Who is ruining our families, property and business?

by AJT Saturday, Feb. 07, 2009 at 1:42 PM

When State is run as a corporation then we must ask 'who are the competitors', 'who are the clients' and most of all 'what services I need to pay for'. Close inspection however reveals this being a communist model aiming to ruin private ownership and western culture. Have a look inside to see some real grounds and examples for this conclusion.


Who is ruining our families, property and business?

After last economical recession, having started in 1990, many things have changes worse in Finland. Last time when our economy was down it split nation in two camps. We became separated. First group had those serving Finnish Government and those businesses supporting Finnish Government, and secondly group involved Civil Officials and Private Sector supporting civilians. Since we are about to have another big economical recession during the following two years, I would like to share the mistakes Finland made to benefit you and your nation. If you plan to run your private business in Finland, then I am strongly suggesting you to read this article very carefully. By doing so you may save your family, property, business, mental health and life. Big Business works together with government (like arm industry) so they can trade with nations like Finland, but you can not. This article may shock some of your and I am certain some Finnish People would like this article to be removed for their protection. However, I let you decide what is reasonable and should we carry our responsibility against the threats I have discovered existing in Finland. If you see injustice done, then I suggest you to pass on this text or WWW-link pointing to it, so as many people as possible would be familiar with these issues. It is the only protection against mass propaganda and media twisting the truth.

State of Finland has always been Chasing on Non Governmental Businesses and Businessmen, but their last invention during last economical crises was to making state run in an efficient way: Government started to use certain big private collect businesses to make their collections based on wrong judgments. So, some private companies helped Finnish Government to fulfill their disgrace dark motives. Government Officials had to make their salaries from Private Business with our motives and Civil Officials serving them. Finnish Government made an assembly line to manufacture false judgments to civilians in order to make them pay the bill and to collect privately owned property to the Finnish Government. Government Officials salaries suddenly went up and raised above those paid in private business sector. During economical recession, private sector put people on the dole, but government never does the same. This means more payments for those working for the private and those being fired from private sector. This means Finnish Government fakes people's property to themselves.

The Biggest Scam and Scandal behind the Finnish Government Scenes is Government Policy were government representatives like to run things like private sector does, by money and, by making people pay for the service they use. Only things Finnish Government ignore is a) that it is not based on civil officials free will (people are not choosing to use their service on a voluntary bases) to use these government bureau services, b) Finnish Government charges for the used services to collect money more than it pays for the Stat to produce the service and c) Civil Officials usually need to use these Finnish Government Services to remedy government official's default and place a rectification – so you are paying for the Finnish Government to correct someone's mistakes. This doesn't make any sense. Finnish State makes money by instructing their workers doing injustice. Finland's policy is 'by making mistakes you can make even more money'. And these payments apply only to Civil Officials. In Other Words Communism Works Same Way, but in a bit different concept. We may ask, is this a ingenious disguise invented by Communists or, Why is Businessmen Daily Work Ruined is this State?

There is no point of spending time in arguing with the police, prosecutor, judge and those in charge of supervision of legacy if they can not even understand the fact of private ownership and stealing. An other mark of communism in the 'legal' State of Finland. Government Officials may say what they please, but I listed some facts based on practice I came across since 1997:
* Finnish Police (local police, central criminal police, security police) assisting is making crimes.
* Police not committing proper investigation or hearing of a request (too many incompetent government officials or 'comrades' as I call these people).
* Police, prosecutor and court official making 'no reason to believe crime involved in the case' . For example if personal property like art, antique furniture, military passport, valuables have been stolen, your property have been sold on illegal bases etc.
* Court demanding criminal investigation on a property case before they accept the case in front of court, police making 'no reason to believe crime involved in the case' statement, and prosecutor's statement instructing to apply cases in to the District Court.
* Frauds are being investigated by government officials under title Notaricus Publicus in stead of a judge title. These cases belong under judge's authority. Notaricus Publicus and prosecutors make 'no reason to believe a crime' statement in cases which has been reopened later on solicitor's demand.
* Higher plus other Courts ignore government officials mistakes.
* Courts reps and those in charge of supervision of legacy ignore government and community officials' mistakes.
* Police, Courts, prosecutors and those in charge of supervision of legacy give crossing statements.
* Those bureau in charge of supervision of legacy in Finland examine only the procedures how the statement was given without investigating the issue itself.
* With crossing statements you can apply to any government bureau. Filing a complaint into European bureau is useless.
* There is no way to fire an government official in Finland committing crime as government official.
* Taxman makes tax judgments based on estimations. Inheritance cases taxman charge you of a property you do not own or have. If you ever had it, then it has been lost due to police's, prosecutor's, judge's, and other government officials' mistakes.
* Taxman collect property by using court judgments based on a property you do not have. I exists on a government paper, but in practice you do not have it or own it.
* Finnish Government interest rate is 15% (annual interest rate). You can get a car loan from store with 1,9% (annual interest rate9. So who is fooling who in this State?
* Only Police has got a privilege to decide what you have owned and what property (or was before someone stole) belongs to you. It really does not matter even you could prove you own this property (land, house, real estate, shares of a corporation, your personal property). It really doest not effect to the solution how well you clarify your ownership.

I give you three real examples (of several hundreds) to clarify my point:
1. Police lets someone inside you home in other words opens your house door to someone not owning the property) . This persons steals you property and valuables. Later she transports this property into England. According to the legal statements given in Finland, the police or person who committed this act never committed any crime.
2. Person steals your military passport. Police refuses to make a report of the issue, even the one having committed the act is know by the on who want his military passport back. Police refuses to run an investigation of the matter.
3. You own 40% of a shareholding company. One of the owners violates severel times Companies Act plus several other Acts, and this way fakes himself as the major owner of the company. You own 9 out of 3000 stocks. However, lawyer's document say you own 25%. Solicitor say you own 9 out of 3000 stocks. Police refuses to make reports of Commercial Act or any other Act violations, prosecutor do not prosecute, and the court statement say 'we need a criminal investigation before you can accept your case in front of court'. No crime has taken place and you have no place to complain.
If you noticed any injustice, or if you are allowed to own property in your nation, then I urge you to make the difference what Finnish Government reps and some civilians (living from government) say based on the facts I came across. I no longer like this nation. I no longer want to work for this nation. I find it very dummy to argue with a police, judge, lawyer or prosecutor, what I own. If you have a painting on a wall and it gets stolen, you do not spend ten years arguing with the Finnish Government what you really have owned. I find Finnish Government people either very stupid or communists based on the ideology they support.

As an end conclusion I would like you to remember these facts based on real cases:
1.Never trust to Finnish Government Police, Central Criminal Police or Security Police, prosecutors, judges or lawyers. These people's skills are overestimated. Practice has shown these people being incompetent , lacking common sense, having a political ideology similar or identical to communism.
In TV everything looks good, but practice in the only thing that matters. These people have fooled and will fool you. Media tells you what these people would like you to believe in. That's why our media in controlled by the police.
2.Never trust to Finnish prosecutors or court reps since they do not make proper investigations, they do not understand actions violating law (besides some criminal act cases), and these people prosecute only based on police's request. Practice has shown these people being incompetent , lacking common sense, having a political ideology similar or identical to communism.
3.Never trust to Finnish Court reps since they do allow only property cases were police has made investigations to proceed. These government officials handle only cases from government officials. Practice has shown these people being incompetent, lacking common sense, having a political ideology similar or identical to communism.
4.Never bring anything you own into Finland since taxman is making 'tax suggestiong' based on their skills and facts conflicting reality. You will be taxes of a property you do not own or does not exists. Taxman never checks if the property exists, everything is based on old documents violating practice. When your property has been lost due to Finnish Government screw ups, you still have to pay taxes of your property. You need to pay your taxes even you do not own anything. Finnish Government interest rate differs from market rate (mind the car example at the beginning). Practice has shown tax bureau people being incompetent, lacking common sense, having a political ideology similar or identical to communism.
5.Never bring your property into a state were owning is allowed only to the state or those serving the state as government officials. As a big corporation you may trade or use subcontractors, but if you are not big enough, then stay out or loose money.
6.Never bring your money into a state were you can not make a living by working like a dog. Everything you had, went to the taxman. Never bring your property into a nation, that do not allow you to make enough money for family, house and property.
7.Never bring you property into a state, in which a government reps can not see a property crime, or made the difference in their and our property, can not understand what owning a property means, can not understand what stealing means, or can not understand what violating someone's property means. Finland does not.
8.Never bring your ownership into a state, which public opinion and freedom of a word in reality only inside a law book, but not in practice. As an example: Show me Finnish Independend Media Server – we do not have one. It would violate those in power! Show me the media were free criticism is allowed? We do not have one. We have National Broadcast Corporation and their opinion. We have only dirt. Police is in charge of controlling Finland mass media, and it really shows like it: you may present pornography I morning radio, but one is not allowed to talk about of a dream having a family, house and wishing those guilty to be jailed! In this nation Police or some jerk places an immediate request of an article removal if I say these things in public. How many other examples you need to assure you this nation is closes to communist nation that any other?
9.Never bring your property into a state, which population is so small, that it is less than one megapol. Insiders and families make decisions here and they will make you loose for them.
10.Never bring your property into a nation, which has been manipulating free opinion and nation more adaptive towards Russia. Never bring your property into a nation, whose neighbor can black male by using their nature resources. In this way Finland judgments will always be incorrect. Never bring you property into a state, whose neighbor can assassinate you based on their law ignoring other state's law. Never bring your property into a nation were many former KGP-men are running business these days. Never bring your property into a nation were operate many corporations owner by Russia – when the wind turns you are like to be a target. If you need to trust something coming from Russia, I suggest you use their food recipe.
11.Never bring your property into a state, were people consider their eastern neighbors intellectually higher and in a better value that yours.
12.This nation can only be fruitful to third nation immigrants, thus Finnish Government Officials need loyal people to serve this nation who are not aware that you can not become rich in this nation. This nation need people from third nations to make lowest tasks for them.
13.Never bring your property into a state, were only government official is allowed to determine who can own what.
14.Never bring your property into a state, were all this happens systematically to civil officials.
15.Never bring your property into a state, were people behind this are police, lawyers, judges, and those serving on government post. You are doomed to loose.
16.Never bring you property into a state, were police system is based on Russia police system. What makes you think they would not had secured it?

Dear reader, I hope you understand you responsibility after reading this text and pass on the word of issues found in this nation. Many Finnish people lost their home, work, family and business because of our government officials (including our politicians). In fact I personally do think, that people like President Martti Ahtisaari (SDP, the peace nobelist – who were not privileged for this reward I think), President Tarja Halonen (SDP) and President Koivisto (SDP) can be considered guilty for ruining this nation. Most severe violations can be pointed towards President Tarja Halonen, who as as a lawyer and a president hasn't given any respond to these grievances.

I can not see a single reason to protect this nation (Finland) with my know-how. I can not see a single reason to use my skills to help Government Officials in the state of Finland. And most of all, I can seen all intellectuals gone abroad for the reasons I have mentioned in this article. This nation is filled with ignorant people maintaining power. I see the State of Finland The Communist State having ruined everything my grandparents fought for, my parents build and I was about to make flourish. I rather serve and build other nation than Finland. These people are bad and stupid. They take away people's homes with injustice. Things work similar to Russia in Finland.