Cindy Sheehan Buys 5 Acres Near Bush Ranch

by D. Burbeck Tuesday, Aug. 01, 2006 at 2:58 AM

Ms. Sheehan has paid over ,000 for land just outside of Crawford, Texas for Camp Casey and the upcoming protest of the Iraq War there. She has been fasting with Code Pink and several other anti-war organizations in front of the White House for over three weeks.

As a result of their fast, the Prime Minister of

Iraq has asked them to attend a meeting to help

develop a plan for withdrawing the troops.

The property will be a welcome retreat for the

thousands of people who will attend Camp Casey

this year with electricity, water, a campground,

and a parking lot. Last year much of their time

was spent in a ditch at the side of a county road.

The mostly republican residents have voiced

concerns about traffic jams and the smell of

porta-potties.....but not about the huge loss

of life and mayhem that has occured in Iraq

over the past 3+ years.

Original: Cindy Sheehan Buys 5 Acres Near Bush Ranch