by Fabio de Oliveira Ribeiro Monday, Oct. 19, 2009 at 8:34 AM

Brazilian journalists legitimate the police brutality.

Yesterday a Rio de Janeiro police helicopter was dropped to shots in the Morro dos Macacos. The "caveirão" (as the armored of BOPE is called) it went up the slope and:

"...12 people die - two policemen and 10 drug dealers... "

Impossible to know who was that it "ordained" be "drug dealers" the ten people died that were not policemen.

In Brazil the death penalty is prohibited by Constitution. The Brazilian Constitution guarantees to all (besides to the carioca drug dealers) the right to the due legal process, with production of lawful proofs, condemnation for the competent judiciary authority and execution of the penalty in the form of the Law. Public safety's agents can only fall back upon the violence in extreme cases. And the abuses that commit should be punished in the form of the Law.

Nothing of this seems to impede BOPE (special police of Rio de Janeiro) of killing people as if they were insects. The worst is that BOPE has been making this with the help of the press.

When they treat the depressed "suspects" for the it carioca police automatically as "drug dealers" or "thieves", the journalists help to legitimate the actions of BOPE. But nor all of the actions of this Elite Troop are legitimate. The own press already announced several times that many of the people died by BOPE didn't have criminal records. The cases of "collateral damages" (military euphemism for innocent victim) it has been constant.

The Lawyers of Rio de Janeiro already manifested concern with the operations policemen in the carioca hills:

"It attempts to the problem, OAB/RJ (the lawyers' of Rio de Janeiro organization) it sees with caution the strategy adopted by the government to destabilize the actions of the drug traffic in the slums of the city. We "supported any government initiative of combat to the crime, since inside of the law, with regard to the human rights and in protection to the communities in which those operations grow. The forces policemen should not act as executioners of that population, that is already oppressed by the drug traffic. We also want that, with the action policeman, come the citizenship, in other words, social programs, school, health and job. The resident cannot be impeded in his right of to go and to come. Otherwise, we will be backing an action illegitimate policeman", it emphasizes the president of Seccional, Wadih Damous."

The restrictions of OAB/RJ seem not to inhibit the carioca policemen. The images done yesterday indiscriminately of a policeman playing pepper gas in the pedestrians prove this. Even so no journalist protested against this abuse practiced against those that should be protected for the police.

There is some time published a text treating than that called Carioca Nazism.

Didn't the Brazilian journalists still notice that, to their German friends' of the decade of 1930 example, they are the laborious workers that help to create these bad representations that allow the people to be executed?