Texas Governor Takes Lead on Immigration Issues

by Daniel Maldonado Friday, Dec. 08, 2006 at 7:09 AM

Texas’ Republican Governor Rick Perry said yesterday that he opposes a measure proposed last month in the Texas Legislature by a fellow Republican that would bring about an end to birthright citizenship.

Perry also said that he opposes the construction of a wall or fence along the U.S. – Mexico border and called it “a preposterous idea.”

Speaking before the Texas Border Coalition, a group of elected officials, Governor Perry called for a guest worker program and federally issued identification cards for migrant workers.

Texas is one of several so called “gateway” states with a heavy flow of undocumented workers seeking mostly tedious jobs that pay so little that most Americans will not do them.

Texas businessmen and women have called for immigration reform that would allow migrant workers to legally meet the demand that their businesses create.

The enthusiastic crowd applauded when Perry said: “Let´s create a guest worker program that takes these workers off the black market and that legitimizes their economic contributions…”