"If I don't hear the word 'oppressed people' for a while (on Pacifica), I'll be happy....

"If I don't hear the word 'oppressed people' for a while (on Pacifica), I'll be happy....

by PACIFICA RADIO LISTENER NO MORE Friday, May. 21, 2010 at 8:14 PM

Now that Tea Parties are the hot topic of the news, Pacifica board members aren't even bothering to hide their contempt for the diverse community-based programming that was the original vision of Pacifica's founder Lew Hill.

On April 19, 2010 during the meeting of the Pacifica National Board's Programming Committee, Kim Kaufman (KPFK Local Station Board member) urges Pacifica to move AWAY from diverse programming. Is "diverse" a code word for people of color programming? Kaufman makes it pretty clear:

"If I don't hear the word 'oppressed people' for a while, I'll be happy.... Because we're getting more and more fractured, and we're trying to reach out to different constituents, we are losing just from my talking to people, we're losing the people who used to turn on KPFK and listen to it all day long... The more we try for diversity, the more we're going to lose people... "


Kim Kaufman, la representante de la Mesa directiva Local de la Radio KPFK y parte del comité nacional de programación, ya no quiere escuchar mas programas que se refieran a "pueblos oprimidos". Piensa que la "diversidad" en la programación de Pacifica esta provocando la perdida de radioescuchas.