115 signatures in 4 hours at farmers market

by California Cannabis Initiative Sunday, Sep. 20, 2009 at 2:35 PM
tim@californiacannabisinitiative.org 916-889-6130

Saturday morning farmers market + 4 hours = 115 signatures on CCI Petition to legalize marijuana

Download CCI PetitionSaturday morning farmers market + 4 hours = 115 signatures on CCI Petition to legalize marijuana

I arrived at the Saturday morning farmers market that is held in the back parking lot of Country Club shopping center a few minutes before 8 AM and set up my ironing board to go to work. In a few minutes I was asked to leave by a person identifying herself as manager of the event. I politely declined but offered to move if that would help. She said no and after a brief discussion about constitutional rights she left to call security.

When security arrived I calmly explained that because the market was freely open to the general public I had a right to be there to circulate a petition for a ballot initiative that had been approved by the Attorney General and I would not leave until I was done. Soon security left to call the Sheriff.

When three armed Sheriff's officers showed up I again stood my ground and after a bit they agreed I was right except that the ironing board had to go. Reluctantly, I agreed to put the ironing board away, however now a small crowd had gathered around the commotion and as soon as the officers left several crowded around to sign my petitions!

After I folded up my ironing board and put it in my truck I grabbed a couple clipboards and returned to the marketplace. Despite the disruption and handicap of being limited these two clipboards I collected 115 signatures in 4 hours this morning and had a rollicking good time doing it.