Action Alert: Republican Convention in LA this Weekend.

by NO MORE WAR, PEACE NOW Thursday, Aug. 17, 2006 at 1:16 PM

This is an open call to protest the political agenda of the Republican Party this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Location: THE HYATT REGENCY CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL, LOS ANGELES 2025 AVENUE OF THE STARS LOS ANGELES , CA 90067 Dates: AUGUST 18-20, 2006 Source:


10:00 am Registration Opens
10:00 am Campaign College
12:00 pm Executive Committee Luncheon Featuring :
James S. Gilmore, III Governor of Virginia 1998 - 2002 &
Sarah Simmons , Deputy Campaign Strategist,
Californians for Schwarzenegger
2:00 pm County Chairmen 's Meeting
3:00 pm Women's Summit
5:00 pm Proxy Deadline CRP Headquarters in Burbank
5:00 pm Welcome Reception Hosted By:
The Republican Party of Los Angeles County
6:30 pm VIP Reception Featuring: Republican Statewide Candidates
7 :30 pm Registration Closes
7:30 pm Dinner Banquet Featuring: Statewide Ticket
" Republican Leaders to Move California Forward"
Music by the Tom Kubis Band
9:00 pm Hospitality Suites

7:30 am Registration Opens
7:30 am Lincoln Club Breakfast
7:30 am Coalition Breakfast
7:30 am CFS Regional Breakfasts (Southern, Central & Northern)
9:00 am Committee Meetings
9:00 am Echelon Database Training for County Committees
9:30am "Operation Sleeping Giant" - Session I
Victory 2006 Full Ticket Phone Bank
9:30 am Workshops
11:00 am VIP Reception Guest Speaker: Steve Schmidt
Campaign Manager, Californians for Schwarzenegger
12:00 pm Proxy Deadline- Proxy Desk at the hotel
12:00 pm Luncheon Featuring: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
2:00 pm Rules Committee Meeting
2:15 pm Workshops
2:15 pm Committee Meetings
2:30 pm "Operation Sleeping Giant" - Session II
Victory 2006 Full Ticket Phone Bank
4:00 pm Associate Meeting
4:30 pm Catholic Mass
6:30 VIP Reception
Featuring Governor Mitt Romney
7:30 pm Registration Closes
7:30 pm Dinner Banquet
Featuring Governor Mitt Romney
8:00 pm Deadline to Pay Dues
9:00 pm Hospitality Suites
7:00 am Registration Opens
7:15 am Prayer Breakfast Featuring: Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson Founder and President of the nationally recognized nonprofit organization BOND, The Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny
8:30 am Proxies Committee Meeting
9:00 am General Session
1:00 pm Registration Closes
1:00 pm Proxy Desk Closes
3:00 pm General Session Adjourns ( approximately )