Emminent Domain might seize your property

by Eric Matteson Friday, Mar. 02, 2007 at 5:10 PM

Require Emminent Domain cities to replace every lost apartment building with permits for two new comperable apartments.

Emmenent Domain might seize your property Emminent Domain might seize your property -- March 1,2007
The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Emminent Domain
that gives local governments the power to confiscate
private property for private use also exapands ALL
emminent domain by allowing local governments to pay
each property owner much LESS than the value of
confiscated property!!

If you received a notice in the mail or on your door
about a public meeting of the Exposition light rail project
expansion that means that your home or apartment or business
is at high risk of being demolished by emminent domain
for at least one of the proposed paths of railroad
expansion between Robertson and Venice
and Colorado and the Pacific ocean.
I as voter am proposing two rules
1 ) Require every city that uses Emminent Domain to grant construction
permits for four new single family homes
to replace every single family home that is demolished by
emminent domain and build new supermarkets near the new

Two new comperable apartment buildings to replace every
apartment building that is demolished by emminent domain
will need permits.

2 ) Require the state and federal governments to convert
all courts in the United States and its states and counties
to use totally all volunteer juries only. No More compulsory
jury duty summonning !!!!!!!

Example -- When twelve people who are unable
to get out of required jury duty decide how much money to grant
a property owner for property confiscated by the government.
Those twelve people drastically underpay that property owner
to keep their own taxes down.

A jury consisting entirely of volunteers will provide
a much more accurate balance to compensate owners for
lost property and reasonable tax increases so each owner
will get a much higher percentage of the value of their
lost property.
Pretty please pass an all volunteer jury bill or ballot
propostion NOW!!
Eric Matteson ericmatteson2003november@hotmail.com (A Voter!!!) .. back to top of this document
Link to
Exposition railroad expansion
is below
http://www.buildexpo.org under phase 2 tab
e-mail phase2@exporail.net

Original: Emminent Domain might seize your property