The Second American Revolution : High Places

by Brent Herbert Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 1:36 PM

Our ancestors had revolution after revolution because they did not knock down the High :Places

Our ancestors had one revolution after another. The reason for this is that they removed maniacs from High Places, but they did not knock down the High Places. Therefore the High Places remained and when our ancestors did not have a revolution, and remove maniacs from High Places, they plunged into ruinous destruction again and again. They got Hitler or Attila the Hun in High Places, and as we all know, because of High Places our ancestors had one ruinous disaster after another.

What this tells us is that any land which has High Places is a land with sin, and since sin always brings judgment and condemnation, maniacs in the High Places have wrought ruinous destruction on this planet time and time again. Therefore it is hypocrisy to condemn maniacs in High Places for their sins, if you yourself are a sinner who worships in High Places and make your sacrifices there.

Another principle is self evident. If you are blind you are not guilty of any sin, since you have been brainwashed since birth, such brainwashing being a requirement in a system with High Places, since High Places only exist to facilitate evil which could not otherwise be done. However even if someone is blind, and thus not guilty of sin, they are still judged and condemned for the sin, and therefore we find a blind nation like Germany being ruinously destroyed by Hitler. If you are not blind, and yet continue sin by worshiping at the High Places and making sacrifices there, you receive an extra punishment, in that you will be tormented with a guilty conscience for having done a sin knowingly. If you are blind, your punishment is confusion and pointless anger combined with helpless impotence. Both the blind and those who can see receive the same judgment and condemnation, but the blind plunge helplessly into ruinous destruction while those who can see have a guilty conscience, and thus have the opportunity to find salvation.

When you have High Places you have sin, and once you have had sin added onto sin added onto sin, you have ruinous destruction or you have revolution. Once sin has been piled up, one act of ruthlessness following another, since one evil deed always deserves another, you wind up at the end of it all with the astonishing sight of stark naked whores soaked in blood sitting upon thrones in High Places. Another astonishing sight is that of blind and obviously brainwashed sheep continuing to worship at these High Places and making even more sacrifices at these altars of sin, even though anyone with eyes to see would notice that there was a stark naked whore covered with blood sitting on their High Places.

We know that Washington has broken every International War Crimes law on the books, and since any treaty once signed becomes the law of the United States, therefore Washington is guilty of lawlessness and criminal conduct. The purpose of these laws was to prohibit wide spread destruction and wanton blood shed in pursuit of imperialistic goals, and therefore we can see a stark naked criminal whore soaked in blood sitting in the High Place.

There are those who support impeachment, but because they are sinners, even if they are blind, they insist on going to worship at the High Place known as Congress and the Senate, and offering their sacrifices there. The first international war crimes committed against Iraq were committed during the first Gulf War. Iraq used quasi-socialist principles (a state owned oil industry) to build up its modern infrastructure. It is an International War Crime to target such infrastructure during time of war. However in order to use muscle to back up the words of the IMF, and since Iraq refused to privatize its oil industry as the IMF was ordering all countries to do so that the profits could be extracted instead of spent on infrastructure, and since Iraq was proving how wrong privatization was in that Iraq was developing while other countries were the victims of a kind of extortion racket, therefore Iraq was deliberately bombed in violation of International Law.

Congress and the Senate are reputed to be the law makers in High Places, and therefore for a decade and a half we have had a hypocritical stark naked whore, soaked in bloodshed and crime, sitting in a High Place, and yet there are those blind sheep who would insist on pursuing impeachment by worshiping at the altar on that High Place and presenting petitions to a blood soaked stark naked whore in High Places. Iraq has just been privatized at gun point, which according to International Law, is the worst war crime of them all since it is the crime which motivates all other International War Crimes. Therefore asking some blood soaked whore in High Place like the Congress or the Senate to impeach is like asking a whore who murders in the darkness to throw on a light switch and have her evil deeds exposed.

There are those who think that one should go to the court system, even though your judges are found to be stark naked whores, soaked in blood, who hypocritically moralize from the bench and throw the book at very small fish while letting the big fish get away. Your judges know very well what the law is and they know very well what a broken law is, and therefore like every other High Place, we see hypocrisy and ruthless oppression, one sin added onto another sin, as judges become more ruthless and more hypocritical, one evil deed requiring another, and another and another, until the nation plunges into a deep pit of the most ruinous destruction, having collapsed and burned in a bonfire, which is the end of the road for a sinful nation that worships at the High Places and makes sacrifices there.

Since your media system does not exist to inform, since you cannot get away with murder while at the same time being in partnership with an informant, your media system therefore can be seen swinging a watch and waving magic wands, for if you are a partner in crime you do not inform but rather you collaborate and you brainwash. Such brainwashing is only required to cover up evil deeds, for good deeds can stand scrutiny in the light of day while evil deeds require the cover of darkness. One sin requires another, and one act of evil oppression must be covered with another and another, until the nation plunges into ruinous destruction.

All this has happened to because your nation had a revolution, but your ancestors did not knock down the High Places, and since High Places only exist to facilitate the doing of sinful deeds. High Places attract sociopaths and maniacs like a pile of turds attract flies, which then explains why when your ancestors tried ‘moral reformism' so that they could keep their sinful High Places, all they got as their reward was lawlessness and stark naked blood soaked whores in High Places.

It becomes obvious then that to worship at High Places and to make your sacrifices there is a sin, and it brings with it judgment and condemnation. It is hypocrisy to judge and condemn maniacs in High Places when you yourself are an unrepentant sinner who supports the very systems that provide the buttons to be pushed and the levers to be pulled, since the purpose of such buttons and levers was to make evil possible. Only in High Places can evil be done since oppressors only oppress when they know they can get away with it, which then explains why we have so much watch swinging and so much brainwashing always going on. A High Place is a sinful place because it was designed by sinners to make sinning possible, and so to do the same sin that your ancestors did by building High Places is to become guilty of every murderous crime committed by maniacs in High Places. The only way to cleanse yourself of your share of the guilt is to leave the High Places and go the Low Places instead, so that you will not share in the ruinous destruction of the High Places or drink their cup of punishment yourself.

It is obvious when you have stark naked whores who are soaked in blood sitting in the darkness doing evil deeds from their High Places that the only correct Revolutionary Strategy is to flip on a light switch. This can be done from a Low Place by spreading about the appropriate Revolutionary Propaganda, which is the antidote to that brainwashing which is always required if evil deeds are to be done. Therefore we can see that a Revolution is a propaganda war, a war of words, the sword of the truthful word being used to destroy the burdensome yoke of oppressive falsehood. Any other strategy is not a revolutionary strategy, and it is better to turn on a light switch than to sit and curse the all encompassing darkness.

During a revolution if you decide that you are going to a concentration camp, there to play the role of the noble oppressed and helpless victim of ruthless oppression, then to a concentration camp you will go. If you are mentally packing your bags and getting ready for your trip to the camps, then you have made your decision, and so when you wind up in a concentration camp rather than railing against your oppressor you might want to blame yourself for having decided to go to the camp in the first place. If you don't turn on a light switch, then rather than railing at your oppressor and cursing the darkness, you might try cursing yourself for leaving the light switch in the off position. If you are on a terrorism list, and thus marked as a target by the Gestapo, you should remove yourself from the terrorism list. You do this not by going to a sinful High Place where you would only find a stark naked blood soaked whore, but rather you would go to the Low Places and spread revolutionary propaganda, so that people would know that you were not a terrorist, but rather a truth teller. Thus you would allow oppressors in High Places to put you on a terrorism list, while you would go to the Low Places and remove yourself from the list in that way. If you do not remove yourself from the list and you get nailed as a terrorist once again you made the choice to be nailed as a terrorist, and therefore since you did that sin you should accept your judgment and condemnation when you get sent to the concentration camps.

There are two types of sin : blind sin and enlightened sin. The latter is preferable, for although it brings with it the nagging condemnation of a guilty conscience, at least when you are enlightened you have a chance to escape the judgment and condemnation for that sin, while the blind can only curse at the darkness and pursue futile acts and behave like Don Quixote, tilting at windmills while they plunge into their ruinous destruction full of the helpless, hopeless despair that is characteristic of those who are blind, the victims of ruthless systems of brainwashing and their steady diet of falsehoods and deception.

There is only one revolutionary strategy which is correct when you have the highly desirable situation existing where you have stark naked whores soaked in blood sitting up in High Places. You turn on a light switch, and then you play the role of the Revolutionary Cop, who calls upon sinners to repent or face the consequences of their deeds. You do not allow oppressors to oppress, for if you commit this obvious error then you earn for yourself a share of the guilt, and when destruction comes you reap a share of the bitter rewards.

When one revolutionary strategy is correct, all other strategies become sinful. So for example, if during a revolution one was to find ELF burning up vehicles on construction sites that would be a sin, since rather than committing futile acts of moral reformism they should have been committing acts of revolution, by turning on a light switch. Furthermore burning an SUV provides a pretext, and rather than removing yourself from a terrorist list by revealing yourself to be a truth teller, you placed yourself on a terrorist list by engaging in futile acts of moral reformism in the form of futile acts of property destruction, which then gives the oppressor a pretext to take action against you. If an Indymedia site supports futile acts of destruction, that is an Indymedia site that has given an oppressor a pretext for launching an attack, and has placed itself on the terrorism watch list instead of removing themselves from the list which is the correct revolutionary strategy.

Since I am a well known revolutionary propagandist, with some talent, what I have done is created a light switch in the form of a zip file, since no revolution has ever succeeded without effective pamphlets. Now a sower went out to sow his seed. Some people are so ruined by the system of ruthless oppression, that they have very little soil, and much rocky ground, and so the seeds do not grow well there, and others have become so hardened as their emotional response to all the ruthlessness and bloodshed and violence and hypocritical injustice of High Places, that they are like a flat rocky plain, and when a seed falls there, a buzzard snaps the seed up right away. However there remains good soil, which can take a seed, and so when a sower goes out to sow seeds he does not become demoralized by rocky soil or the sight of those flying seed eating buzzards, but rather he scatters his seed and nature takes care of the rest.

Because I am scattering seed here I am sure that there will be places where the seed will hit the soil, and therefore I offer the following comments. There are many ways to spread pamphlets. One way would be the floppy disk (do people still use those things). Remember that we are going to the Low Places here. Make sure that you know the rules in your area for spreading pamphlets, for in that way if an oppressor gives you a problem later you can expose them since they are being hypocrites by breaking their own rules, and therefore it must be the case that they are trying to turn out the lights. It would not hurt to call upon that oppressor to repent, and turn away from doing sinful and wrong deeds, by reminding them that one evil deed always deserves another, and that if they do not repent of their wrong ways they will be plunging into a pit of ruinous destruction, which is the end result of adding sin onto sin onto sin. It would not hurt to mention to some average American that it is possible to have a more peaceful revolution, rather than a revolution with gun fire, by following the strategy of the Revolutionary Jesus. Polls indicate that a majority of Americans, while they have left churches, still have faith beliefs, and while it is common for progressive types to bemoan this fact, it can be employed as an asset by revolutionary forces, since it works to destroy the bad influence of toxic religion which is the great enemy of any successful revolution.

It would be good if you had a sound bite prepared so that you can explain to people why you would find it necessary to be handing out pamphlets. You might try saying something such as the following...

Over the last few decades the jobs in the country have been moving to places like China where people only get 35 cents an hour. This has created economic problems for while it generates profits it also burns the house down back at home, with one of the more visible results of this policy being the trade deficit which is approaching a trillion dollars a year. This, together with tax cuts, which have created a ballooning debt, is now destroying the value of the American Dollar. Earlier this year the decision was made to hide the M3 data which means that the printing presses can be cranked up, printing more dollars, while leaving everyone guessing as to the true value of the dollar. What this means is that bond holders and other creditors of the American government are being paid off with newly minted dollars, and since the more dollars there are, the less each dollar is worth, no one ever actually receives the true face value of the debt they are owed due to the dilution of the value of the dollar. Other economic problems include a kind of pyramid gambling scheme known as derivatives which have grown to such an extent that unwinding that get rich scheme would require more wealth than exists on the entire planet (I have heard figures of 70 trillion dollars tied up in this pyramid gambling scheme).

It is because of these economic problems that the government is becoming less democratic and more tyrannical with each passing day, since when you are in hot water the typical response is to make the water even hotter, until the pot begins to boil. The end result of this process of the destruction of the constitution and the rise of police state methods, such as massive spying operations and the current construction of concentration camps on American soil, will be the outbreak of the Second American Revolution. It does not take an army of millions or tens of millions to begin a revolution against increasing erosion of Democracy in America. All it takes are small bands of determined fighters, a small fractional percentage of the population, and as you can see it is possible for these determined fighters to turn the United States into another Iraq. Washington has just violated another law of the land by making it possible for the military to operate on American soil, and is also giving free reign to spy agencies to work on American soil, because Washington knows there will be gun fire, and rather than attempting to prevent gun fire is moving its forces into place to attempt to crush what Washington knows will be a violent upsurge of Revolution in America.

However violence is not inevitable and it is possible to have a revolution that follows pacifist principles, where the only violence would be the violence of the oppressor, and wherein the revolutionary wins revolutions without being required to fire a shot. Such a revolution is based upon the strategy of the ‘Revolutionary Jesus', since it turns out that Jesus was not religious but rather was a revolutionary (and it was because he was a revolutionary that it was required that he be made religious for his tactics and techniques are so successful that it would be impossible for any form of ruthlessness or evil to prosper in any society where such principles are employed).

Since America does not choose revolution, but rather revolution has chosen America, it is imperative that such correct and proper revolutionary tactics be employed if the nation is to escape the violent upheaval that is certain to come if that small band of freedom fighters see that there country is being brought to ruin and that the last few pushes are about to be made to roll a boulder into the abyss and nothing is being done to save the nation or its people. The end result will be an upsurge of revolutionary war, turning America into another Iraq, with the consequences eventually being full scale civil war in America, if something is not quickly done to rectify this situation. Since America is going to have a Second American Revolution, and since she has no choice in the matter, it is imperative that her revolution unfold according to correct principles, for it is only when a revolution has failed to follow correct principles that violent bloodshed ensues, for a violent revolution is nothing more than an attempt to snatch victory out of the jaws of a ruinous defeat.