Permanent Destruction of Louisiana Marshland

by repost Friday, May. 28, 2010 at 10:43 AM

The Louisiana marshland is being permanently destroyed by the multi-billion dollar profiting oil companies in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster. The biggest user of oil, the US military, should be abolished as it simply exists to maximize profits of the capitalist class. The second biggest user is the private passenger auto which must be replaced with massive free public transportation. The oil companies actually claimed they had this disaster under control. The marshlands need an 80 mile levy built TODAY to save the coastal areas. British Petroleum makes multi-billion dollars a year in profit and must pay for the levies, cleanup, lost wages, lost businesses and everything else 100% TODAY. Brasschecktv has the story.

The Louisiana marshland is being permanently destroyed by the multi-billion dollar profiting oil companies in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster. The biggest user of oil, the US military, should be abolished as it simply exists to maximize profits of the capitalist class. The second biggest user is the private passenger auto which must be replaced with massive free public transportation. The oil companies actually claimed they had this disaster under control. The marshlands need an 80 mile levy built TODAY to save the coastal areas. British Petroleum makes multi-billion dollars a year in profit and must pay for the levies, cleanup, lost wages, lost businesses and everything else 100% TODAY. Brasschecktv has the story.

See the video at:

Original: Permanent Destruction of Louisiana Marshland