Messages of love~ listen to your heart

by dancensun Monday, Mar. 02, 2009 at 7:48 AM

Ah, what a great gift this angel has given you, the gift of silence, a treasure beyond all imagining, and the power to give it to yourself whenever you choose.

Messages of love~ listen to your heart
We are with you always and eternally. When you call upon us we do not come from somewhere else to now be with you. It is really not the way you may be imaging. It is not really the way it is represented in paintings or picture of angels descending from heaven to you. We do not come from somewhere else to be with you. That is a more primitive understanding of the process. It is an understanding whose time has come for you to drop.

We are present with you always and eternally. When you call upon us, what is really happening is that you are calling upon your own awareness, your own perceptions, your own consciousness to be receptive to us. Your prayers, your invocations, your meditations accomplish a shift in your own awareness, a shift in your own being, that allow you to experience our presence. We want to assure you that not only do we not go away from you to some other place, but that there is no other place. There is no other place for us to go to. We are ever-present in the being of God, which is everywhere and in all places simultaneously. Please realize that this is almost a humorous concept that we could go away from you, for there is no away from you. There is no away from God. There is no away from heaven. There is only away in your own consciousness. There is only separation in your own consciousness.

Truly, heaven and earth are one. And this is your evolution of being in heaven upon earth. You are in your own souls expression of heaven upon earth. We are fully supportive of you in this. We are completely and totally without reservation committed to you. And, again, there is not even a question of commitment on our part, for commitment implies a decision, it implies a choice. We are beyond choice, we are beyond decision, we are beyond even commitment. We are simply in being, we are simply in love, we are simply in love with you.

Here are some practical suggestions to assist you to come into greater a place of awareness and connection with us.

First, relaxation, quiet, calm and tranquility are most helpful. Take a quiet time of meditation, either sequestered somewhere where you are comfortable, safe and beyond interruption, or some place in nature, under trees, near some a stream or river. This is really your own choice as to where you feel you would be most receptive. Trust your instincts, trust your impressions and your intuition about receptive places for you and follow your own knowing in this. In this quiet place simply begin to call upon our presence, noting any sensations that you receive. Notice any sensations of tingling or physical feelings; any colours, tones, or hues; anything that is clearly beyond your ordinary senses. Just gradually allow your receptivity and your sensitivity to grow. Have no expectation around performance in this matter. This is not something you approach from a place of accomplishing in “Three Easy Steps,” or the “Ten Minute Connection with Angels Program,” or any mental concept that would dictate how you proceed.

Do trust yourself completely in this. Trust yourself as much as you are able. Trust us as much as you are able. We want you to be aware that your level of belief in us does not determine our willingness to work with you. It does not limit our power of working with you. Even if you have only a glimmering of belief, or a small amount of belief, we are able to work with you. Even if you do not mentally believe in us, even if you are uncertain about us, if you ask for the help you shall receive it.

Your belief itself can be a guide to what needs to be healed within you. Simply ask, “Where and why do I not believe in the presence of a loving, intelligent, compassionate being who would give me all that is needed for my dreams to come true?” If you ask this question the very things most in need of healing within you will come immediately to the surface. Ask us to help you with these areas and be very attentive to the results that return to you.

This is a very simple process. Bring into your awareness what you believe limits your ability to live your dreams. Offer these things up for help and assistance, becoming ever more clear about what part is yours to do in the process, and know that the entirety of what remains has been given unto us. Simply watch for the results in your life, in your relationships, in your health, in whatever you need and require assistance for.

We are conveyers of grace, gentleness, kindness, sacredness, warm regard, warm care, lightness of being, buoyancy, joy, and love. These are our calling cards. When you feel any of these things, you shall know our presence. You shall know that we are working in your life.

This is given to you in complete love, devotion, and service to you. May you receive all the blessings of heaven, the blessings of Creator upon you.”

In love and devotion,
-The Archangels

Dear Ones. We are all around you. We believe in
you even when you don't believe in your self. We see you when you "beat" your
self up. We wish to remind you of the Greatness that resides within. You are as
precious as a new-born baby and a flower in full bloom. You have a uniqueness
that the world needs. Let your being ness be shown to the world. Allow the
Divine Light of God/Source to flow through you. Be your higher aspect when you
connect to God/Creator. Know that your light shines forth brightly. Your Divine
Spark is the God aspect within. Be who you truly are. Be the Greatness that you
are. Bless your hearts.
God said:

Whatever on earth inspires you, know that it is I. Art, music, friendship, love, nature, science, embroidery — I am behind them all. They are all cover-ups for Me. Beneath them all I am. They are messengers drawing you to Me. I am the surprise behind the curtain.

Whatever inspires you on earth is a glimpse of Me.

Be inspired to find Me. Look everywhere. Am I not in the moving branches of trees? Am I not in the wind? In the sky that gazes upon the trees? In the Sun above that brightens and nourishes the trees?

Am I not the sunlight that shines on you?

Am I not your crowning glory?

Am I not the inspirer of everything? And are you not My inspiration?

I did not sacrifice you to earth. I carefully placed you here, complete with instructions on how to get back. I am included in your instructions. What drawer have you perhaps put Me in?

Take Me out.

You cannot truly lose your instructions, but, anyway, I will give them again.

I am encoded in your heart. Press your hand to your heart right now, and you will find Me right where I have always been, waiting for your attention to return to Me.

If I am in your heart, I am in every heart.

If I am in your heart, I am in every cell of your body, for I am the God of Life.

Made in My image, you contain Me. You are not just a drawing of Me. You are a true reflection, only you have let other things get in the way of your mirror. You may not have put them there, but yet they are yours to put aside.

You are My image in a clear pool of Light. This may be hard for you to see because, like white on white, light on light is not always discernible. It may be necessary to shift the angle from which you look.

Light shines through leaves. Do you think that My light cannot shine through you?

Do you really think that you are dense matter and that My light cannot penetrate or emanate? What folly is this? You are My light made visible. My light can shine through anything. My light diaphanous shines through you.

You may need bigger eyes to see. Openness will make your eyes bigger. Of course, your heart and eyes are connected. Everything is connected, and you are connected to Me. My reflection falls on you.

Oh, beloveds, if you would only know Our bonds of love. You are the certificate of Our love. You are the evidence of it. You are My appearance on earth, don't you know that?

Christ knew he was. Buddha and all the others knew that. Secure in that knowledge, they could walk the earth and deliver My light to all. More than their words, more than their appearance, more than their presence — it was My Presence that they gave. They gave only Me. They gave My light to My light. They saw well. They saw only My light, and that is what they gave.

And that is what you are to do. First, see My light within you. My light is coursing up your spine right now. My light flashes from your fingertips, from your eyes. My light emanates from every pore. What do you think your pure aura is but My light?

There are many angels who walk the earth, and I am telling you, all who read this, that you are one of them. All angels come from Heaven, and from Heaven you came, and now Heaven you reveal.

Earth changes are taking place world-wide, as Mother Earth twists, turns and stretches — she is growing and adapting to the vibratory changes just as all life upon and within her is doing. As Mother Earth changes she does it with bursts of energy just as you do.

Do not fear the earth changes going on. You will be where you are to be when these changes take place as long as you listen to your higher-Self — listen to your inner nudging and follow your heart.

The entire Universe is changing not just planet earth. Everything is changing faster than you can even imagine. The communication and the contact so desired between the earth and off earth civilisations will happen, how soon is dependent on mankind. This event alone will cause much change to take place in the world. Belief systems will change radically. It will give people a whole new way of looking at historical events. It will bring unity to the entire world. Mankind will no longer see himself as the center of the universe — the only intelligent life form in the universe. Racial and religious barriers will come down. Political persecution and control will cease to be. It will not all happen overnight, but it will happen, peace and harmony will reign on earth once more. You must be patient and persevere. All things happen in due time. Nothing happens by accident — all is in Divine Order.

Man has long lived as a totally threatening life form. It is time to mature, to grow out of the tribal warfare mentality. To stop the killing of each other, the destruction, the maiming, the injuring. It is time to stop all the violence. It is time to take a stand for what you believe in. Stop teaching the young that violence is the way to handle all disagreements through video games, movies and television programs . . . even cartoons. Can you not see what it has created? Children killing children. Children killing parents. Parents killing children. Children killing themselves. STOP IT NOW!

We who come from beyond this earth see this. We know that man has long destroyed those things they do not understand. This is why your space families don't come. Why they don't land upon this planet.

Mankind is now beginning to see the 'light' so to speak, and accept there is far more beyond their world than they previously believed and are more accepting that we of other worlds come in peace.

It seems to be a common thread among those who dwell on earth that no one even knows their neighbour unless a catastrophic event takes place, then all are drawn together out of a common need. That is a shame when you think about all that is missed. Reach out, meet and get to know those who share the same world you do. Some are doing that with the internet where they can reach not only next door but around the world, but many are even using that tool to send fear and misinformation into the world, to create chaos and destruction. People must learn to conquer their fears and stop spreading them to others. Once they become master of their fears their fears will leave them alone. For what you fear you draw near unto yourself. And as I have said time and time again . . . the truth is . . . there is NOTHING to fear except fear itself.

All living things upon this planet are mutating, adjusting and adapting to the changes taking place, just as you and I are. Some are ascending and leaving planet earth for other worlds. All must learn to live in harmony and balance. Every plant, every animal, every bird, every insect — all living things, are trying to teach you what they have to share with you — you must only listen — learn to hear — and then share what you learn with others.

There are many lightworkers on this planet, many beautiful souls trying their best to repair the damage done by those who came before them. Heed the warnings given by all around you. Listen with your heart. Feel with your entire being. See with your inner sight.

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Blog Entry Just for fun Feb 7, '09 4:53 PM
for everyone

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Blog Entry Imagine a powerful gold and red flame of energy running up and down your spine Jan 20, '09 9:06 AM
for everyone

Take a deep breath in exhaling fully.

I want you now to notice that deep in the depths of this water a light begins to emerge, a golden light, and all of these marine creatures around you begin to energetically pull you into the depths of the water, Lord Poseidon and the Mermaids following you, the Seahorses still moving around you. As you are taken into the depths you move deeper and deeper into the realms of your most intelligent self, into the depths of love that exist beyond the human ego, beyond the human personality and identity, beyond the human nature into the sacred energy of you that which exists beyond human form. Beloved ones you enter a world of exquisite light, a world so filled with the most profound love and wisdom you have ever experienced that the conscious mind cannot compute it all in its fullness therefore, just imagine, indulge in your wildest fantasy of this great fantastic world beneath the sea and step in and in this world are beings unlike you have ever seen before, energies that you have never felt before, crystals, lights, colours and sounds your human self has never experienced before, and even your imagination cannot experience the full extent of where you are currently at energetically.

This energy is already being absorbed into your emotional body and over the next forty-eight hours it will very gently be injected into the coded energy templates of higher intelligence stored within your DNA. These worlds have been opened up to you now because you are ready to move beyond the limitations of the world you have known up until this point.

Take a deep breath in exhaling fully. As this Second Ascension Wave brings your emotional body the most profound healing experience of your lifetime and many other lifetimes, Mother Earth’s body will undergo the same profound emotional body healing, and this wave washes through the darkest realms of every living being.

I want you to move through this sacred world beneath the ocean. I, Kuthumi, accompany you as does St Germain and Master Jesus. Mary Magdalene, Goddess Guinevierre and Goddess Jezebel are present. We take you now to a place in the centre of this world. In the centre of this world is a vortex of golden energy, even though it is a vortex you are able to stand in the centre without falling in, we accompany you to the centre of this vortex. All the marine beings are still present as are the twelve Mermaids, Lord Poseidon and the Seahorses.

As you are held suspended above this vortex close your eyes and begin feeling a powerful surge of energy coming toward you from the centre of this vortex penetrating the chakras of the soles of your feet, coming up your legs and bursting into your base chakra rushing up all the other chakras and exploding out of your crown chakra.

Take a deep breath in exhaling fully as another rush of this energy comes up. This will happen two more times.

Emerging from this vortex is an almighty being of wisdom. This being is filled with such empowering wisdom and light it takes your breath away. I want you to feel the power of this being, to try and use your imagination to create some kind of connection with just how powerful this being is and to allow yourself to completely surrender to that wisdom and love. This being’s energy moves through your body, around your body, it moves inside of your body and enfolds you in its essence.

You have earned the right to merge with this powerful, more advanced and deeper essence of wisdom and love, for it is wisdom and love that becomes the theme of your life as you step through into the Second Ascension Wave. It is through wisdom and through love, through love and through wisdom that you will master the plan that lies before you. It is through these two energies that you integrate more of the qualities of the master alchemist and you liberate yourself from the prison of ignorance.

Take a deep breath in exhaling as you relax your body and be still. As you are still over this vortex the dolphins and the various species of whale now begin to sing in their unique voice. As the vibrations of their sound are emitted a massive shattering begins to take place; this shattering, beloved ones, is the shattering of a matrix of energy that has been attached to you for millennia, this shattering of this particular matrix could only happen now, you had to be fully prepared for it.

The voices of these mammals send out a message to all the worlds within the marine world and the worlds that exist beyond the marine world that you have chosen to walk through the gateway of the Second Ascension Wave. As the sound of their exquisite voices increases and amplifies I want you to become aware of a light coming down from above you as if the Heavens were opening to welcome you. As the light gets brighter it connects with your crown chakra and moves into your heart chakra, it creates twelve exquisite spirals in your heart chakra before it moves down into your base and all the way down to the very depths of the vortex upon which you are suspended.

Breathe in deeply exhaling fully.

Beloved ones this light now begins to lift you up, it lifts you up higher and higher. The sound of these sea creatures accompanying you, Mother/Father God holding you within the sacred essence of where you are going and where you have come from. Feel your energy moving up higher and higher as your spirit returns to the stars – the place from whence you come.

The light completely absorbs you and you find yourself cocooned in a liquid golden egg; this is the vessel that transports you through the dimensions of time and space and will place you within the new world on the other side of the ascension gateway. You will be incubated within this golden egg for forty-eight hours and then you will step into this new world, an inner world, that will be reflected back to you in the external world.

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale. I want you to settle within the warmth and comfort of this golden egg and to completely surrender yourself to the power of the wisdom and love that now enfolds you, and for these forty-eight hours all of us will undergo the initiations of the Golden Temples that Lord Maitreya, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek have been preparing for us. The Elohim of All That Is will oversee this process and your Monad celebrates your return, another level of your return to innocence, the inner sense of the all-knowing almighty I Am Presence.

As I continue my transmission I ask you just to remain within this golden liquid. The ocean creatures continue with their sound, this sound embodies sacred codes, keys, letters of the ancient sacred languages that have never been released into the Earth energy field before. These are being brought into your body first where you will learn about them, where you will master them through your earthly experience and then and only then will they be released into the physical world. These will come through you, these unique codes, these divine letters, sacred names and keys to freeing the soul from the prison of ignorance. You have earned this right, your perseverance and your patience has paid off, you are the ones that bring the Golden Age into this level of manifestation now. You are the ones holding these keys and it is through your Earth walk, the journey through the gauntlet, your walk through the fire, through the density, through the darkness, through that which is often considered evil that you will leave your mark, that the imprint of light will consume that darkness transmuting it, absorbing it where it can be healed and the realms of darkness that have their right to exist will no longer be a part of your existence and this, beloved ones, is the onset of what is considered the two Earths; the separation of these existences in terms of the consciousness that motivates you, the directives that you receive from that intelligence that supersedes the human nature, the earthly identity and the perceptions, beliefs and attitudes and ideas that you have taken on as a human being identified by your name, your status, your gender and your life experiences.

As this wave expands beyond all of those earthly things, concepts and ideas, you discover the new world we have been speaking of and as worlds separate and new worlds collide (in a positive way) you will see how the chasm between your old life and your new life grows greater and greater and it is not about denial, it has nothing to do with running away from that, all it is, beloved ones, is the distance between the old and the new growing further and further apart.

This is a great time for Earth’s spiritual history, it is a wonderful time for the awakening of the human soul and this is one of your greatest walks to freedom for now you come to a point where you can truly understand the power that exists within the application of love and wisdom, wisdom and love, whichever way you choose to see it. You will also begin to understand that all that is, all that ever was and all that ever will be is love, and the many facets of its essence.

Over the months that lie before you, you will have great revelations regarding your inner world and how it plays out in your external world. You will move further and further away from the dramas of the old paradigm. At times you may feel rather detached from the old world as if you are sitting in “Heaven” so to speak looking down upon the world observing the chaos, the hecticness and the craziness of the human drama of those souls locked within the game, imprisoned by their ignorance, then you will see just how empowered you have become. You will be grateful, truly grateful for your new position so to speak. Always remember that this position is one of humility not one of the power to wield your authority on those who at this stage do not know what you know and do not understand the game of life as you do, for these new codes come through, you will see that this new position puts you in a position to serve with love and wisdom and always with a humble heart.

Beloved ones this is an extraordinary time, the world that you have stepped into will reveal to you just how extraordinary it is and how extraordinary you are beyond the human form and you will learn why it is so important to bring the Monad’s energy into form, into the world of form through your human form. Much more than that I cannot say, the concept cannot be understood but you will get it when you see it unfolding.

And so it is, beloved ones, that we end the transmission at this point. The energies that you are cocooned in now are of a very high frequency. Your dreams may be extremely energetic, perhaps very lucid, some of you you may not remember anything – it doesn’t matter, what is important is that you have done this and that you are ready for the next leg of this journey.

My love and my protection are with you, I too along with St Germain and Master Jesus now walk into the realms of our next level and we too undergo the cocooning that you are currently experiencing. We will remain connected to you as always and we welcome you to our world, a new world and we rejoice with you.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.
This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged. To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit
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Blog Entry Imagine a powerful gold and red flame of energy running up and down your spine Jan 20, '09 8:57 AM
for everyone

Imagine a powerful gold and red flame of energy running up and down your spinal column, this is your life-force; the empowering energy that has always existed within you. This energy becomes more tangible now, you become more conscious of it because many veils have fallen, many outdated beliefs, attitudes and perceptions have been released. You have already acknowledged aspects of yourself that you never knew existed and this was not such a long time ago.

I want you now to take a moment to give thanks for every challenge you have experienced, for every tear you have shed, for every moment of woe, of grief and of sadness. Give thanks for every dark night of the soul that you have endured for it is all of those experiences that have made the cracks in the walls of defence that have burnt through the veils of illusion and broken down the constructs of ignorance and revealed to you the inner wisdom, revealed to you the inner tutor, shown you the higher intelligence of the advanced aspects of your divine self that have guided you, guarded you and gifted you.

The Earth walk is one of the most challenging any soul can choose to undertake. It is the most stringent school of learning, it is a place where the soul is stripped bare, left with nothing but the potential to gain everything. Your journey into reclaiming the treasures that exist within love and wisdom that empower you as a spirit, as a being of light is now before you, not to say that you have not being doing that already, but now it is a time where you “swim with the big fish”, you move out of the dam, you have moved along the rivers, the streams, the lakes and now it is time to enter the vast ocean of life, of Spirit and you dive deep into the essence of Father/Mother God.

Feel your energy as it moves from the dams along the streams and the rivers and into the lakes and feel your energy moving into the great oceans becoming one with the vast body of divine wisdom and love represented by the seas and the oceans of your Planet.

There are worlds that exist beneath the waters that no one has yet discovered. There are things that lie in the depths of Mother Earth’s body hidden by water, protected by water that would blow your mind and for this reason cannot as yet be discovered but they do exist. You, precious ones, are now moving into those depths.

I want you now to imagine yourself beginning to move into the deep water of the ocean, bear in mind that your body can now withstand the pressure, that you will not be subjected to the effects of the depths that you will now delve into. Do it gently, pause if you need to.

While you move into these depths there are two hundred and twenty-two Orca Whales who join you, three hundred and thirty-three bottlenose dolphins, four hundred and forty-four Humpback Whales, five hundred and fifty-five Beluga Whales, six hundred and sixty-six Manta Rays.

Breathe in deeply as these beings connect their energy field to yours. These marine creatures hold within their energy signatures a vibration so pure, so pristine that it is able to penetrate the densest human ego motivated and base, ignorant and dark part of self. Feel these energies penetrating this part of you and you will find now that you become suspended within the water surrounded by these energies, which amplify the presence of light that exists within you.

These energy pulsations penetrate all the alternate and parallel aspects of yourself, the most dark part of yourself, the most evil deed that you have ever committed in any of your life experiences is now penetrated by this pristine energy of pure unconditional love, light, wisdom and intelligence.

Lord Poseidon enters this field of energy and hovers in front of you, twelve Mermaids accompany him. These beings also begin to emanate sound vibrations that can only be perceived through the body of water, this opens the emotional body inside of you and allows those dark aspects of yourself to be touched and to be penetrated by this love.

One hundred and eleven Seahorses begin dancing around you, their dance creates another beautiful energy pattern and this pattern is a system of communication, which is being given to them by your Monad. This is the first time this pattern is being encoded into your energy field and this allows the emotional body to move beyond the paradigms of the old world, specifically the Piscean Age, and as this fluid body of yours steps into this safe place of knowing that you are being motivated by this part of you that is one with God a wall of defence falls away. As this wall drops you are not left fragile and vulnerable you are left strong, empowered, revitalised, re-energised and reconnected with this powerful part of you – your Monad.


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Blog Entry Memories of Winter 2008-2009 Jan 12, '09 12:12 AM
for everyone

The beauty and wonder of Ice and Snow.

Amazing Ice Sculptures.

2008 Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival in Harbin, China

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Blog Entry A Message from Archangel Gabriel Jan 10, '09 9:23 AM
for everyone

A Message from Archangel Gabriel

The winds are blowing. Sound is coming like trumpets that sound the
coming of change, the movement of new perspective. I am the announcer
of what is in need of being heard. I am known as Archangel Gabriel.
I speak with wind. My presence opens minds to hear what needs to be

The coming of change has been announced in many ways but it is still
in motion, for the awakening to change is subtle within the mind and
the heart of all who hear. The announcement is what appears as
concerns for the ending of Earth is no longer a threat of humanity or
Earth. The movement is to bring what has been called upon through the
ages past, the ability to live in peace as individuals, as nations, as
humanity’s awakening to its Higher Consciousness of Christ Light, the
enlightenment of all beings that walk through the conditions of human
experience into the integrated self with Divine Love.

Some have seen me as though I walk and appear in moments of their
life. Others have perceived through dream states that there is a
shift in motion within themselves, as though the body, the mind,
whatever, is raising itself in subtle ways but you sense you walk in a
new wave of light.

Some of you are seeing other beings from other dimensions of light and
appearing to them on other levels and planes. It surprises you how
simple that becomes. Some of you are seeing familiar faces you have
lived with in human life. Some of you are experiencing information
that confirms your senses and readiness for change.

I come to affirm and confirm you are moving through the old
consciousness of fear. You are breaking through the impact of
struggle. You are seeing your soul mates, your children, their lives
coming to a state of new beginnings in their path. Courage is needed
when it appears that the darkness is greater than the light. Courage
is needed when what you see is opposite to what you desire and require
for peace. But you must see through the eyes of the “I AM,” that the
Law of Cause and Effect is manifesting in all that is.

The effect is the result of the seeds that have been planted long
before it was ripe to occur. But for every seed that has brought its
own result, there are new seeds planted in mind and in heart.
Cultivate the seed of wisdom and truth. Cultivate the seed of trust
and love. Cultivate the seeds of peace within and the more these
seeds are nurtured by light, the stronger the seeds grow as results of
new consciousness.

So the seeds of peace have been planted in the hearts of many, born as
carriers of this intent of Planet Earth. You are part of the armies
of those who came to initiate the true state of humanity’s evolving to
its higher state. You look at the opposing conditions and it becomes
questionable in your mind. Look past what appears and focus on
resolution through the act of insight and creativity that is
transmitting information for the greater good. You are concerned for
resources. You are concerned for all things that appear to be in a
devastating diminishing aspect of life but what no longer remains is
replaced in new ways, as letting go is required a

So in the moment, see inside of you, your body is receiving what it
needs, what requires its state of renewal, upliftment and change.
Some of you face uncertainty in the physical body that carries pain or
conditions as results of past activity. Your bodies are renewal,
rejuvenating, they can respond by many ways through light, by thought,
through intervention and spiritual evolution.

So in this moment, as your body is in a struggle to become pain free,
whether it is in the bones, in the muscles, in the tendons, in any
aspect of your physical consciousness, in this moment accept pain
diminishes. Light fills the senses. The body responds receptively to
a shift and change internally. Where there has been devastating
conditions, painfully causing an irritation of self, fill it with
vibration and light. Visually see the repairing taking place and the
restoration is complete in its time for its healing.

All is in motion together as I speak; perceive the light of you is
connected with each and all surrounding you. In the ethers of the
Higher Self, in dimensions of Higher Being, in physical senses, feel
the power of light as love. Note that what you need seems
replenished, what you require seems fulfilled. Open to this as a true
source of change.

Now for many that you know, in this moment see them in light with you.
Whether they are friend or family, son, daughter or others, they are
a part of what we speak. They can connect by way of their
receptivity. The outer may seem difficult, uncertain but the more
the inner is touched by light and the more the outer will reflect its
consciousness. There is no prison so dark that the light cannot come
in. There is no place so dark that the essence of light cannot affect
its expression. Be the light. Experience its flow and accept its
power magnified.Now for turmoil and struggle in all of the inhumane
conditions of life, just see leadership is touched by new
perspectives. Leaderships of countries, humanity’s needs for change
is reckoned with, by openness to healing and light.

Now, the radiance of energy, like a Rainbow of light is being
transmitted into all aspects surrounding the earth. You may sense
that you are overseeing as though you are connecting with networks of
light that are radiating energy for earth and all its needs. Be. Be
the network. Feel the rappore, the link, the acceptance, the love and
the power, it is all and aspect of communion in light.

Know there is no time in these dimensions of healing; there is only
the now in which all eternally continuing. There is no separateness
between love and being. Being in these planes is a statement, a
presence of love.

So know this as you see that as Angels on Assignment, you are
projecting light for all humanity. There may be those whose names
come to you, who are depleted and distraught and blinded by the
oppositions. There may be those, in need to resurge their personal
mission, they come as a thought and an image by you and you are one of
their true guardians. Do not judge what others go through; rather see
they are in need of who you are and what you do.

I am a breath away. I am a thought away. I am in the heart. I am
part of you. I speak as Archangel Gabriel but the voice of all that I
am is a sound you hear in you. There will be peace. Walk as though
it already is.

Project Light Tel Conferencing will begin 3rd Sunday of January 1:30
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Blog Entry A Gift from an Angel Jan 10, '09 9:15 AM
for everyone

A Gift from an Angel

Today, you will receive a gift from an angel. A precious gift that you can use every day for the rest of your life.

Take a deep breath in, and then release it and let yourself drift down until you are completely relaxed.

See now that there are two angels hovering in the air before you. They are bright and beautiful, their white gowns fluttering gently from the breeze created by their slowly moving wings.

The angel on the left comes forward. She holds out a golden silk net and asks you to put into it all of your burdens from the past. And so now, do this. Give her the burdens of regret that you are carrying on your back, all of the things you wish you had done differently. Give her the disappointments and frustrations when you did not receive what you needed and desired. Hand it all over and feel yourself lighten.

And now, reach into your heart and remove the heavy stones of unforgiveness, every bit of blame and anger that lodges there, deep in your heart. Remove these stones and put them into her silken net. Feel your heart lighten.

Now the angel on the right comes forward. She also holds out a golden silk net and asks you to put into it all of your fears of the future. Take every worry and anxiety and give it to her. Remove every doubt about your abilities to handle what may come and put them into her net. Take your fear of the imagined future and hand it over.

And now the two angels fly to the heavens with their golden silk nets, full of your burdens, doubts and fears. They hold them up to the light where they are instantly transmuted into love.

And a gentle rain begins to fall on you, a rain of pure and cleansing love. Your burdens have been accepted by the light and completely resolved within it.

And now you are deeply blessed with love.

It flows and flows, soothing and purifying. You are showered with love and peace as the angels sing.

And now you feel completely cleansed, completely whole.

A third angel appears before you, brighter and bigger than the other two, her wings made of glowing light. She is holding an ancient and beautiful box of rosewood inlaid with gold and silver, etched with symbols that somehow seem familiar to you.

She opens the box and you see a great light within, a light your mind instantly yearns for. She dips a wand into the box and pulls out the light on the tip of her wand. Slowly, she then lifts the wand toward your forehead.

She pauses, looks into your eyes and asks permission to give you this great gift. You nod your head. Yes, yes, you will accept this gift.

And so, she touches the wand to your forehead.

The minute the light touches your forehead, your mind is filled with peaceful silence. It is full and delicious, satisfying, a silence unlike any you have ever experienced, a silence thick with peace and love. A silence so deep and so wide, so bright and full, that all thought recedes.

And the light within your mind is growing brighter and brighter, as you begin to see that silence begets silence and that even one drop of silence from the angel's wand can cause a brighter and brighter silence to envelop your mind, filling it so that the old ways of being and thinking have no home within your pure and sparkling mind.

And as she closes the box, the glowing silence remains in your mind, peaceful and serene.

And now she hands these gifts to you, the box of glowing silence and the wand to pull it out and place it in your mind. These are yours to keep. These are yours to have forever. And as you open the box, you see that it has been refilled with glowing light, and you know in your heart that this will ever be so.

If the light of silence in your own mind begins to dim, if old shadows begin to fill it, you can simply open your rosewood box, inlaid with the symbols of silence, dip in the wand, touch it to your forehead and instantly your mind will be filled with peace, glowing with silence, and your heart will have the space and time it needs to send healing love throughout your entire body.

Ah, what a great gift this angel has given you, the gift of silence, a treasure beyond all imagining, and the power to give it to yourself whenever you choose.