Hillary/Obama 'Debate' at Kodak Theater

by fed up with politics! Sunday, Feb. 03, 2008 at 6:13 AM

RE: Hillary/Obama 'Debate' at Kodak Theater. Other than one Associated Press blurb, the anti-war faction at the debate was completely ignored by the mainstream media. Guess the U.$. Military Industrial Congre$$ional Complex's war no longer sells products. We gotta get LOUDER!!!! Go here for 'blurb': http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/01/31/politics/p180510S51.DTL&type=politics

Hillary/Obama 'Debat...
defund_the_war.3008.jpgbqmd0j.jpg, image/jpeg, 1345x672


Original: Hillary/Obama 'Debate' at Kodak Theater