The War On Freedom by Nafeez Ahmed E-book

by False Flag Wednesday, Mar. 21, 2007 at 7:13 PM

This is an E-Book edition of Nafeez Ahmed's 2002 book, The War On Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11th 2001

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“This riveting and thoroughly documented study is a ‘must’ resource for everyone seeking to understand the attack on the World Trade Center of New York on September 11, 2001 and ‘America’s New War’ since. It connects together over 10 years of relevant covert actions and decisions by top-level U.S. security-state operations, and organises the whole into a coherent and devastating exposé of the real meaning and construction of the historic turn of ‘the war against terrorism’ now rewriting laws and constitutions across borders. For those who have seen or filed facts on these matters from web disclosures and scattered revelations of newspapers, this volume provides the detailed documentation in a definitive and masterful record.”
Professor John McMurtry, Department of Philosophy, University of Ontario; Fellow at the Royal Society of Canada; Chair of Jurists, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Tribunal at the Alternative World Summit in Toronto, 1989 (Canada)

“The most complete book I know of, summarizing the relevant background and foreground intersecting upon the events of September 11, 2001... A tour de force in every respect: organization, methodology, timeliness, clarity of purpose and of scope, activist commitment to more inquiry, evenness, relative comprehensiveness… I can’t say how much I admire this work. It must be seen by as many people as possible all over the world as soon as possible.”
-Barry Zwicker, Producer and Host, MediaFile, Vision TV Insight; award-winning journalist on CBC-TV and CTV (Canada)

Table of Contents:
Preface 10
Foreword: a Synopsis 12
Executive Summary 14
1. The Role of the International Community in the Afghan Crisis 19
Cold War Imperialism....................................................................... 20
Afghanistan After the Cold War ........................................................ 23
Northern Alliance Rule 1992-1996..................................................... 24
The Rise of the Taliban..................................................................... 27
Humanitarian Catastrophe Under Factional War ................................. 29
Misogynism Under Taliban Rule ....................................................... 32
The Distortion of Islam ..................................................................... 34
2. The United States, Afghanistan and the Taliban, 1994-2001 41
Turning a Blind Eye.......................................................................... 41
America and the Taliban: Dancing with the Devil............................... 44
U.S. Support of the Taliban ............................................................... 48
The Decline of the U.S.-Taliban Alliance and U.S. War Plans ............. 54
3. Strategic Design Behind U.S. War Plans 68
Contemplating Central Asia ............................................................... 68
Strategies for Intervention by the Council on Foreign Relations ........... 73
The Irrelevance of Bin Laden............................................................ 77
4. Warning Signs of 9-11 and Intelligence Failures 81
Using Planes as Bombs ..................................................................... 81
Al-Qaeda’s Plans: Project Bojinka ..................................................... 82
Post-Bojinka Intelligence Gathering................................................... 85
Air Authorities Were Warned of Bojinka............................................ 90
Intensification of Surveillance After Confirmation of Bojinka Plans .... 92
High-Level Government Blocks on Intelligence Investigations ......... 106
Multiple Intelligence Warnings Converged on 11th September ........... 113
11th September Warnings Were Not Ignored by U.S. Authorities ....... 124
The U.S. Intelligence Community .................................................... 126
5. The Collapse of Standard Operating Procedures on 9-11 144
Standard Operating Procedures for Air Emergencies......................... 145
Flights 175 and 11 .......................................................................... 149
Flight 77......................................................................................... 153
Flight 93......................................................................................... 160
An Overview of the Collapse of SOP on 9-11................................... 160
Myers and Bush on 9-11: Negligence Points to Complicity............... 164
6. American Ties with the Most Wanted Man on Earth 176
Osama bin Laden and the CIA: Cold War Allies............................... 176
Osama: Not a Black Sheep.............................................................. 178
Bush and Bin Laden Family Ties ..................................................... 179
Osama and the Saudis: a Covert Alliance ......................................... 187
The U.S.-Saudi Alliance.................................................................. 191
Osamagate? ................................................................................... 197
U.S. Protection of Osama ................................................................ 203
The U.S.-Pakistan Alliance and the ISI ............................................ 214
7. The New War: Power and Profit, at Home and Abroad 236
The Bush Crisis .............................................................................. 236
Exploiting 9-11............................................................................... 240
Starving to Death, Waiting to be Killed............................................ 241
The Air War................................................................................... 248
Securing Regional U.S. Interests ..................................................... 257
9-11: From Crisis to Silver Lining.................................................... 262
The New American Police State ...................................................... 265
Imperialism at Home ...................................................................... 275
9-11: Who Benefits? ....................................................................... 279
Conclusions 290
Appendix A: Excerpts from Hearings on U.S. Interests in the Central
Asian Republics 301
Appendix B: Excerpts from Hearings on Global Terrorism and South
Asia 312
Appendix C: Pearl Harbor and Operation Northwoods 322
Appendix D: Excerpts from Declassified Northwoods Documents 326
Backword: Where would we be without our Wars? 329
Cutting up ...................................................................................... 349
The Smoking Gun........................................................................... 361
The Pattern of Provocation .............................................................. 363
Conclusions.................................................................................... 376
Index 385

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