by Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro Wednesday, Mar. 17, 2010 at 3:00 AM

Meditations on the "drip blood" TV journalism.

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I was returning home yesterday (15/03/2010) when I saw several TV journalists and camera and audio operators in the Central Police Station of Osasco. Parked to the square, edition and transmission stations of several channels of open TV. Seconds after having made the picture above, the media came out running behind a boy that went downstairs of the building to the left in second plan. When arriving home I discovered that if it treated of the covering of the deposition of witness in the case of cartoonist Glauco's murder

But I won't speak about the cartoonist and yes in the way as the TV journalism appropriates of Osasco.

Osasco is part of great São Paulo. The data of IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Statistical Geography) they reveal that the city is an important center industrial, commercial and of services (http://www.ibge.gov.br/cidadesat/painel/painel.php?codmun=353440%20#). In spite of the recession provoked by the American financial crisis, that it carted a fall in the collection of taxes in federal level of 3,05%, in 2009 Osasco and area presented an increase of 15% in the collection of tributes (http://www.visaooeste.com.br/politica/328_arrecadacao_federal_aumenta.html).

In the television news, however, Osasco has only been shown as stage of tragedies (explosion in the Shopping center in 1996, collapse of the roof of the Universal Church in 1998 and floods in 2009/2010), origin of scandals (leak of the form of the proof of the Order of the Lawyers of Brazil in 2010), police occurrences place (cartoonist's Glauco and his son murder ) and place visited by President Lula. If I am not wrong, the only exception to this pattern was the covering of the filmings of the film "Rehearsal on the Blindness" and the transport of the boat Paraty II, whose skull was manufactured in Osasco under order of Amyr Klink.

In a general way, for the television news nothing in Osasco is worthy of being announced unless it refers to the problems in the traffic of the junction among to Castelo Branco with Marginal, link to human suffering (tragedies and police cases) or involve strange personalities to the city (Lula, actors of Rehearsal on the Blindness and Amyr Klink). The economical importance of Osasco (attested even by IBGE and for the increase of the collection during the crisis) it is ignored. The cultural life of the city is ignored or despised.

While I meditated on the way distorted that the TV journalism uses to portray Osasco I remembered Pierre Bourdieu words:

"The original relationship with the social world the one that is accustomed, it wants to say, for which and for which are done, it is an ownership relationship, that implicates the possessor's ownership for what he possesses." (THE SYMBOLIC POWER, Bertrand Brasil, 11st edition, p. 83)

What image do the TV journalists possess of Osasco? Everything indicates that it is just a negative image or at least so negative as for that they have been presenting in the television news - and that I summarized above.

Osasco, however, it has other images, positive images (as the collection increase during the crisis), ignored images that can be shown even to undo the impression that the city is just a stage of tragedies and police occurrences. But the TV journalists seem to be possessed by a certain image of Osasco. Will they get if it frees of their conditionings?

The homicide of Glauco, for instance, it could help to undo the negative TV journalistic image of Osasco instead of just to reinforce it. But until the present moment no TV journalist asked why Glauco chose to live exactly in the city of Osasco. For the TV newspapers the cartoonist's fact to have lived in the city it is less important than his death here.