Animal Liberationists Needed to Disrupt UCLA's Rally to Promote Vivisection

Animal Liberationists Needed to Disrupt UCLA's Rally to Promote Vivisection

by Camille Marino Tuesday, Mar. 16, 2010 at 4:03 PM

This is an alert regarding the co-founders of UCLA’s Propaganda for Science Network: Animal Mutilators J. David Jentsch, Dario Ringach, Lynn Fairbanks, Kathy Wadsworth, Megan Wyeth, Jennifer Perkins, and their Mascot, Tom Holder. Comprehensive information about this ongoing campaign is available at

In a little over three weeks, Propaganda for Science will be holding its annual rally to promote violence against animals. That gives us 25 days to figure out how to expose them at their own event. Last year they boasted 700 supporters. We do not have their numbers. But we do have passion, creativity, and dedication. I encourage your suggestions and ideas about disrupting this celebration of atrocity. Nothing is too outrageous. Email me at

I strongly encourage those of you who can have a physical presence at this rally to do so. And get your crazy old uncle out of the closet and bring him with you.

I have a few ideas about how to proceed online. The culmination of whatever we do for the next three weeks will end in a global online protest that will happen simultaneously with the April 8 demonstrations.