The BIG BIG Porno Scandal

by Brent Herbert Wednesday, Oct. 03, 2007 at 2:10 PM

Some of you might be aware of the big scandal currently rocking the porn industry, but since the media has decided that this is one scandal they don't want to touch, since it would piss off the multinational corporations, some of you may not be aware of the significance of this scandal, or why it would be kept on some back burner instead of becoming the latest lurid scandal served on a platter by a typically scandal mongering media system.

The following are some entries from my blog on this subject. Since my blog has gained a certain popularity among some porn stars and some fags and dykes, the right wing Canadian government decided recently to piss of the religious right, the base of their support, by awarding the Order of Canada to a very well behaved fag, since apparently we need a counter role model now. For that reason I have included a post about Queer Churches.

By the way, my blog can be just hilarious at times, and humor is a weapon of mass destruction, and is something you people could use from time to time since you are so damned morbid, and moral outrage is only demoralizing and leaves a person feeling like a victim, and is not empowering as is the case with ironic satire.

Sean Lockhart : Super Hustler

According to a slanderous slam uttered by a nasty gossip and then published in Rolling Stone Magazine, Sean Lockhart might seem kind of naive at times, but don't let the act fool you, because he is one nasty hustler with no emotional feelings whatsoever, a real smooth operating hustler.

Now I thought I would point out that Sean is some kind of male Marilyn Monroe. You can check it out for yourself by following this link -> A pic of Monroe.

Now according to Rolling Stone magazine, Monroe made about 2,000 bucks a scene at Cobra, for a grand total of about 8,000 bucks, while Kocis, who lucked out and found that male Marilyn Monroe before anyone else did, jumped at the chance to lock Monroe into a contract, even though he was an obviously underaged ‘twink’, because Bryan Kocis wasn’t about to risk allowing the goose that was going to lay those golden eggs to wander off and start laying those golden eggs in the barn next door. This was a smart move that then made Kocis an estimated two million. Then there are the other millions made by distributors and retailers and so on.

From all this we can see that Sean really isn't much of a hustler, and is a little naive, and is pretty well just what I have said he was before I was so rudely contradicted by Rolling Stone Magazine, a fleeced little lamb, and not a big time super hustler at all, for if he was a big time super hustler, he wouldn't be working at retail for 8.50 an hour and not able to change his brake fluid because it is to expensive, but Sean would be driving a fancy car, just as Rolling Stone points out was the case for Kocis, who was able to afford a whole collection of such fancy cars.

A Rolling Stone gathers some moss

Journalists are not always ‘fair and balanced’. If you’re a very lucky celebrity type, and they take a shine to you, and decide to lift you up, then journalists will not be fair and balanced by including any scurrilous scandal mongering or sniping from the side lines or rude gossip in their piece, but instead will give you a nice polished image. However, if they should decide not to polish your apple, then they might decide to do what Rolling Stone just did to Sean Lockhart, and they will become ‘fair and balanced’ by including a few body slams and some vicious gossipy dehumanizing attacks.

So then according to this ‘fair and balanced’ piece of yellow journalism in Rolling Stone, which we know is ‘fair and balanced’ because it isn’t very nice to Sean Lockhart, thus showing no tendency towards polishing some fucking apple, Sean, they tell us, is an unfeeling robot, with no emotions whatsoever, a complete fake dirty little hustler, who, while he might have a naïve appearance, is actually one smooth moving hustler, so don’t you believe it.

Apparently it has been decided that Sean Lockhart is going to become a little tar baby covered with feathers as payment in kind for having been associated with one of the most dreadful scandals in recent memory. Yes, sin must be punished and no one must be allowed to walk away from such a dirty, dirty scandal untouched, and so therefore Sean is not going to get the kid glove treatment, which he would, if they decided to take a shine to him, but instead our glorious journalists are now going to become ‘fair and balanced’ and take a vicious scandal mongering meat cleaver to the kid. You see, even the celebrity who gets the apple polish treatment has detractors who would be more than willing to slander their name and spread vicious rumors, but should a journalist decide to abstain from salacious gossip and scandal mongering then such vicious attacks will not see the light of day, and the result will be a nice polished apple. You see, it is clearly a matter of choice.

Yes, for some reason there are those who are just determined that Sean Lockhart is going to become a tar baby covered with feathers, and then there are those of us are equally determined that no matter how much fucking effort they put into that little project of theirs, at the end of it all they will have sweet fuck all to show for it. I would like to introduce people to the emotionally awkward Sean Lockhart whom I have become familiar with, who is a human being, and not a stereotype, and certainly not the miserable little fucker that apparently our moral guardians would like to paint him to be.

And let us not forget that Sean is also the fleeced little lamb, which probably also goes a long way toward explaining why the knives have come out and it is now time to make Sean into a tar baby covered with feathers.

After all, Sean represents scandal, and such bad things just do not happen in a highly respectable porn industry. No they don’t. Well of course not. Everyone in the porn industry just hates Sean Lockhart, according to Rolling Stone magazine, for the simple reason that he is an emotionless zombie bastard, a real fake, a son of a bitch, and an especially dirty little hustler, a smooth operator, and just pretty much a real creep. Yah, that’s it. That’s the ticket.

Once that hatchet job gets done on Sean, well then everything will be back to appearing to be just as clean as a whistle, just like it should be, for a very respectable, highly acceptable, middle class porn industry.


A Rolling Stone, and a little more moss

Rolling Stone magazine once had a reputation as having an ‘anti-establishment edge’, but now it appears that has been transformed into one of those gossipy little rags. This would seem to be the case just based upon that hatchet job they just did on Sean Lockhart. You see normally when some slandering gossip is sharpening a big knife they want to drive into someone’s back, they have to be satisfied to bring out that blade in some donut shop in the presence of perhaps five or six other people. It is only on very rare occasions that someone will become the Golden Child, the Chosen One, whom the gate keeper, the journalist, allows to enter the Holy of Holies, and then mount up on the biggest soap box before an audience in the biggest gossiping donut shop on earth, and then with a great flourish enjoy the enormous satisfaction of driving that vicious knife into the back of Sean Lockhart before five or six million, rather than just five or six as is the sad and sorry fate of most slander mouthed gossips in most donut shops in the country. Sadly they were not picked out the crowd by some ‘journalist’ and thus were just one of the many millions of people who will never get their fifteen minutes of Warholian fame so they can use that knife they have been sharpening for years in the big time donut shop.

Yes, that Sean Lockhart is a really weird freak, and is not human like the rest of us, and for this reason he just has no redeeming human qualities, certainly none worth mentioning, which is why everybody hates him and nobody likes him for Sean Lockhart is such a really weird creep. Now that Rolling Stone Magazine’s low brow readers have been once again loaded up with ammo, no doubt they will be found renewing their subscriptions next year. No doubt they are the type who consider this sort of cynical view of humanity to be evidence of sophistication, and thus very ‘anti-establishment’.

This leads me to wonder just how old the ‘journalists’ over at Rolling Stone magazine might be. Just how many years of living in that fucked up society did it take for you to become ‘worldly wise’ and so ‘sophisticated’. Is not cynicism the sign of sophistication among those who have lived under such a thoroughly rotten system?

Actually I find very little that is ‘sophisticated’ in the journalists or in the readers of that yellow gossip rag, for there is very little sophistication to be found in those who are ‘quasi-religious’ in their view of life, and who therefore do not critique systems but instead stupidly think that the problems with this world are caused by some kind of ‘original sin’ that lives in people and thus explains all the rottenness in the world that has left them so cynical. For this reason I would expect little in the way of ‘sophisticated analysis’ from a rag like Rolling Stone, but rather more of that same sour, jaundiced view of humanity so typical of those who continue to view the world through the lense provided by centuries of social conditioning and that ‘quasi-Christian’ view of morality that is always found to be informing the point of view of the fucked up cynic.

Perhaps the best critique of your fucked up philosophy at Rolling Stone magazine would be the fact that you cannot see the forest for the trees, and therefore what passes for journalism over that rag consists of close examination of the bark on some tree stump. But as we know, this is more than just some problem with ‘bad moral values’, for ever since the time of Reagan, when deregulation allowed Robber Barons to concentrate the media system into five large multinational corporations, there have followed those vicious purges, the firing of journalists, all of it justified as sound business practice and cost saving measures. This would leave the survivors of the slaughter that followed with the problem of having bad moral values as part of their job description, being part of such a thoroughly fucked system, or they could have good moral values and be out of a job.

We also know that the porno industry is bigger than the sports industry, bigger than the television networks, bigger than the mainstream movie business, and we know that those multinationals really love profits, and so therefore since Rolling Stone would be a subsidiary of a big multinational just like a porno company would be, not to mention every other rag in the country, or Rolling Stone would be on the dole for ad bucks, or both, although even only one is required to fuck up that rag, it would therefore be unlikely to find some ‘journalist’ over at Rolling Stone magazine, looking at some forest, but rather that ‘journalist’ would be found examining the bark on a stump of some tree, for who wants to piss off big daddy pornbucks. This problem would be persistent and would be found to be happening in journalism when it comes to covering just about every issue, since there is always some subsidiary of that multinational that might get supremely pissed off if the survivors of the purges of the past suddenly started doing journalism instead of producing the propaganda that was the intended result of all that purchasing and all that purging.

One of the reasons those right wing politicians deregulated the media industry and served it on a platter to big daddy was so that those media Robber Barons could completely control our minds by force feeding us the right wing line. Unfortunately that plan became completely fucked up, and one of the consequences of it is that polls reveal that most people regard the ‘journalist’ as some kind of untrustworthy scum bag, just slightly worse than a governor and only a little better than a member of congress. Therefore now our recklessly brave and bold politicians must destroy our civil rights for unfortunately that stupid plot did not produce the expected results, quite the contrary, and we are all found to still have brains intact despite all the billions that were spent by those robber barons, only in the end to produce nothing more than a botched lobotomy.

The BIG Porno Scandal

At the present time the porno industry is being rocked by the biggest filthiest scandal in the entire history of porn. There are a lot of people who might not be familiar with this big scandal for big daddy porn bucks has diversified and owns all that rags and therefore I have noticed almost no coverage at all. This is remarkable, because as we know, big daddy Robber Baron usually loves a big scandal, and for that reason always has at least one salacious and dirty sounding murder trial picked out as the sleazy story of the day, as though that story was very socially significant. It is not, but Big Daddy Robber Baron wants to keep everyone morally fucked up and screwed up in the head, and quasi-religious, and he always wants to keep the population atomized and divided, and so therefore what better strategy than the ancient strategy of religion the priest, which is to peddle sin and encourage slander and gossip and backstabbing, a habit which must be passed on to each generation lest a generation arises which thinks critically about rotten systems instead of being deceived into thinking about rotten people, as well as being a generation with solidarity instead of a divided lump packing knives and screwing themselves over when they can never get anything going and are instead taken to the cleaners by big Daddy, for divided they fell, and backstabbing gossips never stand.

Yes, that Male Marilyn Monroe showed up and then the biggest filthiest fucking scandal in porno history busted loose at the seams. What I found so interesting about this enormous scandal is that it is multi-faceted and convicts not only the porno business but touches on so many different aspects of a truly corrupt system. It is for this reason that a bought off yellow rag like Rolling Stone magazine would be found examining tree bark, and ignoring that big fucking forest, while at the same time trying to completely destroy the humanity of Sean Lockhart, the idea being that if there is no sympathy for that little fucking bastard, if he is covered with tar and feathers, then perhaps the whole fucking scandal and all its profound social and historical significance will just blow over unnoticed, and Daddy Pornbucks will continue to shamefully fleece little lambs while adding to his collection of golden goose eggs, since he is a collector. Up to now he has been collecting such eggs undisturbed, and he would like to remain undisturbed and keep collecting, and since someone is getting nailed with that tar and those fucking feathers, naturally Big Daddy Pornbucks has Sean Lockhart in his gunsights.

Yes, Big Daddy Pornbucks has brought back the old 1930s style studio system as the perfect business model for the porn industry. What this means is long term contracts for el cheapo peanuts for the porn actors and great big profits for Daddy Pornbucks. It is much more profitable than television or buying up rags or making mainstream movies, and so naturally Daddy Pornbucks would like to keep Dumbo the Elephant doing circus tricks for handfuls of peanuts for that very reason.

We also have discovered the seamy filthy underside of that porno industry, in that this industry has attracted some greedy fucking creeps, who pluck chickens and then use those feathers to feather their own nests. This is called a ‘standard industry contract’ and that means sweet fuck all for our fleeced innocent little lambs and a collection of golden eggs for those perverted porno producers. Therefore we can see that the porno industry represents the very worst of the capitalist system, and is sort of like the scum floating on the top of that system of exploitation.

But then the problem is not simply one of bad morals, but rather what we have here is a problem of a system which enables bad morals, which is one sure way of getting bad morals, and this becomes particularly true when you consider that under capitalism it only takes one scum bag to start a trend. If one scum bag goes to China to work those peasants for 35 cents an hour a stampede is sure to follow, for it is either follow the pervert or go bankrupt. For this reason those workers at GM will have to keep giving back and giving back, for it is so hard for an American worker to keep working when there is this real cheap Chinese peasant who can be ruthlessly exploited for 35 cents an hour, with no health care of environmental regulations or pension or sweet fuck all.

It is for reasons such as this that we find that people under that capitalist system double bunk. They have this Jekyl and Hyde thing going on, so that in the morning when they go to work at that multinational corporation which now owns about 70 percent of the commerce on this planet, they slip into their devils suit for the day, with the horns, the fangs, and the long pointed tail, and they become ‘trained professionals’, and can get down to the business of being as evil as hell as their job requires, and do their bit to destroy the planet and oppress humanity and destroy all of our hopes and dreams. When they clock out for the day they can hang that devil suit in some closet and go home and become a normal human being again and bounce the baby on their lap. If you ask them about all the fucking evil they are doing, they will explain that it wasn’t them, it was their evil twin, the trained professional, which makes it all right, because it was their fucking job.

We can also see that under such a system it is impossible to have good morals since the court system is not based upon morality but rather upon property law. Therefore if some ripped off and thoroughly fleeced little lamb who was tossed those peanuts should become a runaway lamb, and a Big Daddyporn bucks should decide to dip into those golden eggs and hire some legal talent, that little half fleeced lamb will have no choice but to buckle under, since a judge will enforce that rip off ruthlessly, since it was a contract, and that fleeced lamb cannot even change his brake fluid never mind hire a fucking lawyer to fight big rich Daddy Pornbucks, only to be kicked in the nuts by some morally depraved judge sitting on the corrupt bench of some worthless court system, where the big fish do whatever the fuck they want, and even trash the entire country when they want, while some charlatan in a robe rubber stamps the whole seamy business thus making it ‘legal’.

Unfortunately the porn star will be found playing the role of Dumbo the Elephant, and continue to perform for peanuts, because porn stars, like most workers, have no solidarity. This is remarkable when you consider that the porno producer is such a soft fucking target, being this disgusting scum bag who fleeces naked little lambs while stacking up those golden eggs laid by that buck naked little goose. But then we all know what happens to naughty little porn stars, who use phony names, since apparently they are still a little religious themselves, and probably do not want to be viciously outed to the public as happened to Sean Lockhart. If any porn actor wants to learn about what happens to runaway lambs or lambs who refuse to comply with the Dumbo the Elephant circus act, they will be taught a lesson as Daddy Pornbucks ruthlessly makes an example of Sean. Meanwhile the porn actors, being a little fucking stupid, will be found packing some knives of their own, for they are scared of that big scandal and are also fuck ups who identify with Daddy Pornbucks instead of identifying with each other, thus explaining why they get fleeced and taken to the cleaners.

It is typical for Marxists to present a stereotyped black and white picture of human society as being divided between the highly moral, but slightly ignorant and confused ‘working class’ and their evil and cynical exploiters. When the ‘working class’ once again fucks things up and suffers another ruinous defeat, this will be blamed on Stalinism or the betrayal of some demagogic political party that led the innocent lambs astray. This analysis is to partisan, and much to simple, for it turns out that the working class are also found to be a collection of unrepentant sinners, and so when they suffer one ruinous defeat after another, they were simply getting what they deserved each time that happened to them.

Yes, they are backstabbing gossips, who have been snared in the ‘original sin’ of that original sinful gossip, the priest. It was the perfect plot. They would all be held guilty of the highest crime of them all, the crime of having been born human, and thus, by definition sinful. This all purpose ‘criminal charge’ serves the purpose of some scheming asshole like that priest quite well, for he can then attach himself like a parasite to the body of humanity and suck away on that manufactured guilt, making sins out what is no sin at all while ignoring what is really a sin. In the meantime no one will ever have to worry about the ‘working class’ ever getting their act together because they will all become so fucked in the head that they think every problem is caused by sinful humanity and thus will be complete fuck ups when it comes to doing the most simple analysis of systemic corruption. They will also inherit that filthy habit of attacking people for simply being human, which is sinful, and therefore deserves the knife in the back, and any Marxist who thinks that any solidarity will ever be found in such a collection of back stabbing gossipy fuck ups like that ‘working class’ is just dreaming. Won’t happen.

When they do start something it will collapse into ruins, because they will be found breaking up into back stabbing factions, and the ruins will the demoralize everyone, and this will then feed back into that horseshit about ‘originally sinful humanity’, which then leads to an attitude of not giving a fuck.

This quasi religious outlook then further atomizes everyone, leading to division, and those divided are easily conquered, and so therefore they will be exploited and oppressed with amazing ease, and the more they continue to participate in that inherited religious sin of theirs, the more demoralized they become as they suffer ruin after ruin and defeat after defeat, thus leading to hopeless despair, and then finally sour cynicism.

It turns out that their oppressors are smarter than they are as the fucked up results throughout history have demonstrated, and it is not simply a problem of ‘historical consciousness’ as a Marxist would insist, but rather these things are the recompense due for that sin of theirs, which is the monstrous thing that religion birthed into this world.

It is for this reason that the media Robber Baron insists on force feeding them a steady diet of salacious scandal and dirty gossip, in the hopes of whetting their whistle for ever more of the same ruinously self destructive shit, so as to keep them divided and conquered. The one exception to this rule would probably be that filthy porno scandal which that gossip peddling Daddy Pornobucks has not touched with a fucking ten foot pole, for obvious reasons. All the more reason for somebody else to pick up that pole, that historically and socially significant pole.

Church Queers

One novel way of dealing with that intractable problem posed by the Bible might be the technique employed by that outgrowth of guilt ridden Pentecostal religion, the gay church movement which is currently pioneering ‘gay marriage’, the Metropolitan Community Church. The way this method works is that first you run a white flag up the flag pole, and surrender to the religious right. Yes, the religious right did burn up everyone’s books in the fourth century and then, yes, they did vote in their own books, thus giving us all a right wing Bible problem, for as we all know the right wing can always back up their positions (if they ignore the prophetic contradictions) by quoting right wing Bible verses. This is called paving a road, which is what the religious right did so very long ago, just so that they could make damn sure that the right wing could win every Bible argument forever, just so long as no one read the contradictory prophetic verses.

This is very troublesome, especially for guilt ridden ex-Pentecostals. The only solution is to accept those Bible verses as scripture and then begin to torture the fuck out of those things, for it must be that these holy verses are ‘misinterpreted’. I have already tried spanking those gay churches for their naughtiness in the past, and apparently I must still spank them some more, for they are such good and well behaved little churches, when they aren’t kissing dickie or clitty, that is, which isn’t a bad practice , because the bible was just misinterpreted.

Yes, they are the church queers, and they are well behaved, and they are showing it by being very respectable and getting the proper paper work done before they kiss dicky or clitty, and they are also leading the rebellious battle cry, ‘it is my Bible as well’, which is false, because it might be half their Bible and the rest of that shit should just simply be thrown onto a right wing manure pile where it belongs. It would be a waste of time to torture a new ‘interpretation’ out of those right wing verses since they mean exactly what they say, thus leaving the right wing to accuse fag preachers of corruption, and having the charge stick because those dykes and homos were unable to ditch the shit, but instead made themselves appear devious and tricky by struggling to torture the exact opposite meaning out of some piece of right wing swill. Such is the price of being very respectable and very married stereotypically respectable and very acceptable middle class type fags and dykes, who don’t rock boats, and who therefore in their drive to become respectable accept scripture so as not piss off churches so that churches will become real fond of them, provided that they only kiss one dicky or clitty forever and ever and are in loving and very committed relationships.

Just as an aside, I thought I would also mention that now that the world is being divided up between good fags and bad fags, I should remind people of how I am more the Garden of Eden type myself, and thus one of the really bad ones. Being ever so bad as I am, that isn’t likely to change and is especially important right now given the dangerous signs of an emerging apartheid system. Someone is going to have to be very naughty and unrespectably unacceptable, and I guess it will have to be me, now won’t it. After all somebody has to be a genuine sexual revolutionary on this fucked up weirdo planet.

While I am on the topic of respectable married church fags and dykes, I thought I would also take the opportunity to spank that collection of fags and dykes for that bad practice of building bridges of understanding to every carved stump block on the planet. According to this theory you can catch more bees with honey. The problem is that these are not bees, they are flies, and you catch more flies with piles of shit, which then explains why there are all these piles of shit found in the Garden. As for bees eating shit like flies do, bees are supposed to drink nectar and make honey. Only flies eat shit. It’s just a natural law.

As for that bit about attracting more bee support by offering honey all I can say is that this lovely strategy has always been such a big fucking success in the past, which would then explain why you always found nice prophets like the Prophets of YAHWEH or that ‘Jesus’ in those parables always being careful to be very fucking nice to everyone all the time, thus coming out on top at the end of it all. This works great, and given all the cheek turning on this planet and all the evil which was finally stopped by heart touching cheek turning, well the results speak for themselves.

For this reason I must continue to blow up your ‘bridges of understanding’ just as I have warned you about in years in past, but apparently I need more explosives because you respectable church queers just keep building more of those bridges to worthless idols, those immobilized carved stump blocks, those fig leaf peddling snakes in the Garden, that I then need to blow up before those snakes can crawl over those bridges and bite yet again. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and I would prefer to prevent that nasty snakebite than play nursemaid to the wounded millions, for an ounce weighs less than a pound. I just don’t like really hard work, you see. For that reason I think I would prefer to take you people over my knee and spank you than to deal with the inevitable fucked up aftermath of your screwed up policies. It would be easier to stop you than it would be to clean up your mess later, you see.

By the way, one last thing. As you know one of your Metropolitan Homo Preachers just was given the highest award, the Order of Canada, for service to society by marrying homos and dykes. This was after years of fighting in courts and so on, with the government battling him tooth and nail. Everyone was surprised at this sudden change of heart, except for me. You see, he is a good and very well behaved homo, and not a really bad homo like me, and therefore they decided that perhaps it was time to make a role model out of a good homo in the hopes that somehow this might help them to deal with a very very bad homo. Remember this is Canada’s very right wing government, with a strong base in the religious right, and they have just spent the last few years bashing homo weddings to shore up their political base, and now, much to your delight and surprise, they are developing a sudden fondness for you well behaved fags. You see, as bas as you looked before, you still look a lot fucking better than a really bad blogging homo such as myself, and so your strategy of setting out honey is now paying off, and you are moving up in the world, as your lover shows up, showing just what a great fucking strategy that was the whole time. Just thought I would share this with you people because you might be wondering about why you suddenly and unexpectedly started receiving those dozen roses, followed no doubt by a box of chocolates and then perhaps a diamond ring. You see the status quo has decided to marry you, lucky dear, now that an outrageous and very bad homo has alarmed the status quo by building up a fan base among porno stars and various fags and dykes. Something must be done, and so it seems you are about to get married, dear, in more ways than one, as your good behavior and your many appeals to the status quo suddenly, and quite unexpectedly result in a loving proposal of marriage, thus proving what a great fucking strategy you have. Nothing succeeds like success and so I would suppose I will have to be spanking you people all the time from now on, given how convinced you will become in your fucked up mind that this proposal of marriage was somehow a great fucking result of your past strategy.