Native Youth Movement Tooled by AIM,Inc and ideologically-challenged naivete?

by "doesn't follow, walks with John Trudell Saturday, Apr. 21, 2007 at 7:29 AM

For many years there's been a storm of building hype in indigenous country (especially around the militant aspect of indigenous resistance), but of late, it's become more and more hyped-up in a most curious way, including character assasination attempts against long-time figures without contexts and empathy. All this appears to be having an effect of someone trying to drive a wedge between the vital experience (or praxis) of the elders, and the too often easily-exploited anger of youth just entering the movement. This time around it's centered on different conceptions about how to run a resistance, one swamped in ideology (and a short history of merits in direct action), the other having a long record of uncompromising defense of indigenous peoples who insist on their autonomy. This article goes thru, albeit roughly, some of the history of the building hype and ways in which movements are divided and conquered, and gives lessons about the remaining apparently easily-exploitable weaknesses of the radical movement today.

Native Youth Movemen...
nymstuckinconcrete.jpg, image/jpeg, 713x983

(note to LA Indy Media webmaster: check your search engine, it wasn't working for me)


"Indian people can disagree till doomsday about which defensive strategy is best, or whether we should even resist. If we continue to disagree on politics, policy, philosophy and enter into destructive personality clashes, we will lose all..."--Janet McCloud, Puyallup Nisqually

"What's being diverted away is the truth of what is really happening to us as a people. I can see what we're going to pass on to future generations and it's going to hurt us and lessen our chances to survive as a people into the future because we're not passing on knowledge."--Dino Butler at:

"In pursuing such a policy the U.S. power elite has replicated the tactics and conditions more typically imposed on its colonies abroad. First, there is the matter of "grey and black propaganda" through which U.S. covert agencies, working hand in glove with the mainstream media, distort or fabricate information concerning the groups they have targeted. The function of such a campaign is always to deny with plausibility public sympathy or support to the groups in question, to isolate them and render them vulnerable to physical repression or liquidation." from:

"We declare our right on this be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary."--Malcolm X


One side identifies with ideology (rigid beliefs about how one had better do things because they seem to work for a few) and fits the confining ideals of a kind of "Political Correctness" (aka PC). Where "PC" means that authentic rebellion is systematically "lassoed" and commandeered by ideologically-challenged persons not seeing that they're being utilized as tools by a politics whose originally excelling insights and gifts are systematically watered-down and co-opted until they fit into a state of assimilation.

The other side has a long record of awakening to mistakes like that of accepting politricks and resisting ideologically-challenged methods as they become aware of the excellence of other ways of being and doing and seeing. They also do not with-hold from themselves ways of possibly achieving such excellence, or laying a serious ground-work for such excellence, even if those angles are not "perfect". Thus, they permit themselves to be free of "chain-of-command" types of thinking and being and seeing, and utilize any tool that might possibly come along and that appears to possibly be valuable (in a host of ways), along lines of Malcolm X's maxim, "by any means necessary."

I personally don't know if this kind of blanket condemnation/character assasination has come out into the open in indigenous (or other) liberation seekings before. Perhaps others can enlighten?

The realities of the heavy hand of statecraft do wreak their havoc, though, that's for sure. And so it is "easy" to assume, as volunteers (whom at least used to vitally aid some or all of NYM sites) and other anti-authoritarians have apparently assumed, without much actual knowledge of a long background to the subtleties of internecine difference, that only "one truth" can actually be understood in this matter--i.e. that John Trudell, Russell Means, and even Ward Churchill, are all "worthy" of shunning completely. Basically, "throwing the baby out with the bathwater!"

I am going to assume that this challenge is about more than cointel-pro-type intrigue. I am going to assume that the real challenge may well have something to do with not thinking things through in a clear and coherent manner, but instead in a short-sighted and thoughtless manner--at least by most folks involved.

Continuing to monitor the situation...and speaking up when I feel in my heart speaking needs to be said!

(note: I am not related to or involved with Indigenous Women For Justice, nor any other organization)

Indigenous Women For Justice, a direct link to

seeking more than an AIM tribunal for the murder of a primary AIM activist:

Spokeswoman-Indigenous Women for Justice — and:

Note: Anna Mae's eldest daughter, Denise Maloney-Pictou,

is Executive Director for Indigenous Women for Justice


See also:

See also:

Getting Away with Murder: Killing Anna Mae Aquash, Smearing John Trudell (Jan 17, 2006)

The usual suspects have been under attack for many years. Some of the critique against them may be justified (no one is "perfect"), yet the curious point remains--all the attempts at character assasination and discrediting leave out contexts in which naive people can easily be hoodwinked.

Discussion (in comments section) between myself and an alleged reporter seeking truth:

Note: when i say i am "walks with Trudell" i say that as barely an acquaintance of him; I have been deeply inspired by his seeing, and that is the extent of it. I would like to earn communication with him, perhaps some day, yet do not place him on a pedestal (even tho i honor him for all that he has been through)

Insightfully context-less articles and letters published at the NYM San Diego website:

(will they retract all of their various articles, suddenly? We will see)

More hype against Trudell:

Original: Native Youth Movement Tooled by AIM,Inc and ideologically-challenged naivete?