Jim Gilchrist Supporter Arrested for Murder

by Fredric L. Rice Sunday, Jun. 14, 2009 at 10:22 AM

The rise of right wing Christian terrorism has resulted in two more murders and the arrest of another Gilchrist supporter.

More on this Gilchrist supporter here:


These self-proclaimed "militia" right wing extremist cults are a growing security threat to the safety of normal American citisens, riding a wave of increased domestic Christian terrorism in the aftermath of the Presidental Election which has seen a black man elected to the White House.

Extremism in Southern California is on the rise:


In the 1970's and early 1980's, Christian terrorism at women's health clinics culminated in new laws being passed for the health and safety of citizens, and after numerous felony prison sentences handed down against domestic terrorists, such crimes slowly fell below the daily radar of the nation's news.

Now with Obama in the White House, right wing extremist cultists have been purchasing fire arms in record quantities and hate spew from Republican hate radio and television such as the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly have soared.

With the latest wave of right wing murders and terrorism, the nation's worse threat has quickly become from the right wing once again.