Open letter to Pelosi

by Anton Macker Thursday, Oct. 11, 2007 at 4:40 AM

Pelosi must defend constitution

Open letter to Pelos...
signing6.jpg, image/jpeg, 488x500

The new Founding Fathers.

And what a bunch.

Two war cowards and a whip-boy from Albuquerque.

Their miserable little way of subverting our constitution depends on the unconstitutional “Signing Statements”.

It’s about time Congress passed a law giving itself the power to stop this “signing statements” through the courts, quickly, as we are just one bomb away from a full blown dictatorship in the good old USA..

Bush says the Constitution he swore to uphold and defend is “just a god damned scrap of paper”

In reality, Cheney’s devious signing statements are the real scraps of paper.

Original: Open letter to Pelosi