How Do Men Keep Women Out?

by judy Sunday, Dec. 31, 2006 at 12:43 PM
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Men Use Women's Looks To Keep Them Out Today.

Men (patriarchy) uses women's looks to keep all women down. men want the "freaks" for girlfriends - the beautiful women - which in reality are freaks because there are so few that are that way on the bell shaped scale, yet they all want the freaks and are mean to the ones that are not freaks.

Men use numbers, low numbers, and low colors, to keep all women insecure about their looks - then men can keep the power - so they can get a woman to clean house, have babies and they can act like jerks to the women and get one anyway.

Men call women fat, old, ugly, or anything they can to keep women down. They give attention to only the few that look like the Stephard Wife and the rest of the "normal" women are left alone to fend for themselves. Men are only nice to the young and good looking and skinny ones and pretend to be nice and love women and the dummies believe it - until they get fat or old - then they see what they are really like. Who said men are not good to or for women? It's true. Sorry to say it, but it's true. It's part of patriarchy.