Announcing the Opening of a LA Area Anarchist Twitter for Regional Anarchist Happenings

by a Tuesday, Feb. 02, 2010 at 1:33 AM

Announcing the opening of a twitter for anarchist events, news & articles pertaining to the Greater Los Angeles Area.

Los Angeles Area anarchists have started a twitter to spread announcements of Greater Los Angeles Area anarchist events, news, & articles.

The twitter can be found here:

The purpose of this twitter is contribute to mass communication of anarchist happenings as well as promote news articles & analysis of local & regional happenings written from an anarchist perspective.

If there is an event you'd like to see twittered that has an anarchist tinge to it, if there is breaking news pertaining to local or regional anarchists or anarchist allies, or if there is an article you'd like to see twittered that is an analysis from an anarchist perspective on local or regional happenings, feel free to e-mail

Original: Announcing the Opening of a LA Area Anarchist Twitter for Regional Anarchist Happenings