The CAFR Outrage

by Walter Burien Friday, Dec. 29, 2006 at 1:10 PM

The CAFR Outrage - Qualify The Motive Over the last several decades, the public of the USA has griped about:

1. Big businesses outsourcing, building their factories in Mexico, and Asia.

2. Big pharmaceutical companies pushing their drugs on our children and us.

3. The massive increases we have seen in the cost of energy.

4. Last but not least, our own government's allowance and in-fact out-right cooperation with the above three points.

Well, Government OWNS those companies through stock ownership. When the environment changes to force their products on the world, those dollars flow right into the pockets of our own government by and through government's own multi trillion dollar investment portfolios!

War....big profits for the war industrial groups! Forced medication or big bucks paid for those meds..... big profits for the pharmaceutical companies! Again, Government owns those companies! Not 10%, 20%, 40%, or even 51% but in most cases over 65% to 80%.

On my front page: you will see a link to one (1) CAFR, the NY State Government Employees Retirement CAFR noting 133 billion of investments. Click there and you can download the investment list. Every investment that is a big $$$$$ generator is qualified under the points above.

LOOK AT THAT LIST OF INVESTMENTS. It is a click away. After you look then think about the composite trillions of dollars that would add up from the thousands of OTHER government CAFR reports that equates to "behind the scene" ownership of those companies. Every issue, every step taken from the past or at play at the present will all make sense to you. It will become an issue of night and day, the grey of any confusion will disappear!

About three decades ago someone who was right at the top said to me: "It's all about the money stupid." Well, back then what he said, it went in one ear and out the other. To many issues were being thrown at me to think it all boiled down to just one. Well, three decades latter, I now know it "all boils down to one issue" the money...

If you did NOT qualify the motive, hmm, what does that tell ya!

Government owns those corporations through investment!!! They, government profit!!! Now you know why over the last 20 years all of those fortune 500 companies outsourced for cheaper labor and thus higher profits, our government INSISSTED that they do so.

Government also will buy up companies and then funnel billions of "Budgetary" tax dollars into that company whereby the stock value shoots through the roof, and they profit from that investment without $1 going directly back to benefit the public....

GET IT? Show the motive! It will then all make sense to the public. If the public can't clearly see the trillions of dollars generated by governments edicts forced upon them and how government profits, then you will be aiding the void that allows underhanded and destructive "Business as Usual" to continue.

PLEASE qualify in you future posts and writings the motive behind the act! Do your readers a great service and let them know the clear "why" and that why, it is a big one..

Yours truly,

Walter J. Burien, Jr.
PO Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Pension funds pay a salary at retirement. Any local government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs "Without" Taxes in the same fashion. TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) now meeting every City, County, State's annual budgetary needs! They have already proven that it will work! CAFR1 says: Make it law and make it so!