Eve of May Day 2010 The Second American Revolution Has Begun

by Happy May Day Saturday, May. 01, 2010 at 10:57 AM

April 30, 2010, the eve of May Day, is Victory in Vietnam Day, 35 years ago, when the little people in black pajamas defeated the mightiest death machine the world had seen since Nazi Germany, the United States. The American death machine is now poisoning the earth worldwide and can only be stopped by a united workingclass ready to eliminate the profit motive that is the cause of war. That struggle has begun in the US in the form of the fight for public school education as we cannot have guns and butter.

April 30, 2010, the eve of May Day, is Victory in Vietnam Day, 35 years ago, when the little people in black pajamas defeated the mightiest death machine the world had seen since Nazi Germany, the United States. The American death machine is now poisoning the earth worldwide and can only be stopped by a united workingclass ready to eliminate the profit motive that is the cause of war. That struggle has begun in the US in the form of the fight for public school education as we cannot have guns and butter.

May 1 is International Workers' Day, begun in the US in the struggle for the 8-hour day in the 1880s. That celebration in the US has now been revived with the urgent need to defend immigrant rights as the workingclass is international.

May is also when we commemorate Victory in Europe against fascism, May 8, 1945, and 62 years of Palestinian resistance to US imperialism perpetrated by its puppet, Israel, since the Nakba of 1948 when 750,000 Paletinians were driven off their land and massacred or sent to refugee camps so that US imperialism could set up a military base in the Middle East to protect US oil profits, namely Israel.

The 62 year resistance of the Palestinians to fascist terror by the anti-Communist oil profiteers has now reached a new, unprecedented level in that Americans, those of us who pay for Israel's existence to the tune of billion a year, are now speaking out against the Zionist lies and supporting Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel. The Zionists not only have the blood of Palestinians on their hands, they have the blood of the Jews of Europe on their hands as they were Nazi collaborators with their Transfer Agreement to save their own skins and they have the blood of the Rosenbergs on their hands, murdered by the US government on June 19, 1953, framed on false charges of conspiracy to commit atomic espionage, for the purpose of making Jew, Communist and traitor synonymous, as Julius Rosenberg said, to promote the anti-communist war against Korea, the predecessor to the anti-communist war against Vietnam.

The American economy is now in tatters after 65 years of wars of anti-communism. Only a united workingclass can end these wars, abolish the private profit system and set up a socialist society, which by definition means:

1. Elimination of the stock market;

2. Elimination of the military and police departments, with the money from these terrorists; redistributed to the social service departments, and legalizing drugs, thus removing drugs from the street market and eliminating the pretext for the prison-industrial complex;

3. Elimination of the prison-punishment system and the death penalty. Those who actually commit crimes must be rehabilitated within 5 years and working for a living at decent paying jobs;

4. Nationalizing everything possible, including the banks, utilities, the means of production, and all agriculture, guaranteeing everyone sufficient food and a balanced, nutritious diet;

5. Making all schools at all levels public schools,eliminating private and paraochial schools, and making education mandatory and year-round from preschool (age 3) through high school (age 17) and free from preschool through and including university with university education available to all;

6. Free, universal healthcare for all, regardless of citizenship, residence or anything else, including free abortion on demand, free dental, eyecare and all other related medical fields including but not limited to acupuncture, podiatrist, chiropractor and the like;

7. Free and massive public transportation including light rail systems for all urban areas with over 1 million people;

8. Making all housing public housing, with no speculation allowed, and guaranteeing everyone a right to affordable housing, with low rent or free. The mansions of the rich must be subdivided to housing for the workingclass as 1 person only needs a studio apartment, 2 people need a 1 bedroom apartment, and so forth;

9. Legalizing gay marriage, making the teaching of evolution as fact mandatory, confining superstitions known as religion to their churches as all hospitals and schools and everything else must be secular and the division of church and state strictly enforced;

10. Massive public works programs to provide jobs and to rebuild this country on the principles of peace and respect for the international workingclass.

Happy May Day!

Original: Eve of May Day 2010 The Second American Revolution Has Begun