ICE Bodysntachers Resisted in Santa Barbara

ICE Bodysntachers Resisted in Santa Barbara

by Santa Barbara Shata Sena Cat Thursday, Sep. 20, 2007 at 7:41 PM

"Santa Barbarians" resist ICE attacks on residences and workplaces here


ICE raided some tree nursery type places, supposedly to pick up "fugitives" who had ignored deportation orders orwarrants, according to ICE spokesman reported by SB Independent reporter Martha Sadler. However, ICE cops also "carded" other workers who were not under deportation warrants, and apparently those low profile workers who had avoided trouble are now also subject to deportation. (Thanks to Sadler for the report).
In another sad story, ICE raided an apartment of a lawful "foreign" student who had inadvertantly and erroneously been reported as noncompliant. These cops, and it is hard not to at this point refer to them in more colorful language derive from George Orwell's Animal Farm, then intimidated her roomate into providing information which disclosed that her roomate had a defective and noncompliant visa. Apparently, the roomate is now being deported, although SB IMC has not verified that development.

All of this is of course a page from the book of the Weimar Republic. Where are our Dietrich Bonhoeffers? (Bonhoeffer is the one who said "First they came for the Jews, then they came ... for me."

Today at 5:00 in front of Our Lady of Sorrows there will be a vigil. In a town this small, it is difficult for indocumentados to show their face in this kin dof demonstration without the ominous spectre of ratsnitches trying to sick the dogs of ICE upon them.

Where will it all lead? Will nonviolence rule the day, or will reasoned armed struggle develope as minutmen step up the violence??

---------------------Prepared ad hoc for demonstration -------------------------------------------------------------
Deportation = ethnic cleansing. ICE=Gestapo/ It is crypto Nazi and Proto Facist. Resist Accordingly. Models: French Anti Fascists; Norweigan anti fascists.Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Ghandi, MLK. Satayagraha but also Che. Rejection of jaded communist agenda. Right of Nuetrality of indocumentados, as a bloc: no serious shift in social policies. Indocumentados are not here to change US social policies on, say, reproductive rights/abortion, one way or another, so much as to be peaceable contributing members of society. Rejection of not-relevant ideological justifications for immigration, eg., claim that California was “stolen” from Mexico. Rather, the fundamental Orwellian immorality of the knock on the door in the middle of the night…dragging your neighbors off to jail for essentially trivial offense of not having work authorization papers. If there is violence we can only hope it is pin point targeted and does not pose risk to any persons such as firefighters. Graffitti, perhaps, arson, never. Accurate recording of details and accountability for who says what advocates what and does what: no impunity. Even when we lose ground, let us historically document who commits what crimes against humanity (Tancredo, etc.) Fundamental apostasy of “SOS” and “Minuteman” ideology. Not Bible: “Thou shalt not oppress the alien amongst you.” – Dueterotomy. “As you sow, so shall you reap”- Jesus, legendary non violent activist par excellence, battled Pharasaic legalists. Note also Biblical support for armed struggle eg Joshua. Rejection of capitalistic idolatry of materialism, a theme picked up by Karl Marx. Twelve disciples of Jesus = Perfect DIY anarchist collective. See Gnostic Gospels, Dead Sea Scrolls. Buddhist Mindfulness essential to the struggle – calm, rejection of them/us dualism. The enemy is the destructive thought, speech and action of the Minutemen and also allies within our own coalition. Hate the sin, not the sinner. Amen. Prepared by Santa Barbara Shanta Sena