Awakening of consciousness

by procyonlotor Sunday, Apr. 27, 2008 at 6:01 PM 450-439-8708 638 rue lord st-lin j5m 2k3 st-lin quebec canada

reality which seems to be just an illusion created from a system of beliefs which keeps us powerless

Awakening of consciousness



Have you ever imagined that other realities might exist in parallel dimensions?

Have you ever thought that we are living in a lucid dream and that we are in a coma and of what kind of reality we would find if we awoke from that dream?

Maybe the reality that we are experiencing is not real but an illusion and if we were the creator and life was only a reflection of our perception, our belief would determine in which world we are held prisoners while having one foot in a divine universe and one foot in the humans' reality which seems to be just an illusion created from a system of beliefs which keeps us powerless. But if we remember of who we are, we recover the true we and we awake from this coma, we enter God's kingdom and we recover all of our power and we realize that finally man’s limits are limited to his imagination, and that if we believe in the impossible, the impossible turns out into reality. Each and every one are experimenting different realities due to their beliefs. The one who becomes love and who does not judge and who is neutral realizes that there is only one reality which is truly real and that is love from which emanates, the divine light of the being which is us, proving that only the game of infinite patience can allow us to reach Nirvana. It is like receiving the Kabala, it provokes within us a renaissance and we become a creator of reality. The truth is that you are love.

Imagination is a powerful weapon for the one who knows how to use it.

Being conscious

A reform of culture and education is indispensable to the survival of humankind.

Only the teaching of metaphysics can save humankind.

All that you have learnt at school will be useless on Judgment Day.

Only the people who have respected again and again the teachings of the sun will have eternal life, the others will disappear in the illusion that they have taken for a reality while it was only a dream.

You, yourselves have asked to be incarnated here. Now you must recover the path which leads to God and accomplish the mission that God gave you just before you opened your eyes on this world.

I remind you that you are an arm of love.

The hand of God is everywhere people are living in love and are sharing the sacred teachings.

Nothing that you can do will change God's will which will be respected in all situations.

But you to survive the renaissance, you will be asked to be attached to the spirit of love as a mother is attached to her child.

You are living in an illusion and you believe that what you see is real.

You must watch all that you can see with a spiritual eye. Nothing which was created is good or bad, everything must be perfect because it was created by God.

Your soul is eternal and infinite, just like God.

Yield and hand over the control to the spirit.

The one who lives with a false truth is a prisoner in the material world and is denied access to the divine.

You will be judged on the intention and not on the action. About the use of your gifts, if you have used them for personal acquisitions, you will be sent to hell.

Only people who are humble and who have not judged by themselves, but through God will be flooded with magic.

The only way to reach the eternal is to leave out any judgment and simply to choose peace.

Be enthusiastic, it makes people happy and the more you apply this law, the more your magical powers will be energetic.

To be able to accomplish your mission, you have to unite with all that is, and to realize that you are all that is.

As everything is neutral, you are required to stay as much neutral as possible.

Here, there is the world that God has created and your material world. You must be aware that you exist in both worlds, but only one of these two worlds is eternal and that the material world is only temporary.

Realize that for God and for the ascending masters time is only an illusion.

Your ego is what keeps you prisoner in the material world. Without ego, reality becomes a simple fantasy and the illusion in which we live is reveled to us.

No faithless being can please God. In fact, the one who approaches close to God has to believe that God exists and that He rewards those who are searching Him.

Nothing can separate us from the love that God has for us.

The one who loves is patient and good; he/she is not envious, does not boast and is not pretentious. The one who loves does nothing that is shameful, is not egotist and shares his/her wisdom with all which are following him/her. He/she is neither irascible nor rancorous.

The one who loves does not rejoice with evil, but rejoices with the truth.

I have only one wish for you, it is that you may reach God's nation and that you may be freed from Maya's Illusion.


Indigo children are sent by the high spirit to save humankind.

Several waves of indigo children have been incarnated on earth and each of these children has his/her own magical powers

These children will be provided with a very special intuition, and instinctively will make a special connection with the Creator.

These children will be telepathic between them and the Creator intuitively. They will gather together and contribute to the spiritual awakening of mankind.

Several among them will have the power to see spirits.

Others will be able to walk through time and space.

They will become the doctors of the soul.

Several will see apparitions.

These children will teach metaphysics and the magic of love.

They will intuitively return to their true nature and several among them will be half-spirit and half-human.

They have a blue soul which attests to their love.

One of these children will be born on Tortuga Island and shall open the door to creation between 2012 and 2032.

There will be no duality in their words.

They will become all that is and they will cherish the all, knowing that they are the all.

These children will bring a revolution in mass consciousness, it will be the return to simplicity and to the respect of Gaia.

Several among them will intuitively develop telekinesis.

They will develop remote viewing.

These children will be able to separate their spirit from their body, they will be the masters of astral travel.

The angels from heaven will manifest themselves to the elected children.

They will be of an unshakable calmness and be just one with God who will telepathically guide them.

Several among these Indigo children will be able to read your thoughts.

Shamans, avatars and Buddhist monks are able to identify them.

They will perceive the present reality of humans as an illusion, because everything will be only an illusion for them.

Their perceptiveness will allow them to see the light of God in all that is.

Their faith in God and in their invisible friends will be unshakable.

Don't you want to promise me something?

I can read in the depth of your hearts.

Men can easily be cheated, but not God.

So speak to me openly and with transparency.

Are you truly and firmly decided not to expose yourself to opportunities of sin and to renounce to such a thing that had exposed you to harm,

not to have contacts anymore with those that break the peace of humanity and who are preaching war?

War is not the answer, but it is the problem.

Are you ready to choose peace?

Will you be kind again with those who used to be considered as your foes in the past?

Will you forgive so that you can regain your inner peace?

Do not forget the time that we have spent together.

Stay as much as possible silent, modest and meditative.

Return to God with your heart filled with even more love.

Even more abandoned to His spirit, and then you will find every day a new love, new benefits and new consolations inside your heart.

You alone are the master of your destiny.

God has called us to be on His side to teach you to be the master of your destiny.

You have all been chosen for a spiritual mission and to divulge peace in this dream world.

You have to become the one who is, but the only way to get there is to spiritually awake others.

Yes, we have all been chosen to work for God and to receive salvation.

God's promise is eternal life.

The only thing that opens the way to divine illumination is the desire to forgive everything to others, just like you have forgiven to yourself.

Faced by your difficulties to love and with so many failures in love, are we still able to give a coherent discourse to our contemporaries on the subject? Yes because farther than generations passing away - the human being has always remained the same with his/her aspirations and his/her needs to love and to be loved - is the deep meaning of human life, for it was modeled from God’s likeness, love. If our life’s goal is God, love is the only path to go toward God and to recover the true you and to create your own reality.

You are eternal and without ending because you are one with all that is, you are God, here is the true you.

You are here for only one thing, it is to reanimate the gift of God which is within you and has always been, and yes the God within you is the only One.

The kingdom of God is within you.

You are the sole creator of your reality and nobody can uproot yourself from your peace for there is only one reality which is eternal, and it is love.

Your sole objective is to become a spiritual creator of peace.

There is only one nation, it is God's one; only one language, it is the heart's.

Peace in the world

The lack of peace in the world is the reflection of the lack of peace within us.

While recovering confidence within us, and vibrating with love and enthusiasm, we are made healers because love erases disease and suffering.

The world has already been healed, you have nothing else to do but playing like a child, because only those who live in simplicity shall one day discover God's kingdom.

You are all that is.

You are what you create.

Just sow love only, because all that you sow comes back to you in a multiplied manner. Your thoughts always end up by becoming your reality.

To teach the art of spiritual peace is the only thing that might save the planet.

You are all that is, I stop you for a while so that you may recover your spirit.

In spite of all the challenges that we have traveled together, what I am asking you now and which stays only as a dream, I am asking only one thing that you would have trust in me for a while.

Erase your hesitations and consider that God has a plan for us.

I can see vividly the truth within you, it is still foggy for you but the sun will make the fog disappear and you, at your turn shall perceive the truth, knowing that you are all that is.

You are love.

There is only one vibration which is real, it is love.

Love only can make you eternal and free yourselves from the taming of your soul. You have been programmed to think in a way which until now was keeping you impotent. Those times

are over and you are recovering now your true nature, being equal to God and your sole wish now is to defend peace.

When you are able to love in the same manner as Jesus did, then you will realize the bigger of all mysteries and you will be able at your turn to consider yourself as an accomplished being, there will be no difference between the world you will have self created and God's world.

When the illusion reveals itself, you will know that you are real in the two worlds. Your love is the bridge that brings you from one world to the other, and it is that what the mystics have described to you when they said be in the world but not in a throng. (Translator’s note: I am not sure about those last 9 words) But I would like you to be totally present in the two worlds.

Paradise is here on this earth, exactly where you are standing now.

The holy book does not matter, what matters is to arrive to God's light.

Be aware that you are your own creation.

Sacred teaching

This is a teaching on the consciousness of Jesus.

Those who study this work will have several of their beliefs challenged.

You will be shown how 90% of what you thought was real is completely the opposite.

The goal of those teachings is to restitute your power in your hands so that you will become the master of your own reality.

You have much more to unlearn.

Nothing in this dream world is truly real.

You are caught into a multidimensional matrix and you are not aware that you are living inside several dimensions at the same time.

To succeed this mastering on yourselves, you must have three qualities: dedication, discipline and determination to change.

As you gradually get closer to the true you, the illusion through which you had been living will reveal itself.

Take notice that some of the things that you are going to read may make you angry, it is perfect like that, when it happens, you will have just discovered another false belief.

In these mini-lessons, you will be shown why things happen not to work in the way you would like them to.

The biggest problem is because you think when it would be wiser to listen to the god within you.

The higher self.

The door which leads to your dream is within you.

Nurture only thoughts which contribute to your happiness.

Do not send any contradictory thoughts.

Keep faith and hope lively within you and this hope will be realized one fine day.

Modify the only thing you have to change; it is your way of thinking.

Everything is fine already and you have always been the creator of your reality.

Truth about reality: God the creator is all that is consequently the creator expresses Himself through you.

You are an individualized part of God.

You are gifted with the ability to create your experience to be God.

Everything in your reality is created by your beliefs, change your beliefs and the reality will be modified.

You are what you believe you are.

You are the only you which exists here. As long as God is me, I am God.

God is unity, so I am the complete unity of all that is, I am not separated.

There is only one vibration which is real and it is love.

The perception that there is a lack of love within that which contains all, is an illusion based on a wrong belief.

Fear is caused by the erroneous belief that there is something that is more powerful than I am. To believe that something is more powerful than I am, is the most erroneous of all beliefs, it is responsible of all the fears.

Illness is the reflection of inner negativity; to keep an erroneous system of beliefs - in a suppressive or a repressive form - creates an inner discordance and you open the door to any illness. Stop the emotional judgment, relax and let God work for you.

Limitation is a wrong belief; there is no limit to what you can accomplish.

Limitation is the feed back of an erroneous thought, God doesn't have any limitation, and as a part of God, neither have I.

Your vibratory level creates your reality; you have a high vibratory level when you live without attachment; be an observer without judgment, accept that all is already perfect and be compassionate, yield your grasp on things and events.

Here, affirm your truth: "I am healthy, strong and resistant, I am powerful and I proclaim my godhood."

Change your beliefs, decide about what you would like to change, be specific. You are exceptionally lucky, erase your fear and stop judging. Clarify your intention, ask the spirit, your higher self, to guide you and hand over the control of the manifestation.

If you suffer physically or emotionally, it is because you are resisting something.

You are not gaining anything by clenching to this suffering; choose happiness and the acceptance of your situation.

If you resist to something, it is because you are trying to have some control and that you are afraid to loose some power. It is a wrong belief, it is impossible to lose power when I identify with God and recognize that I am God, I am powerful. God cannot ever be cut from power and neither am I; I cannot be except when I create the illusion of separation, because it has never happened

The ego: its role is to keep the illusion. When in total unity, the reality which we have been experimenting since birth becomes an illusion.

Power is reached when we reach the zero point, the central point where there is not any attachment left and when we are in a perpetual state of meditation.

Abandon is to remit all of your guilt in the hands of God and to trust Him.

You have to accept and respect any stage in anybody's spiritual path

God is your employer, He takes care of your well being and it will be so as long as you stay humble and in love and as you live without expectation.

Be joyful and realize your dreams.

To tell the truth has always been a revolutionary act.

Buddha within you is the reflection of your Christian consciousness, it is the reference which links you to the eternal spirit which has been flowing within you.

We are all the same and when you recognize yourself in me, it means that you recognize that you too are all.

Do not impose any belief to others, to each its own life, its own truth.

Last edited by simplice on Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:49 pm Post subject:


simplice, procyon-

Ok, let me fire a bullet into your eye, and while it's in flight, you "create a reality" in which the bullet does not exist.

History echoes the millions of dead who have believed in Light and Love against the physically overpowering might of various weapons; you remind me much of the Ghost Dancers(google 'em), who wore "ghost shirts" guaranteed to stop bullets by spiritual power; the US cavalry proved that they didn't, and so did the fate of the Lakota and many others.

Or the Taino.

Or the Albigensians.

Or the Cathars.

Or the Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals taken by the Reich.

Or Cambodians.

Or Ugandans.

Or Iraqi's.

Or Afghani's.

Or Palestinians.

So when you prove that spiritual power overcomes firepower on the material plane, I will believe you.

Warmest regards-


Last edited by Hatman on Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 24 Sep 2003

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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:46 am Post subject:


When answers are confined by limited perspective questions it's hard to communicate, Hatman.

Does intent only matter on the physical plane?

should we live our life in fear to stay a while longer on the physical plane?


- "Compassion with Equanimity"

- "Above all, to thyn own self be true"

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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:21 am Post subject:


If you don't agree with the overall perspective of the forum, Hatman, why be here ?! Perhaps you'd like the Wingmakers forum much better ! They're always fighting about something !!


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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:21 pm Post subject: Magic Bullets


When I was a kid I met a guy who boasted to me that he had been fired upon by a German firing squad at the end of WW II, years later he was still alive and fit.

13 years ago I met Rwandans who had lived through the genocide where 15% of their countrymen had been killed in 100 days. I think they were 7th day Adventists, after the genocide they were thinking just as before it about their entrance exams to the university. One of these young guys told me that he thought during this period that he was living Judgment Day.

Later I met a South Korean who fought alongside the US Army in Vietnam when he was 18. When he spoke about the battlefield he just emitted the sound of bullets flying.

This sound was almost exactly reproduced to me by a young man who had been a child soldier in Sierra Leone.

I have never met any dead victim but all those people were alive and there are multitudes of them, they lived indeed through hell but have managed to somewhat escape it.

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Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:07 am Post subject:



I asked a practical question which you avoided answering, it seems to me. Do you then expect me to answer yours, while mine remains unanswered? Hardly seems fair, somehow...

Warmest regards-



Ah, but you avoided answering the question, didn't you?

CAN you "create an alternate reality" while the bullet seeks your brain, or the train moves toward your tied body on the tracks, or the bus hurtles toward you as the psychopath shoves you in it's path, or the bully launches a sucker punch toward your jaw or belly without warning?

If so, well and good; teach me, teach others.

If not, welcome to the land of the dead or seriously hurting..

Warmest regards-


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Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:13 am Post subject:


Hmmm ! You've got me thinking, Hatman ! I do believe that we can indeed learn to avoid pain and suffering, in whatever form it may take. I've been exploring my "self" for many years now and I finally understand a great deal more about what is "real" and what is not.

I believe the basic premise of your question was," If someone were to shoot a bullet into your eye, could you make the bullet non-existent ?" In the terms of Gerald's course and everything else I know about "reality", this one question can actually have three different answers:

Part 1: If I were emotionally, psychologically and spiritually evolved enough, I would know your intentions beforehand and ...would be able to avoid you.

Part 2:If I wasn't paying attention to my "knowingness" about you and your intentions, and ended up in such a situation, I could still possibly save myself by tapping into my "Higher Self / Soul Self / Spark of God" whatever you want to call "it" and deflect, or, perhaps, even destroy the bullet.

Part 3 If I was not evolved and didn't have a clue as to what is, or, is not "real", I would most likely lose my eye, or, perhaps even, my life but then - I'd come back to haunt you !!


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Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:23 pm Post subject:


hatman - what gets us into those situations in the first place? to what degree does the soul decide the life of a person ahead of time given what the soul must learn during its ongoing, multi-life, soul cycle?

of course, if one does not believe in the soul cycle, then the discussion cannot move forward. but if one is willing to believe, please understand that anyone, really, at any given moment, can cause themselves to die, no matter what situation they are in. we value life so much because we are not sure where we are going afterwards. most people do not necessarily think they will just come right back again to "try again", so to speak. this is to say that every soul has it's ultimate purpose, no matter how many lives it takes, IMHO, and sometimes someone's lot in life can have a lot to do with what they did in the past life. it seems that humankind can be led into the less acceptable forms of temptation very easily (and yes, some forms of temptation are perfectly ok and natural, even though some people group them all together as bad).

this process occurs because we seriously underestimate to what degree "strength" can actually be defined - a much higher degree than most of us would believe to be the full extent of what "strength" is. even in my own case, i will admit, i am aware of a degree of strength far greater than what i am able to presently exhibit. but i aspire to that level of strength in this life time - it is what keeps me going - not the fear of not knowing where i am going after this life is over - but the certainty that these years are different from those previous, it is the point in time when all the people who's souls are telling them "this is THE life for you to accomplish your purpose", i am sure of it, and i feel myself to be one of the people to whom their souls are saying this loud and clear.

we have to get away from the mass illusory hypnotic quality of being so damn wrapped up in what we popularly think we know as a self-identified "high civilization". we are much lower than some previous civilizations we consider to be "lower" than ours in some ways - we just do not identify with those concepts, well, at least most of us.

but there are people on this world who feel alienated EVEN from the niches to which they are most strongly attracted - it is the best they can find, so to speak. but when it comes to trying to communicate in a completely different way, for example, a way that is not about "me versus you", for example, then even in these niches we still find people who are partially awake, at the more surface level, but deeper down are still hypnotized by some of the more fundamental ways we have taught ourselves to look at things, deeply ingrained over hundred or maybe even thousands of years.

this argument in this thread is one such example. can't everyone see that everyone is right and everyone is wrong, both at the same time! the truth can only slowly be "drawn out" by a group that is willing to try out this new way of communicating I propose. it was one of the main motivating factors of the SSUN project, and even when we are consciously trying in that project, we still have trouble. it just goes to show it's something we all have to deal with - this severely lacking form of communication we seem to be so proud of.

we witness that at the level of the soul, none of the little spiritual trifles of the single life, nor the physical anguish, really matter - bigger things matter. for example, gaining a frame of mind that can last through a lifetime, when we know we have run out of time in a given life and need to carry forward whatever we can in the next. in the way our civilization works, people do their most important work very close to their deaths. and they can hardly even talk to anyone about it, this is the sad part.

finally we are having younger people begin to do this work long before their deaths, because they have this nagging feeling that this is the lifetime they have to do something, even if 99.9999.....9% of the rest of the world is still stuck in the same old trap. it's not that these people want to alienate themselves even further - god no! it's that they are terribly sad that people have been away from "home", the real "home", for so long, so many lives, that many of us have forgotten what "home" is, why it's so important, and why we should all be dedicating our lives to finding our way home.

home is the place where these horrible things don't happen. we all just so quickly believe in the negative qualities of the human race without checking into the lives of the people we consider most evil. we forget that NO ONE IS BORN EVIL. there's actually no one to blame out there, no matter how much you want to. no blame. not yourself, not anyone else. no one.

but so many humans love to follow, to be suggested to, perhaps then it cannot be helped that so many people will have the fate of sheep. but if there really exists still that element in people to be awakened, then we will see soon, because the people that know it's time to do whatever they were supposed to do, are going to start by trying to wake everyone up that can still be woken up.

this is not more of the same inane banter about all the kind of stuff we end up stereotyping - it's the stuff that the stuff before it was put out to cover up - to make as a needle in the haystack. the root of "evil", if there is any, is in the "impostor". the fact that if the impostor can succeed, then no one knows what to trust or who to believe, and it is proven that the natural intuition within people has been crushed for good, and that people deserve the fate of the unintuitive life-form (remember the survival of the fittest).

i hope some of this makes sense.



when towers of "individuals" join together, they create a floating castle...

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Joined: 02 Feb 2005

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Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:56 pm Post subject:




hatman - what gets us into those situations in the first place? to what degree does the soul decide the life of a person ahead of time given what the soul must learn during its ongoing, multi-life, soul cycle?

Short answer is "I don't know."

That said, I'm a firm believer in "As ye would that men do unto you, do also unto them." To me, this means that were I either about to---or in the process of---molesting, raping, stealing, torturing, murdering, etc., there would be a secret part of me screaming, as did Jim Carrey in "The Mask," "SOMEbody! STOP me!"

If it took bullets, or tackling and an arrest followed by jailtime, or whatever, my soul would not mind, though my mouth might declare otherwise. Bullies rarely stop bullying on their own; babies who bite rarely stop biting until they understand that those who bite can also be bitten, and that it HURTS.

So, even though I am a practicing disciple of Christ, and though the majority of my brethren declare without knowledge that there is only one life, I am not among them; I DO believe in a "soul cycle," but that Christ is the swiftest way off of that "wheel of birth" or "cycle of nature" that James makes oblique reference to.

For me, love means to care deeply for people, and that includes persuading them to cease from evil acts; and if evil actions are not stopped by mere words, then sterner measures need to be taken, as in the Proverb "By mere words a servant is not disciplined, for although he hears, he will not give heed."

And this, of course, in addition to the normal attributes of love, like patience, kindness, gentleness, generosity, faithfulness, joy, self-control, prudence, discretion, and wisdom.

Now, I fully agree that one who continuously and diligently practices spiritual meditations and contemplations, acting to ease the suffering of those around them, most certain does affect "reality," but I have never seen anyone who was able to stop bullets or explosions, or stop/divert the behemoth of metal bearing down upon one. This doesn't mean that it can't happen, just that I've never seen it---but I HAVE seen that any number of people who have BELIEVED WITH ALL THEIR HEARTS that they could were pretty-much disappointed to death, after suffering a good deal, first.

Warmest regards-


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Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:34 pm Post subject:


You're absolutely right. But for those people, then, is there any need to do such things? Just as the expert martial artist somehow avoids fighting in the first place, the spiritually inclined might only fall into bad circumstances if they pride themselves too much and "jinx" themselves into catching the attention of a person or group of people who might want to put them into their place.

This was my only point to add - that I find as one progresses further and further down the spiritual path, with ALL the parts being addressed at once - yes, bad things do begin to stop happening.

Do you believe that?

And yes I agree too that something synonymous to what you suggest is the path that gets you beyond the loop - in fact, I dedicate my life to serving that notion. I like people who try to take a practical approach to things, which is why I can respond to your posts well. I feel for the people you talk about too, the ones who should at least have a chance to turn things around for themselves in this life, and not have to wait for another.

but are you into RV/RI or did you come across these forums another way? what do you consider to be the full implications of mastering RV, RI, and if you are aware of it, something I would call Remote Living or (RL)?

I am sorry to say only that we defeat more of the adapted religions notions, but true scholars go back to the roots, the original scriptures and writings of, for example, gnostic christianity, and find that they *did* once believe this too, they later changed it so that there would be a "middle man". People can live the "afterlife" RIGHT NOW, they don't have to lower themselves in this life to live the life they are seeking afterwards. There should be no shame in self-empowerment if one knows they are truly following the path their heart reveals to them.



when towers of "individuals" join together, they create a floating castle...

Original: Awakening of consciousness