by Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro Tuesday, Jun. 29, 2010 at 11:08 AM

The Brazilian corpses in the closets of the White House.

"In interview for the documentary 'The Heirs of Vargas, Memoirs of Brazil', Lula, that was eight years old when Getúlio killed herself, he said that he only went to understand him/it "a long time then, when I came political". "At the beginning of the syndical life, I didn't like him. Then, I verified that the people liked Vargas. It was him who created everything that exists there, like Petrobrás."

According to Lula, the fault for the coup d'état 1964 "didn't belong to the Americans", but "of UDN*, that formed an alliance with the elites and the military ones to drop Jango", as well as, the president continued, it had dropped Getúlio. My two governments' difference for the one of Vargas, JK and Jango is that in his time them military they were in the opposition, I am respected by them and vice-versa. "

When despising the American participation in 1964 Lula's coup d'état he speaks as state boss. He doesn't want to offend "los gringos".

But "los fucking gringos" have yes fault in this history. It is more than documented the fact that from 1962 to 1964 CIA spent million of dollars in the dirties campaign of the media that destabilized the government of Jango**. As well as it is more than documented the famous "Brother Sam Operation". In that context of Cold War, nor the elite nor the Brazilian Army they would make any thing without the inhabitant's of the White House approval.

"Los gringos" have his fault portion for all of the deaths and tortures that happened starting from 1964 and this debt still was not rescued. It was not but it will still be, nor that it is with blood.

*UDN - Brasilian conservative party

**Jango - president João Goulart