Mexico Supplies GPS SatNav to Migrants

by Daniel Maldonado Monday, Jan. 08, 2007 at 12:44 AM

A Mexican university has developed a satellite tracking system that the Mexican government plans to distribute to migrants who are forced to cross the border through unsafe routes and in punishing desert heat.

Every year dozens of Mexicans die in what the Immigration and Naturalization Service has dubbed “The Hot Season of Death.” According to unnamed sources, the migrants who become lost, injured or face imminent danger in the desert can activate their Global Positioning Satellite devices after 4 days into their journey. This will help the U.S. Border Patrol locate and rescue them.

Ever since the Clinton Administration passed “Operation Gatekeeper”, thousands of migrants have died crossing the deserts in the South Western U.S.American consumerism produces such a huge demand for labor that the U.S. cannot meet the supply for and a human vacuum is created, luring millions of un-employed, starving Mexicans and other Meso-Americans into the baron deserts, risking life and limb while leaving their families and homes behind. Meanwhile, they are criminalized by political opportunists who pander to the nativists movements.

Original: Mexico Supplies GPS SatNav to Migrants