Argentine Power: “Nothing will matter, only money”. “The perverse is not sensitive

by BAHIA NOTICIAS Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2009 at 10:14 PM by Silvia Paglioni – Translation special is carried out by Mrs. Alicia Vega (see other). Transcript of the dialogue between Dr. Graciela Gómez (lawyer) Estela Gamero (psychologist) and Silvia Paglioni, host of “It depends …” during the Micro “Echoes of Romang Informa” on Tuesday 22 December which was on FM 89.5 Las Américas. Graciela was referring to the tremendous unequal risky struggle (threats and squeeze) that is carried out by complaints to the Justice by lawyers, doctors, scientists, injured citizens and few journalist since over two years with respect the issue of pesticides, fumigation, transgenic soya, etc.., being Graciela Gómez, a lawyer and notary, one of the complainants with more courage to publicly defend the Argentine citizens who are helpless and bewildered as all their legal, civil and human rights are broken , by political power, business, foreign corporates.

Argentine Power: “...
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– Graciela Gómez: They don´t care about anything. It’s a shame, no respect for anything. The criterion of the producer is “make wrong and then pay.” There are laws that honor and respect. They dont´t care about people´s health. Nothing will matter, only money.

- Silvia Paglioni: We’re talking about allegations, substantiated allegations of professionals in all areas explaining that it affects the health, especially children .They are blinded by the money but are also supported by power. If we begin to investigate a little many Argentine politicians (in general), we find they have fields planted with transgenic soya and they do business and negotiated with foreign companies and corporations. Ministers those are in charge in areas of strategy today are who allowed the entry to transgenics and pesticides few years ago… It’s a mafia, the mafia has even more codes. It’s a cheap political corruption. We have reached a point where there are public complaints, they are presented to justice and they laugh cynically as good perverse they are. They are uploaded to the podium and feel that nobody can touch them and they will always do whatever they want.

- Graciela Gómez: In the same committee of agriculture in Santa Fe, there are two members who have 10.0000 hectares of fields planted with transgenic soya. You can´t treat a law reform if you can´t be objective. What reform can you propose if you have a field with soya?, How about ethics? One is the president of the rural society of Rafaela. They put Ethics in his pockets. They do not care. They speak in the media with “a hard face” that you can not believe it: “I worried about health. I also have grandchildren,” they say. I ask: Do their grandchildren look the sprayer aeroplane behind a window while drinking milk? ? No, because their grandchildren never will live in a sprayed field (with pesticides). They have no shame!?.

- Silvia Paglioni: Estela, you’re Psychologist and you’re listening to what we said. On a psychological level , in what pathology fits these people who laugh at the evidence and make cynical abuse of power. Who “ordered” us what to do?; Who make laws?, ” Who govern us?. Who do we pay salaries and decide for our lives?

- Estela Gamero: I do not like labels but they are perverse. Humans have three innate desires: being, having, and power. Being someone prestigious, recognized, have the best house, the best car, the best work and the desire for power. These people are basically driving by the desire of power, to dominate the other and do not care nothing. Lost their sensitivity. They do not care that are creatures who are at risk. Specifically are pathological and immersed into perversion.

- Silvia: Is there a cure?

- Estela: No, unfortunately not. The perverse is not sensitive. Some people or politicians who govern us have feelings but it is larger the power of greed and authoritarianism that have the majority that they have to go. It’s simple, or you are like them or you leave, unfortunately. Not all politicians are corrupt, some with good intentions and sensitivity but those people upset and the system expels them.

- Silvia: In conclusion we can talk for hours with them to be aware, ask them to help people and no solutions …

- Estela: No. They lost the sensitivity and to dominate is the priority

- Graciela: I completely agree. It’s what they have searched about me, harass me .. I got sick for exposing the truth; I suffered harassment by my work and Dr. Paramo´s work, we always wanted to raise people’s consciousness. They do not want you to touch their pocket and will do everything possible to stop us and in my case, they used all the methods available to them. They never thought I was going to make it public. Now they are quiet because they are on public evidence, but do not care about.

- Silvia: Well we are talking about psychiatric illness with no cure … This country is a major psychiatric open.They’re all free. Besides we pay salary to them to destroy people, pollute the environment, sell our assets, sell our natural resources, …. Also we, as a society, are responsible and a little perverse, because we know how they are, that harm children and we continue paying the salaries from our pockets.Again, we pay them for damage us and for support, their children, grandchildren, wife and lovers, to be saved and have a fabulous life. Very wicked everything.The society with its lack of commitment and courage as well.

-Graciela: There is lack of commitment to society because they see, know, you know and can not undertake.We should all condemn. There is an eco- business that also profit from this situation and I do not agree with that. The “eco business” is hypocritical, do not want to help people. They are seeking political office and only when they succeed , they will be other patients such as those already are in those politic positions..

- Graciela: It was a very tough year for me, especially for my health, but I’m proud of everything I did and do it again as often as necessary. (end)

“The desire for power and domination only arises in a sick mind. It arises from an inferiority complex. People who do not suffer from an inferiority complex is not interested in power, strives for peace. The meaning of life can only be known in a state of peace, never through the power . Anyone who is interested in power suffers from an inferiority complex . All politic is based on lies and in your fear is its power. ” Osho

Painting: “The Monster” by visual artist Julio Alessandroni. It represents the power and ambition of the “owners” of the world.

Original: Argentine Power: “Nothing will matter, only money”. “The perverse is not sensitive