict, and that human nature is divine. When enough people have

these ideas, our societies can literally change overnight!

Power isn't money, or military might. Power is the ability to control what

you think and what you say, and to spread positive ideas through our

social networks. Social change ALWAYS happens from the bottom up, not

the top down. Governments and corporations are always the last ones to

figure it out. The "establishment" always piggybacks on the great ideas

that come from inspired individuals. The idea of the Harmony Project is

to start a Quiet Revolution.

How Can This Happen?


society not as a bunch of powerless individuals, but as a collection of

dynamically interacting social networks. Governments and corporations

are social networks as well! They exist, like ships, floating upon the

ocean of national consciousness. That consciousness is established by we

the people, through our social networks. We are the soil upon which our

nation's institutions grow. If these institutions are now corrupt to

the core, it is because we have allowed our planetary and national soil

to become fertile for them. We unconsciously repeat, through our social

networks, the same old stale ideas that have allowed the present

situation to occur.

The idea is to spread love and inspiring ideas all over the world! We all know how impossible it is to get large

groups of people to agree on what is best –– just look at politics! The

Harmony Project by–passes ideology and belief, and focuses on love. Love

is so powerful that it immediately knocks out these lower vibrations.

If you don't believe this, then you have to actually try Step One. If

you do it right, you won't believe the positive results you will get!


During the past century, the

human population has been increasing at an unprecedented rate. We now

have a unique window of opportunity for a paradigm shift in

consciousness on a national and planetary scale. To replace the tired

old memes of scarcity, conflict, hierarchy, "follow the leader," and

war, with new ones based upon the recognition of our divine, spiritual

nature and a recognition that it IS possible –– and desirable –– for ALL

humans to experience prosperity and live lives filled with promise and


Traditional consciousness raising activities take a mental approach. "If we can only educate the masses…" "If we can raise

awareness on the dangers of ____(fill in the blank), we can then offer a

solution that will be accepted…" etc. These approaches almost never

work –– unless they graduate to a process that raises emotional tone ––

because they are intellectual and sterile. Many times, they evolve into

competing groups, and then argumentation and even conflict, because

people always have different opinions. With rare exceptions, this has

been the history of politics in every society on earth.

All successful social movements begin with a raising of emotional tone. The

civil rights movement in the United States, for example, raised millions

of people up the scale of emotion, which led to inspirational ideas and

actions that changed our society for the better.

The lesson of the past 5,000 years of human history is that a true paradigm shift in

consciousness cannot come about only through ideas. Copernicus's

realization that the earth revolves about the sun, and Einstein's theory

of relativity, revolutionized the way we viewed the universe. However,

they have not led to spiritual and emotional advancement. We are still

exploiting and killing each other in the 21st century just as we did in

3000 BC.

Unanimous and beneficial agreement can only occur in an environment of positive emotion. In other words, ideas that change the

world in a positive direction must come forth from a positive vibration.

They must be supported by and motivated from positive emotion. This is

obvious, but as a species, we don't do it, because we believe it to be

impossible! Enough of us believe the lie that we are merely biological

creatures and that our inherent nature is primitive.

But human nature is not barbaric and savage. That is a myth foisted upon the human

race by deluded people who believe that when you die, you're dead, and

by other insecure and frightened power seekers who believe in hierarchy

and domination.

How did the current paradigm get established?

Long ago in the evolution of our species, a tipping point in thought was reached. It is impossible to

pinpoint exactly where or when in history this occurred. However it

happened, our species consciousness reflected the memes of hierarchy,

control, victimization, and "follow the leader."

Argumentation, domination, competition and conflict emerged as the primary method of

problem resolution within and between human societies. These memes

became vibrationally dominant in our consciousness and have been passed

down from generation to generation, not because they were inherent to

human nature or superior in any way, but merely because they were

continuously activated. In other words, the history of our species has

resulted from a habitual way of thinking.

But habits are not natural laws! Habits of thought and belief exist only because we

continuously pay them homage. Our species is like the dog and the

invisible fence. The dog stops because it believes it must, even though

it could step over the line at any time, and think "out of the box."


you think about it long enough, you can understand that the resolution

to our global problems cannot come about only through ideas, or

education, or traditional consciousness– raising activities. That's

because, as we all know, everyone has different opinions. However, when

everyone is feeling positive emotion, it is very easy to reach

agreement! In the Harmony Project, thousands of individuals quietly and

unobtrusively (but effectively) act to raise emotional tone through

their social networks, which provides the foundation for positive and

effective ideas that will transform our societies.

The Role of Beliefs

As a species, we have not made spiritual advancement because of our beliefs. Beliefs are

self–fulfilling prophecies, for beliefs direct action. Another way to

say this is that actions follow beliefs. A person who believes that

money is hard to get and hold onto will likely continue to be poor,

because he or she will act in ways that do not allow for prosperity. A

person who believes that old people are stupid will disrespect his

elders. A President who believes that war is a good way to resolve

problems will start one. Like the dog and the invisible fence, mankind

has erected prison bars made of thought, that direct actions into narrow

and self–limiting areas. We demand adherence to limiting sets of

beliefs, which have been codified as religion, or `tradition.' When

people act outside of these narrow boundaries, they are seen to be

dangerous. Beliefs, however, are just collections of thoughts. And what

are thoughts? Ephemeral things that can be changed. Only when the

background vibration of society is raised enough, can we change the

tenor and content of thought, on a national and global scale. We have

the power in our hands, right now!

I believe that the Harmony Project would have been impossible even five years ago, because humanity

was not ready for it. However, world events have spiraled so far out of

control that more and more people understand that change is necessary.

The Harmony Project is designed to nudge this process along, like a

powerful ocean current which carries the ships that sail upon it.

Establishing Harmony

The way to establish harmony and cooperation is not to fight against the established order,

or that which is repugnant. Getting people to fight and resist something

is a clever psychological ploy that just continues the unwanted thing.

As Mae West once said, "All pub is good pub." All she meant was that it

doesn't matter whether you agree with something, or fight it, because

it's the same thing: you promote it either way. "Mae West is a terrible

actor!" is almost as good as, "Mae West is a great actor!" That's

because people say, "Who is Mae West? I'll look her up."

When human beings want change, we organize to fight abhorrent things like

poverty and cancer and terrorism. But in fact, fighting something just

makes it bigger. Despite the War on Poverty, there is more poverty.

Despite the War on Cancer, we still have lots of cancer. In the United

States, the War on Terrorism has resulted in the elimination of our

freedoms and civil liberties, through legislation like the Patriot Acts,

the Military Commissions Act and the Homegrown Terrorist Protection


Successful social and political movements are based on the creation of something positive, not the elimination of something


Unfortunately, politics is almost exclusively the latter.

In Eastern thought, this concept is known as non–resistance. Non–resistance has been misinterpreted by Western

philosophy to mean, "let yourself get steamrolled. " This is, however, a

distortion of a very powerful and profound idea.

Saying "No" to something is the same as saying "Yes" to it, because either way, you

place your attention on it, and spread it around. The more we fight

terrorism, for example, the more fear we have, and the more laws are

passed restricting our freedoms. The more we resist climate change and

fossil fuels, the more emphasis we give to fossil fuels. Nowhere is this

demonstrated more clearly than at the climate change conference in Bali

(December 2007).

Scientists and participants on both sides of the climate change issue debate whether fossil fuels are the cause of

increased global CO2 emissions. This debate focuses on fossil fuels, not

on the development of clean and alternative energy sources.

This idea is expressed in the universal principle of `like attracts like.'

Whatever you think about and talk about the most will be what you

create, and what you experience. You can test this in life by living

mindfully. When you become more aware of your thoughts, beliefs, and

attitudes, you will begin to see a correspondence between them and what

you manifest in life.

We have been taught just the opposite, however. We've been taught that we think a certain way because of the

way reality is. But of course, that philosophy is a recipe for failure,

and a life that never changes. Following that line of thinking turns

people into robots, and gets them feeling powerless. When that happens,

people can be easily manipulated, which is what has happened throughout

human history.


So let's wake up the human race! The Harmony Project is a great way to

quietly and effectively raise the background vibration of society.

In the Revolutionary War, the United States achieved political freedom

from Great Britain. All intelligent people now understand that modernly,

war cannot be the answer. War and conflict and all that support it are

outdated and pathetic relics of the Old Order! We seek solutions on a

much more powerful level.

We need a spiritual, not a political, economic, or scientific solution. These have all been tried and found

wanting. We need, not a political revolution, but an evolution in

consciousness. The Harmony Project is itself an evolutionary leap, for

although we are in the streets and in the shops, and everywhere people

congregate, we are invisible to the gross forces of authority, and

outside their purview.

In our program, we operate in concert with the higher vibrations, using the subtle, but immensely powerful

energies of love. You see, it is impossible to do the Harmony Project by

yelling and fighting, for love does not do that. In the higher

vibrations, we use Quiet Power. We are Revolutionaries of Love!

Original: The Harmony Project