Do Cell Phones Really Cause Cancer?

by Jeff Saturday, Sep. 26, 2009 at 3:39 AM

Cell phones use a form of radiation called radio frequency (RF) to send their signal. This RF radiation is regulated by the FCC, and has been deemed safe by a number of government and private scientific studies. However, some studies have found that the radiation from cell phones may increase the chance of developing cancer and other health problems.

In 2008, the $148.1 billion wireless industry had over 270 million subscribers in the US (87% of the population) who used over 2.2 trillion minutes of call time.

The radiation levels in cell phones, known as radio frequency (RF) radiation, are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Although the FCC and many other US government agencies consider cell phones to be safe when used properly, there is an accumulating amount of scientific research showing that cell phone use may cause cancer, disrupt pacemakers, decrease fertility, damage DNA, and increase the risk of traffic accidents.

According to the FCC and other government agencies, the majority of scientific studies indicate that there are no adverse health effects from cell phone use. Some scientific studies have pointed out that claims of cell phone dangers, such as cancer and driving risks, are exaggerated or based on faulty research.

To read the pro and con arguments and the studies concerning this issue please take a look at Cell Phones The site is non partisan, contains no advertising, does not require registration, and is produced by a 501 (c)(3) non profit organization.