Moret & Webre: 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal

by Cathy Garger Sunday, Jun. 24, 2007 at 4:20 PM

Nine-eleven, as we’ve said…. had multiple reasons for it. It was to provide the pretext for a genocidal and ecocidal invasion using low-level nuclear war, using Depleted Uranium against central Asia - in other words, Afghanistan and Iraq and Lebanon and other areas. It provided the pretext to impose a terror-driven national security state… in North America, Europe, Asia and all throughout the world.

Moret & Webre: 9/11 ...
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Interviews with Leuren Moret and Alfred Webre on International 9/11 Citizen’s War Crimes Tribunal

By Cathy Garger

Wealth is never created by destroying things. This is extreme capitalism killing itself.”

~ Leuren Moret, June 20, 2007

An unprecedented event is scheduled to take place Sunday, June 24, 2007 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, at the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference. At this 9/11 Conference, Independent Scientist and world-renowned Uranium Weapons radiation expert, Leuren Moret, and International Lawyer Alfred Webre, J.D., M.Ed., will be calling publicly for the establishment of an International Citizen’s 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal.

The only disappointing aspect about this event is that 300 Million Americans will not be around to watch - and celebrate - this historical announcement, as it will be taking place in Canada. One certainly hopes that somebody remembers to bring a video camera.

Read Interviews:


Original: Moret & Webre: 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal