Democrat Clinton's $5 million wedding while workers starve

by $ Wednesday, Aug. 04, 2010 at 5:03 AM

Democrat Chelsea Clinton's father, war criminal former president Democrat Bill Clinton, spent $5 million on his daughter's wedding, of which $2 million will be reimbursed by the taxpayers for the Secret Service, while we are in a Great Depression wtih massive starvation and homelessness, increasing daily. The Democrats are just as much a party of the rich as the Republicans Are you still registered Democrat?

Democrat Chelsea Clinton's father, war criminal former president Democrat Bill Clinton, spent $5 million on his daughter's wedding, of which $2 million will be reimbursed by the taxpayers for the Secret Service, while we are in a Great Depression wtih massive starvation and homelessness, increasing daily. The Democrats are just as much a party of the rich as the Republicans Are you still registered Democrat?

The details may be found at:
At Clinton wedding: The American aristocracy flaunts its wealth
By Patrick Martin , 2 August 2010


"Let Them Eat Cake": A handful of oligarchs are becoming billionaires while the rest of the country goes down the drain
by Paul Craig Roberts

The World Socialist Website's article figures total $1,930,000. That leaves $1,070,000 for liquor. No wonder the Democrats oppose legalizing marijuana in California.

The new couple are such parasites that they did not even bother to become lawyers as did Chelsea's parents, to engage in their exploitation of the workingclass, the only way anyone becomes rich. Instead, they are investment bankers and advisers to hedge funds, completely parasitical. THESE PEOPLE CANNOT POSSIBLY REPRESENT THE WORKINGCLASS, THOSE OF US WHO SELL OUR LABOR FOR LESS THAN $76,000 A YEAR, USUALLY MUCH LESS.

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