Simple Water Mist Scrubber for Congested Freeways?

by Roxbury Wednesday, Sep. 24, 2008 at 12:45 AM

...and bring these moistened,cooled exhaust gases and particulates back down to ground level as a congealed,liquified solution or aggregate.

It may be a simple solution for Congested,Polluted Freeways? Just a simple,water-mist "scrubber" consisting of a series of poles (like light standards) that are 50 to 100 feet high,along a stretch of highway,and which,at their upper levels,eject a jetted,water mist spray above and over the surface area of a congested freeway!

The benefits would be to wet down and weigh down the rising exhaust gases from thousands of cars and trucks,and bring these moistened,cooled exhaust gases and particulates back down to ground level as a congealed,liquified solution or aggregate.This water/exhaust solution could be retrieved at ground level and disposed of or recycled.The amount of water needed would not be prohibitive financially or resource wise plus it would clean and improve a large section of the breathable atmosphere!.

Original: Simple Water Mist Scrubber for Congested Freeways?