Police Radio Intercepted from MacArthur Park!

by a Friday, May. 04, 2007 at 2:37 PM

Recordings of police radio communication reveal that even the LAPD didn't hear dispersal order, and that they knew they were in no danger!


From an anonymous source:

"i found these two recordings of police radio communication on the net. i think both are from after the police cleared out the park, describing how they deal with folks on the streets afterwards.

there is a very interesting part in the first mp3 - LAPD01.mp3 -
about the dispersal order. apparently the cops didn't really hear
it either:

"do you know if any airships gave a dispersal order at 7th and alvarado where metro went in and cleaned out the park?"

"that would be me, yes."

"okay. that was a question down here, i know we heard it, or we sort of heard one, but we didn't know where it was coming from."

There are also lots of parts that make clear the situation was very neglible and there was no rioting going on.

Somewhere in the first mp3, didn't write down time mark:

one officer: "verify that you are taking rocks and bottles from that building"

another officer: "negative. what we had is somebody (inaudible) threw a can of coke in the middle of the street where no officers were near it."

"why are we standing around here and don't clean this up"

[Reposting these files since they are from] a minutemen blog or something like that, so they might take them down once they get who they are helping :)