The Transparent Cabal’ : Information Clearing House - ICH

by NOMOREWARS_FORISRAEL Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010 at 1:00 AM

The Transparent Cabal’ (about the Jewish Neocons who pushed US into the Iraq quagmire in order to secure the realm for Israel in accordance with the 'A Clean Break' agenda (access the 'A Clean Break' link at the upper right of http://NEOCONZIONISTTHREAT.COM as well).

You might be interested in taking a look at the following interview with Dr. Stephen Sniegoski (about his 'The Transparent Cabal' on the neocon war agenda) on Press TV (it aired four times last week) as Colonel Larry Wilkerson (Colin Powell's former assistant) was interviewed on the same program ('The Autograph') this week and can be viewed via the 'Watch Live' link at the upper right of and via as well:

The Transparent Cabal’ : Information Clearing House - ICH

Additional at following URL:


Also take a look at how former CIA Bin Laden unit head Michael Scheuer said (on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' recently) that the US was fighting wars for Israel in the Middle East:


Additional at following URL:


You might be interested in taking a look at the following article as well (the 'democracy' line was simply used to mask the war for Israel agenda in Iraq as discussed in Dr. Stephen Sniegoski's 'The Transparent Cabal' book):

Thinking about Neoconservatism:

Original: The Transparent Cabal’ : Information Clearing House - ICH