I had enough and I am my brother's keeper

by Liane Sunday, Mar. 15, 2009 at 10:40 PM

People have to understand, this is one last chance to ascend, this time, there will be no time to individual ascension, we either go together, or we go nowhere.

I had enough and I am my brother's keeper."

Hello family,

A while ago I remember we were talking about the healing power of the phrase," I had enough".

I guess today is my day.

I had enough. I had enough of my share of people that just want to do role playing, and forget that we still are living in the "REAL " world, and that we have Karma and responsibilities to each other. I had enough of certain "Spiritual Organizations " that are going around saying that we do not need to feed children , or help the wold, because this is just an illusion, and then say" All we need is to be Christ like". I beg your pardon, this preposterous and very much self centered.

What is to be Christ like? Did Christ ever feed the poor? or delivered console, comfort and healing to all? Did he tried to bring awareness of the Universal laws and equality for all? did he not cure the sick ones and embrace the Tax collectors, prostitutes , and marginals of society?

Or Did he stay behind closed doors, working on his own ascension? Did he refuse to help anyone , because he had to reserve time to himself?

I do not think so, I do not think either that he would approve that, he made this statement on his Sermon of the Mountain, he did say many times that any that would help the least of his brethren, would have helped him himself. Every time he needed a time out, he isolated himself and prayed , for help, guidance and directions, not to be relief oif his duties and purpose. He never professed or did that. What are those spiritual People talking about?

So what is this? Is this to be really Christlike?

To me, this absolutely new age speech is nothing but LUCIFERIAN,

self centered and absolutely against the laws of the universe, to say the least, the law of ONE.

So some new age organizations say if you think about those things you get attached to 3d.. I could not disagree more. Since when not thinking about real facts will make them go away by themselves? Try to ignore the problems of your life and let them resolve themselves, see if they work? It is the same to say that your bills will pay for themselves, it DOES NOT WORK this way!

Rememeber, Lucifer was once an Angel of Pure light, te most beautiful one in heaven... they say!

I run from people that say they solely have the secret of the Universe, and if you give them some money, they would gladly initiate you, or give to you your ascension codes . Nobody has the keys of your ascension but yourself.

There are techniques that can help you achive it, but they do not belong to anyone. Neither any of us have soleley the power , or the codes of the Universe, never believe that. This is the biggest lie and deception you can get yourself into.God loves diversity and he admires his creations, his is the reason we have many "sons' Of God that came, Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed, Zoroastro, and the list goes on.

I personally do not believe that any of the ascended Masters will see the reason to give and assist a group of lightworkers

and give them the privilege to help others in exchange of money, being masters, they know that you cannot measure a honor or merits of soul by their level of wealth, list of real stated properties or their bank accounts.

So why we still believe this "new concept that we NEED to be selfish in order to ascend? I am so tired of role playing...

Lets pretend we already ascended, so we can show off, and that we have this and that... that we post the best Myspace repost from other authors and show how much enlighten I am... BS!!!

In our last blogtalk, I asked Jennifer Hoffman, what was her opinion, and what hapopened with all the simple guides we all have, what happened with our personal guardian angels? Why everyone now just say they channel Archangel Micheal, and Metatron?

In my opinion, in order to receive those powerful energies, you have to have the body prepared to handle them, they are high vibrational being with very low density, it is hard to have their energies to stick in ones, energy body. I am not say people can't do it, I am saying that in order to do so, you have to master some degree of purity in your body.

Many lightworkers fall for the use of drugs to "reach higher states" ,I do not see the advantage of this, unless you are a Shaman and you are doing a sacred ritual, other then this, I tell you no one can go back to God using Drugs. Use them if you think it is ok with you, but know that this is also one of the traps of the VEIL, and the use will not release you from what you think 3D is.

I know, many will be mad at me, but again, I had to come and say those things because I had enough.

People have to understand, this is one last chance to ascend, this time, there will be no time to individual ascension, we either go together, or we go nowhere.

Remember the law of one, whenever you are doubting your purpose and the pathsways, rememeber the law of one, when one gets healing all get healed.

I am sorry to say , I am old school and I take those things seriously,

I believe We are always our Brother's keeper.

I said enough.

In deep respect,


Original: I had enough and I am my brother's keeper