by Archdiocese of Oaxaca Thursday, Nov. 02, 2006 at 10:21 AM

Yesterday, the city of Oaxaca was taken by an enormous force of some 5,000 troops of the Federal Preventive Police and the result has been disastrous:

Stop the Repression

Vicente Fox Quezada
President of the Mexican Republic
Mexico City, Mexico, D.F

three of our citizens were killed; about 30 have been illegally detained; there is an undetermined number of disappeared people; private homes invaded without legal warrants issued; riot tanks firing acid water on our citizens; helicopters have dropped teargas on the people of Oaxaca which has resisted peacefully but also tenaciously in practically every part of the city of Oaxaca and also in other locations throughout our State.

We give testimony to the inexcusable gap between the promise of a police operation which supposedly was to provide protection to our population and the actual and terrible events which actually occurred. Because of this, in God’s name and in the name of our people victims of long term acts of aggression and suffering at the hands of authoritarian and corrupt powers, we implore: Stop the Repression. There is no moral or ethical justification for these acts, and even less, religious legitimacy in horrible actions brought against us. God’s law, “You shall not Kill”, supercedes any human law directing another to kill.

We would like to point out that in these actions, the Federal government institutions laying the foundations for grassroots resistance social movements of greater magnitude not only in the State of Oaxaca, but also in other parts of the country.



Pbro. Manuel Arias Montes
Parroquia de Juquilita
Coordinador del Consejo Presbiteral

Pbro. José Rentaría Pérez
Párroco de San Bartolo Coyotepec

Pbro. Leoncio Hernández Guzmán
Párroco de Santiago Apoala

Pbro. Edmundo Santiago Yescas
Párroco del Corazón Eucarístico de Jesús

Pbro. Carlos Franco Pérez Méndez
Párroco de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles

Pbro. Juan A. Hernández Romero
Párroco de S. Miguel Panixtlahuaca

Pbro. Jorge Pérez García
Párroco de San Pablo Huitzo

Pbro. Gil Antonio Torres Varela
Párroco de San Pablo Mitla

Pbro. Fernando Cruz Montes
Párroco de San Sebastián Tutla

Pbro. Juan Antonio Jiménez Gómez
Párroco de Santa Catarina Juquila

Pbro. Armando S. Fabián Vicente
Vicario de Santa Catarina Juquila

Pbro. Aureliano Díaz Jiménez
Vicario de Santa Catarina Juquila

Pbro Emeterio López Sánchez
Párroco de Santo Domingo Teojomulco

Pbro. Guillermo Velásquez Gordillo
Párroco de San Miguel Sola de Vega
Secretario del Consejo Presbiteral

Pbro. Sergio Herrera Arias
Párroco de San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula

Pbro. José Luis Palmerín Zamora
Vicario de Santa Cruz Zenzontepec

Pbro. Raúl Morales Tapia
Cuasi Párroco de Santiago Textitlán

Pbro. Eduardo Godínez Contreras
Párroco de Santa María Tlaxiaco

Pbro. Hugo Pedro Aguilar
Párroco de San Andrés Chicahuaxtla

Pbro. Guadalupe B. García García
Párroco de Santa Cruz Itundujia

Pbro. Gregorio Cruz González
Párroco de San Mateo Peñasco y San Miguel Achiutla

Pbro. Martín Octavio García Ortiz
Párroco de San Ildefonso Villa Alta
Pbro. Miguel Ángel Morelos García
Párroco de San Cruz Xoxocotlán

Pbro. Juan Loera Pineda
Párroco de San Martín de Porres Indeco

Pbro. Juan Ruiz Carreño
Párroco de Santa María Zaachila

Pbro. José González González SJ.
Pbro. Bernardo Murcio Velasco SJ.
Pbro. Jorge Villa Aguinaga SJ.
Templo de la Compañía de Jesús

Pbro. Francisco Silencio Cruz
Párroco de San Dionisio Ocotepec

Pbro. Guillermo García Díaz
Párroco de Puerto Escondido

Pbro. Pedro Loyola San Juan
Párroco de Río Grande, Juquila,
Vicario Episcopal de Pastoral

Pbro. Hermilo Cuevas Fabián
Párroco de San Pedro Tututepec

Pbro. Herminio Olmedo Peña
Párroco de San Juan Bautista Cacahuatepec

Pbro. Héctor A. Santiago Pacheco
Párroco de San Pedro Amusgos

Pbro. Armando Muñoz Jarquín
Párroco de Sta. Ma. de la Asunción y del Sr. de la Ascensión, Tataltepec

Pbro. Rufino Jiménez Quiroz
Párroco de Santo Reyes Nopala

Pbro. Fidel Zurita García
Párroco de San Agustín Loxicha

Pbro. Arturo Nicolás Vázquez
Párroco de Sta. María Huazolotitlán

Pbro. Jaime Meneses Lavariega
Párroco de San Francisco Tonameca

Pbro. José Luis Sánchez García
Vicario Episcopal de Pastoral

Pbro. Víctor V. Villalobos Baltasar
Cuasi Párroco de Sta. María Teopoxco

Pbro. Jorge Juan Pastor Salvador
Coordinador de la Comisión de Pastoral Social

Pbro. Adán Carrasco Ambrosio
Rector del Seminario Menor Tonantzin Guadalupe

Pbro. Ranulfo Pacheco López
Párroco de Matías Romero

Pbro. Herminio Guerrero
Párroco de Tequisistlán

Pbro. Lucio Santiago
Párroco de S. José Obrero Salina Cruz

Pbro. Juan Ignacio Ortega
San Isidro Col Cuauhtemoc

Pbro. Víctor Cabrera
Párroco de Santa María Guienagati

Pbro. Lino Tenorio Cayetano
San Francisco Ixhuatán

Pbro. Francisco Ruiz Ramírez
Pbro. Roberto Raigosa Beltrán
Parroquia de Palomares.