Summary of The Unified Field Theory

by Brent Herbert Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008 at 1:34 AM

Unifying Gravity and Electro-Magnetism. Ending our dependence upon fossil fuels and ushering in the age of clean energy sources (fusion).

Why is there no hydrogen to be found in the atmosphere of the Earth? Why is it that when an atom or molecule of hydrogen is released into the gravitational field of the earth, this particular atom behaves like an anti-gravitational substance and promptly begins to rise upwards. Eventually the hydrogen atoms will escape from the earth's gravitational field altogether. Just how does hydrogen manage to 'climb up the curved slopes of space-time'? If we are to assume that 'matter' is the source of the gravitational field then we must also supply the hydrogen atom with a set of wheels and a motor that would then explain why it is that 'matter' falls in a gravitational field, with the exception of hydrogen (and helium) which possess a motive force which allows them to defy gravity and drive up the 'curved slopes of space time'.

In order to explain this motive force possessed by an anti-gravity substance such as an atom of hydrogen, we must define what it is that we mean by 'momentum', for an atom requires 'momentum' if it is to have a 'velocity'.

Why is it that when a space-craft possesses 'momentum' the engines can then be shut down and that space-craft would then be left to coast through space at a certain speed? What is the cause of this strange phenomenon, and just how do we precisely define this 'momentum' and what is meant by 'velocity'?

We can see, based upon observation, that objects that fall down in a gravitational field start out very slowly, and then accelerate as they fall, while objects that fall up in a gravitational field, such as hydrogen, start out very fast and then decelerate as they rise (you can think here of a weather balloon, which possesses 'momentum' which causes the balloon to rise upwards with a high velocity, with only atmospheric drag and the need to provide lift to insruments and the material of the balloon to slow down the rise of the anti-gravitational gas which provides the lift to the balloon, and the balloon then decelerates as it rises until finally it comes to a full stop and parks at a certain altitude).

We can therefore see that rising or falling (falling up or falling down) within a gravitational field are inversely related processes. An object that falls down, accelerates, which means that it 'gains momentum', while an object that falls up already posseses momentum, and thus doe snot require acceleration, but rather we see such rising objects losing momentum as they rise and decelerate.

A similar effect can be seen in the two Pioneer spacecraft which were launched in the early seventies. The two space-craft have been decelerating at a constant rate (the rate of deceleration is found to be the speed of light multiplied by Hubble's constant, which means that an equivalence exists between the deceleration of the space craft and the red-shifting of light). At last report the spacecraft were 400,000 kilometers behind where they should have been if we assume that such spacecraft 'conserve their momentum', and that Newton was correct, and that once a spacecraft begins coasting at a certain speed it will coast at the speed to the far corners of the universe, coasting forever, and will not decelerate. However the two Pioneer spacecraft are like the hydrogen atom or like a weather balloon, in that all are seen to be rising in a gravitational field, and all lose momentum as they rise and all decelerate as they rise.

It is known that clocks run slower in a gravitational field. The further away from the source of gravitation a clock is placed, the faster a clock runs. This has been confirmed by experimentation and time dilation, as strange as it sounds, is an established fact about this universe of ours. We also define the length of one meter stick by defining it is as consisting of such and such a number of wavelengths of a certain frequency of electromagnetic radiation (light). We also know that light 'red-shifts' as it rises in a gravitational field, and for this reason satellites must compensate for the frequency they receive will be lower than the frequency sent up to a satellite from the earth. Therefore, it logically follows from this that the a meter stick would be longer in space than it would be on earth, for the standard frequency and wavelength used to measure the stick on earth would be red-shifted when sent out into space (which means that the wave-length would become longer, and more red, implying that the length of the stick would be measured as being longer out in space).

So therefore we can see that a relationship exists between time dilation, the red-shifting of light, and the rate of deceleration of objects rising in a gravitational field, and the length of an object is also relative to the space in which it is measured (shorter in a gravitational field and longer out in space).

This insight then allows us to define 'momentum' as being a density function, for as objects fall in a gravitational field, and space contracts, the atoms within the object become more energetically dense. As objects rise in a gravitational field they expand (space dilates and length increases) and thus the atoms within an object become less energetically dense. Momentum is a density function, and this can also be understood when we realize that the way we increase the speed of an object out in space is by 'adding energy' (which 'increases momentum') and then with this extra energy added to the system the object proceeds to coast through space with no further acceleration required. We have increased the density of the energy of that system.

This increase in density also explains why objects accelerate as they fall in a gravitational field, for as space contracts, the object becomes more dense, and the result is a relativistic increase in momentum, since momentum is just a density fucntion. The object then accelerates. This would also explain why objects that we see rising in a gravitational field decelerate as they rise, for as they rise and space dilates and size increases, such objects lose momentum since they are losing energetic density, and this causes deceleration. It is for this reason that a hydrogen or helium atom or a weather balloon would begin rising at a high velocity, since such objects possess momentum (a high density) and this would also explain why such objects decelerate as they rise (they are losing density). This would also explain why the Pioneer spacecraft have fallen behind by 400,000 kilometers and have been decelerating as they rise in the sun's gravitational field. Newtonian physics is erroneous, and the space-craft have been losing momentum, not due to the intervention of some 'outside force', but rather due to the effects of relativity, since it turns out that momentum, and the measure of energetic density it represents, is a relative quantity and not a fixed and immutable quantity. That the Pioneer spacecraft have been decelerating at a rate equivalent to the speed of light multiplied by Hubble's constant (the measure of the red-shifting of light) is therefore not a coincidence but what one would expect, since an object rising in a gravitational field will be found to be losing momentum to space dilation at the same rate as time dilation occurs and at the same rate as the red-shifting of light rising in a gravitational field occurs.

We are all familiar with Einstein's famous equation, E equals MC squared, which states that all 'matter' is just energy. It is for this reason that a space-craft can 'gain momentum' by conserving energy (making its energetic density greater). Archimedes principle tells us that 'matter displaces matter of equal mass', and we can therefore state that energy displaces energy in space'. You can only have so much energy in space, and when the energy in a space is greater than 'E-Maximum' (the total allowable energy state) displacement will occur. This then allows us to define 'momentum' as an increase in energetic density and it then follows that 'velocity' is the measure of the rate of displacement in space. Any closed energy system seen to be in motion within an energy field is in an unallowable energy state, and its direction of motion will be in the direction of an allowable energy state, and when it reaches such a state, it will stop. As it nears this state, it will begin to decelerate.

Therefore we can see that hydrogen rises in a gravitational field rather than falling, because hydrogen is 'too dense' and therefore it is displaced upwards in space at a certain velocity. Those objects which fall in a gravitational field are 'not dense enough' and therefore they fall, increasing in density as they fall, since this increase in density is the allowable energy state.

We can therefore determine that the allowable energy state of most falling objects (which would result in a neutral density, neither to dense or lacking in density) lies somewhere below the surface of the earth. Therefore, in the earth's gravitational field, most objects are 'blue-shifted' (if we choose to measure the density of an object, or what I refer to as its 'atomic wave function' based upon the shift of light within the gravitational field). Hydrogen rises in the gravitational field because the atomic wave function of hydrogen is very 'red-shifted'.

It follows from all this that the reason for the funnel like shape of the Smith Hydrogen Cloud is that the cloud is conforming to the space of our galaxy as moves deeper into the gravitational field of our galaxy. It is becoming narrower at the front while the back of the cloud remains more dilated because the hydrogen cloud is conforming to the changing shape of our space. The heating being observed in the front portion of the cloud is the result of a relativistic increase in temperature caused by nothing more than increasing energetic density. A similar process also explains the massive explosion caused on the surface of Jupiter by a tiny comet fragment which was relativistically accelerated through the gravitational field of Jupiter, becoming denser and hotter as its momentum increased and space contracted. No transfer of energy is required to explain gravitational acceleration, for the effect is purely relative, and neither is any transfer of energy or any 'interfering outside force' required to explain the deceleration of the Pioneer spacecraft or any other object which is rising in a gravitational field, for the cause of the effect is the same whether an object is accelerating or decelerating in a gravitational field. The shape of space is changing, which means that 'momentum' or 'temperature' or 'velocity' are all relative concepts in that for a given conserved energy state all these values will be found to be different simply by changing the space in which they will be measured.

From all this we conclude that 'gravity' is not a 'matter based pheonomenon' for it is impossible to seperate space from the energy field, for the energy field is space. It is for this reason that the anti-gravity effect exists, and it would be possible to launch objects into space, or cause objects to float in the air, simply by being able to manipulate their energetic density (an object with a great enough atomic energy state (greater density) will rise up in the gravitational field, and a Newtonian rocket engine would not be required to achieve this lifting effect. The idea that there is a physical explanation for 'acceleration' is a backwards matter based way of thinking which belongs to the 17th and 18th century, and will become obsolete in the twenty first century.

The ultimate test of the Unified Field Theory will be the construction of the world's first fusion reactor, since it is the prediction of the Unified Field Theory that it is the relativistic increase in temperature of hydrogen that results from 'blue shifting' the 'atomic wave function' of a hydrogen atom that creates the initial rise in temperature that is required to initiate a fusion reaction in a star. In a star the magnetic field pulls hydrogen downwards (it blue shifts the hydrogen, making it increasingly denser, with a resulting increase in temperature which then results in fusion, the creation of a new atom, together with a release of massive amounts of energy, the two products of a fusion reactor). Therefore the ultimate test of the gravitational theory will be to use a magnetic field to 'blue-shift' hydrogen and use the relativistic temperature increase to initiate the fusion reaction, since it is the magnetic field which is responsible for 'warping space' and space is defined by the magnetic field (according to the inverse square law, the field strength is greatest closest to the source, and falls off the further away from the source one gets, and therefore as the energy field dilates, and becomes less and less dense, so too, does space dilate and expand, for it is impossible to seperate space from the energy field, for the two are fundamentally intertwined.

The Unified Field Theory defines 'gravitation' as being the result of an energy field, and not a matter based phenomenon with a 'physical explanation'. Therefore it is a magnetic field which is responsible for the gravitational effect and it is the magnetic field which creates 'three dimensional spaces'. It is the conflict between a magnetic field, which attempts to create a smooth even electrical field, and the atoms which exist in that field and represent disruptions in the field, which cause the gravitational effect. The magnetic field is kept busy forever and a day attempting to create an even field while at the same time the atoms are present and disrupting the evenness of the field.

The Unified Field Theory

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Original: Summary of The Unified Field Theory