The Second American Revolution : Capitalism, Proverbs and Parables

by Brent Herbert Friday, Jul. 14, 2006 at 10:42 PM

I will speak to them in parables (sound bites). I will reveal to them mysteries and the secret things which have been kept hidden from them for long ages past. A revolution is a propaganda war and it the decisive battles are not fought with guns.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that poverty, unemployment, and slums are among the products it manufactures. This occurs because the system itself is deeply flawed and therefore can never do the right thing, without burning the house down. If society was ‘moral' and there was no poverty and everyone had jobs, then you would have Capitalists begging for workers, rather than workers begging for jobs. When someone is the boss, they usually wind up with the most money in the Capitalist system, and once the Capitalist finishes emptying his wallet to pay for all those job benefits, he would have no money left for investment, and the system would burn to the ground while inflation ruined everyone else. For this reason the Federal Reserve watches poverty and unemployment, and if it looks like things are improving, they jack up interest rates to make damn sure that things stay ruined like they are now, so that a Capitalist can stay rich and go about investing so that our whole society will not burn to the ground.

Under Capitalism, poor people are like the scape goats who must pay the price so that the country can continue to have Capitalists. This will not stop politicians from persecuting poor people, slashing food stamps or ending welfare as we know it, nor will it stop preachers and some ministers from chattering about lazy bums who won't work, for Capitalism is also a system of ruthless oppression, and so the bitter and angry scape goats must be crushed and oppressed at all times. For this reason we have cops.

The problem with having poor people is that poor people understand that they are the victims of moral hypocrisy, and thus they lose all respect for the law, and decide to steal something or maybe sell some crack. If someone who is poor identifies with the oppressor and learns his ways, thus oppressing someone by robbing them the same way they have been targeted and robbed, thus playiing by the true rules of society, instead of being a doormat or a hypocrite, this will give the cops something to do, while religion reminds everyone that this is a problem of moral corruption, and the politicians pass severe laws that are even more hypocritically oppressive.

The problem with Capitalism is that you cannot have justice in a system which is by its very design criminally injustice and requires acts of injustice to survive. For this reason the nation does not have judges on the bench, but rather hypocritical actors who are just pretending to be judges. This is the best that Capitalism can produce, a criminal injustice system which functions as a hypocritical system of ruthless oppression, letting powerful robbers who rob millions walk free, while throwing the book at small time crooks if they try playing by the same rule book.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that you cannot have ‘moral values' under capitalism and will just have to settle for having moral hypocrisy instead. That would be the best you could ever expect.

One of the great problems with Capitalism is that you cannot have faith and things like religion under Capitalism, for if such a thing were found to exist, it would be hunted down like a Revolutionary in Nicaragua and gunned down before it could burn the house down by telling everyone the truth. Therefore, if you see religion under Capitalism you are seeing moral hypocrisy or blind hypocrisy, with blind hypocrisy being about the best some church could expect to do under Capitalism, unless they were being persecuted all the time, which would then indicate that this was in fact a church.

If a church is found collaborating with a government on various projects, and presenting policy papers and inviting politicians to speak at events, then it is obvious that this could not be a church, but rather what it must be is a pillar of support for the Capitalist system, since you cannot have real churches under Capitalism unless they are being persecuted by the government and other institutions, and governments are not found collaborating with those whom they are also hounding and persecuting.

You cannot have truth under Capitalism, which explains why you always get brainwashing instead, for Capitalism cannot withstand criticism if it is to maintain its base of support. For this reason Capitalism must persecute Revolutionaries and bring in McCarthyism and try every trick in the book to hide the truth.

A revolutionary understands that any system which cannot withstand the telling of the truth is a system of brutal oppression which is doomed to collapse. The acts of brutal oppression employed in an attempt to prevent the inevitable historical collapse of that system are like one nail after another being pounded into the coffin.

A great problem with Capitalism is that under that system no one can learn economics. Instead they are taught such skills as operating spread sheets, for anyone who really understood how capitalism works would never support Capitalism (unless they were Ted Bundy and just didn't give a damn). Since so very few people are Ted Bundy, no one can learn economics and therefore when they get a degree from Harvard or Yale they come out so uneducated that they do not even understand Marxism (or they do understand, and therefore see their job as plotting against it).

A great problem with Capitalism is that under Capitalism you can only have a malfunctioning Democracy, because people need to be well informed to make good political decisions, and when they are brainwashed they are found to support idiotic policies instead.

On e of the great problems of Capitalism is that robots do not purchase products. A capitalist could program a robot to purchase products, and thus keep capitalism going, but that would be ridiculous.

One of the great problems of capitalism is that it is even now in the process of reaching an historical dead end. What this means is that society is like a passenger in a car speeding down a dead end road only to wind up hitting a brick wall at 120 miles an hour. The reason the car would hit the wall at 120 miles an hour and not 60 miles per hour, is that the car was being driven by a capitalist, and as we all know a capitalist is obsessed with productivity and thus always wants to keep pressing the pedal to the metal.

One good example of capitalism crashing into a brick wall is the United States of America, where, at the usual 120 miles an hour top car speed, capitalists have gutted the industrial base of the country, and process which continues in its usual brainless way to this day.

The problem with having a ‘service based economy' is that people provide services to people who actually have real jobs producing products, and thus you cannot just have a service based economy under the Capitalist economic system. What you get instead is a balance of payments deficit ballooning up to a trillion dollars.

One of the great problems of Capitalism, is that even when Capitalists are hiring people instead of robots, they wind up turning people into robots. Since Capitalists prefer robots, this would then explain why a Capitalist would find it desirable to hire a robot when a robot was invented.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that then end result of the constant gun fire over at the OK Corral is that once you have shot everyone in town, you form a monopoly. This is just the natural outcome of constant gun fire, and since Capitalism is based upon the gun slinger ideology, there is no way to stop the shooting, and thus no way to stop the formation of global monopolies.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that once you have formed a monopoly then everyone will need to hold down two jobs to deal with that rising cost of living.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that under that system people must become robots who endlessly purchase products. In order to purchase products they must became like hamsters running endlessly in a wheel inside some cage, or like rats running in some exhausting rat race.

One the great problems of Capitalism is that a hamster running inside a wheel every day is not actually going somewhere, since all the hamsters energy goes into spinning a wheel. Putting hamsters into a wheel and then making them run to spin a wheel is Capitalism's concept of how to have a fulfilling and happy human life.

One of the reasons Capitalists have studied the art of brainwashing robots to purchase products to keep that rat race going, is because a hamster in a wheel has no satisfying life, since running through grassy fields is interesting while running inside a wheel is a dissatisfying bore. Therefore a spiritually empty hamster needs to find fulfilment somewhere, and it is the task of the Capitalist brainwashing system to convince that they can find great satisfaction by making a purchase.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that everyone who lives in a Capitalist system just hates the system, just like people hated the old Stalinist Soviet system (wherein they just replaced the Capitalist with Stalin, and other than that made relatively few significant changes, at least from the point of view of hamsters). So we can see that both Stalin and the Capitalist have that persistent and eternal problem of dealing with angry hamsters who only spin the wheel because they cannot see any hope from escape from the bastards who grab them by scruff of the neck every morning and make them spin wheels.

One of the problems with Capitalism is that the system is hated, even at the best of times, and so it just logically follows that at the worst of times it faces revolution, which is what happens when a hated system also becomes the target of pent fury and wrath. Such fury is released when a Capitalist system does such things as ruins the economy and leaves behind french fry jobs, a ballooning trade deficit which cannot go on forever, a tanking dollar that no one knows the true value of since the system just decided to hide the M3 so it can print without telling how much printing its doing (not a confidence building measure). When in the midst of all this crisis within a much hated and undesirable, unloved Capitalist system daddy also demands fat tax cuts and slashes the cords attached to the safety net, the consequences of such arrogant greedy stupidity become very revolutionary. This becomes even more apparent as the situation worsens, and everyone else gets more and more ruined, while daddy gets a tax cut as though it was some well deserved reward.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that is systemically flawed in that it is a fascist organization of the economy based upon the Napoleonic Emperor principle, which means that it facilitates the empowerment and entrenchment of ruthless oppressors.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that is both morally and intellectually bankrupt. Since Capitalism can withstand any genuine criticism, it would prefer not to be criticized. For this reason we find Capitalists crushing revolutions, sending the contras into Nicaragua, murdering one million leftists in Indonesia in the 60s, (the CIA and State Department helped out by supplying lists of names the Islamic Religious Hawks and the military who did the actual on the ground killing). When the State Deparment was forced to declassify the documents from that time describing the involvement of Washington in the massacre Bush responded by outlawing declassification of any more of those humiliating documents. From now on the Capitalist system will continue its blood soaked walk through history without leaving a visible trail, at least not on paper.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that is immoral and rotten at its core, being based on the piggish notion that only a small cabal should gun fight at the OK Corral, while not allowing Democracy, either in the government or in the work place, so that they can pocket profits. The end result of the process is the creation of a lumbering anarchic Frankenstein, with a failed brain implant, that destroys human life and then the planet itself, profits being pocketed all the while.

One the great problems of Capitalism is that profits must be pocketed all the while, even if the planet must be destroyed and rapid extinction of zillions of species be underway, for to stop pocketing profits would be to burn the house down.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that it is a systemically flawed structure, in that once a robber always a robber.

Under Capitalism, flawed in its intellectual conception as it is, it only takes one robber to initiate a process of widespread robbery. In this way we can see that the Capitalist ideology was invented by a sociopathic robber barons, for they knew that under a system so designed they could commit murder and robbery and then got lost in the crowd.

Under Capitalism, the murderers and robbers are never arrested and are never punished, for there is no point in even making the attempt..

If murderers and robbers are arrested in a Capitalist system, the house would quickly burn to the ground, for once a murderer always a murderer.

If even one Capitalist bails out of the country and heads to China the rest must follow. Capitalism therefore always will be found to be lowering everyone to the lowest common denominator, because it was structurally designed by low lifes with exactly that agenda in mind. They wanted to be the biggest low lifes on the planet and get away with it by getting lost in a crowd.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that it cannot be morally reformed, since it is an intractable contradiction to propose ‘reforming' a system of brutal oppression that is systemically designed to facilitate and then require acts of murder, robbery, and brutal oppression.

Under Capitalism everyone is a sinner whether they want to be a sinner or not. There is no choice, and therefore it is idiotic to write a prescription for religious moralism as the supposed antidote to the problems found in the capitalist system.

Capitalism forces everyone to become a sinner and an oppressor because it was a system designed by sinful oppressors.

One of the great tasks of a true revolutionary is to ensure that during revolutionary times (which occur during those periodic collapses of the capitalist system) no one makes the mistake of blaming Capitalists for what went wrong, when they should be blaming the corrupt capitalist system itself. Blaming the system is revolutionary, blaming capitalists is religious. Being religious, and thus blaming capitalists, would then result in moral reformism, which would mean another ‘New Deal', which would then lead to the ruinous destruction of a later generation when the system of ruthless oppression once again collapsed under the weight of its own contradictions. There would also be decades of mass murder and terrorization of the poor of the world, as the ‘third world' continues to be privatized, looted and sacked, while terrorists make sure the poor populations are to afraid to do anything to stop it all from happening. (Thank you FDR).

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that once one bad Capitalist robs a third world country, the rest of them will soon follow, until the world is full of ruined, sacked, destroyed countries full of suffering, misery and grief. For under capitalism one robber always follows that very first robber, and then once a robber always a robber. The reason for this is that the Capitalist system, Napoleonic thing that it is, was designed by weird creeps. Think of Ted Bundy, thats right, Ted designed Capitalism. The reason Capitalism is Napoleonic, thus contradicting Democracy, is that if Ted wants to crush Nicaragua and rob the place blind, he will need to be a dictator, for no one else is demented and thus would not vote to approve such a thing.

If one demented Capitalist robs a poor country and dumps its carcass onto the third world heap, and another Capitalist ‘finds Jesus' and thus refuses to do the same thing on ‘moral grounds', then the second Capitalist will go bankrupt. The reason for this is that the cost of production for the first Capitalist will be reduced by robbing countries, which is cheaper than visiting a market, and thus since the second capitalist has found Jesus, and is now moral, he will find that he cannot compete and will get gunned down in the gun fight in the OK Corral.

One the great problems of Capitalism is that you cannot use Capitalism as a strategy to ‘develop the third world.' Rob the third world, yes, and as I said you cannot stop robbing them after that first robbery or you will get gunned down in that gun fight at the OK Corral, and then a bunch of people will go out of work, and some new Capitalist will just move in start robbing them in your place, so, that being the case, you might as well just rob them and terrorize them yourself because someone is going to do it in any case.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that it is a very poor strategy for developing the third world, and even it did work, assuming that Capitalism could kick its addiction to robbery (very unlikely to happen, since it would involve a catastrophic crash and unwinding of the system), even so it will still take centuries or maybe a thousand years for Capitalism to ‘develop' the third world. Two or three centuries is the time frame imagined by the IMF so I am quoting the experts here, with a caveat in that I think that would be the most optimistic estimate. During those centuries of slow development of the human family you would have to make damn sure not even one Capitalist robbed anyone, which would be damned hard, because no doubt Capitalists would continue to own the media system, and of course the politicians would be found in bed with them, as is the custom.

One of the great problems with Capitalism is that while one can imagine developing the third world using Capitalism, even if it does not prove possible to do such a thing in the real world, there are better ways to develop a third world country which do work and which produce results in a few years rather than in a few centuries. Given a clear choice like that one only a ruthless greedy oppressor or a scheming wicked prick would support capitalism while rejecting the workable option.

The optional strategy for developing the third world was roughly modeled for humanity in that bombed out and invaded country known as Iraq, for you see Iraq was one of the last countries in the world which refused to obey the IMF and privatize its assets and give them to those ruthless oppressors and robbers masquerading as the ‘International Investors'. Iraq was not a ‘socialist country' but it did practice a form of the mixed economy with crude elements of socialism, in the form of Stalinism, consisting of state ownership of the oil industry. Now as bad as Stalinism is, being another form of the dictator system, even a little bit of socialism even in a warped form like Stalinism, goes a long, long way, and so Iraq began to use its oil money to build water systems and bridges and electricity grids and other great things. You see socialism, unlike Capitalism, is a system that can produce results even when there are ruthless pricks at the top of the heap.

The Bolivian people saw what Iraq was doing and then made up their minds that they were not giving the profits from the Natural Gas to some Capitalist. This only makes sense, for if you give all your money to a capitalist you will wind up flat broke and won't have a dime to spend on your development, and will just wind up staying in the third world for as long as there remains a capitalist on this planet. This is the simple message being sent out by the Bolivian people for decades now as they battle the Capitalist Imperialist Colonial system. Even though this message can be reduced to a sound bite, thus being perfect for the media, Americans have not heard the message because their media system does not exist to inform them of all the view points, but rather is a brain washing system.

The Bolivians want to spend their money on development so that they can have the same things Iraq was working on building before Iraq was attacked on lost their investment to bombing (which was a violation of the Geneva Conventions, and thus an International War Crime). The reason for this is that Bolivians are oppressed, and thus they are smart intelligent people, and know that Socialism is a good idea that will work right away and not make them wait centuries for nothing, and they also know that Capitalism is a tale told by maniacal idiot, full of sound and fury, in the end signifying absolutely nothing.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that you wind up having to set goals to end child hunger in twenty years. This has been done throughout the last century, and having always failed, is now being tried one more time, since the theory behind trying that failing strategy over and over again is that the politicians simply lack the will to fight poverty, and thus need further goading and perhaps this time with an extra push or shove to get them moving. .

Capitalism produces poverty. It cannot fight poverty, since it is to busy producing and then ruthlessly maintaining poverty. For this reason when Capitalism gets pushed to hard to fight poverty, the end result is not that Capitalism finds the will to fight poverty that was missing before, but rather Capitalism finds the will to create a fascist state and crush all the progressives and activists and pestering church types and moral reformists and anyone else who might be creating problems by demanding morals from a systemically corrupt system which would burn right to the ground if the agenda to end poverty or such things as third world debt actually gained any wide spread support.

If the fact that moral reformism never works is not the fault of politicians who are busy elsewhere, then the problem must lie with the population who apparently are not stupid enough to believe there is any point in trying moral reformism to solve poverty, and thus stay home like unconcerned sinful pigs. There are those who would then conclude that the solution to this problem must be found in a great religious crusade of some type.

When the Capitalists bombed Iraq that was supposed to serve as a warning to all the third world countries not to even think about socialism any more and just obey the IMF, since the IMF is the tool of American Imperialist Colonialism. Rather than invading and being to brazen and obvious, American elite have mores use the IMF so they can deceive the American people with brainwashing and make them think that America is for Democracy and against Imperialist Colonialism.

When Washington bombed Iraq for disobeying the orders of the IMF to stick up its hands and hand over its wallet, or else, this was supposed to intimidate the Bolivians, but they are not backing down and neither are the Venezuelans. Washington will have to bomb the entire planet to stop socialism from developing the third world, and Washington is already stretched giving the full Nicaragua treatment to Iraq. This would explain why the Bush administration has brought in the new doctrine of nuclear preemptive strikes, since this is supposed to scare the Bolivians, for even if Washington does not have the military troops to invade the planet for Wall Street, it does have bombs. However once you have lost your marbles you have lost your guns, so once Washington starts nuking poor people around the world for wanting socialism, they would actually be nuking Wall Street and nuking Washington, since they are already fighting back a revolution in that country, and a revolution can always use all the extra help it can get, even if a lot of the heavy lifting is being done by Washington and Wall Street, not the type you would expect to be the greatest revolutionaries in the world, and probably a surprise to many people. However systems of oppression carry within themselves the seeds of their own destruction, and oppressors are brain dead vegetables, who actually believe in the power of violence, since they are so rich proving that strategy works perfectly, which explains why you would see them carrying heavy luggage up the stairs for revolutionaries.

Before Saddam invaded Kuwait he wanted to get a weather report from Washington, because he was not a brain dead idiot. The American ambassador Gillespie told him that Washington did not care what he did to Kuwait, and really didn't give a damn one way or the other. Having gotten the required Green Light Saddam then rolled into Kuwait with his forces, which was a stupid mistake, since it gave Washington the pretext to invade Iraq and force it obey the IMF by privatizing its oil resources. In the first invasion, Iraq's socialist development was illegally bombed, which was a violation of the Geneva Conventions, and thus a war crime. Then Iraq was grabbed by the throat and strangled for a decade to prevent Iraq from being a bad example and a threat to capitalist brain washing and the IMF propaganda machine. Privatization then followed, which has now been done by a second invasion at the business end of a gun, which is the an International War Crime, as defined by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal which defined invading a country to rob it as the very worst of war crimes under international law. Under the Constitution of the United States International treaties once signed are also American law, so that means that completely lawless killers and thieves, who are currently unprosecuted war criminals like Hitler have seized control of the American government and are now using it for their own sinister ends. That this is true and yet nothing is done shows that the system has now collapsed and that Americans no longer live under the rule of law, but are rather being plotted against on a wide spread basis by tyrannical crooks. Should such a corrupt system of collaborators barf up a Hindenberg to keep everyone busy and buy some more time, it would be best not to be sucked into the vortex, or everyone in that country will be damned sorry later, once the trap is ready to be fully sprung and by buying time with Hindenberg the bought time was used to ensure that the scheme did not come undone.

Fascism was defined by Mussolini as the fusion of the Capitalist corporation with the state. When this happens you get bossed around by the state just like you get bossed around at work, and the Augustus Caesar concept leaves the boardroom to invade the legislature. Instead of having a split personality your country would then have a single well integrated personality, having finally at long last turned completely fascist, so that your economy, which is most of your life, is now in agreement with your government.

One of the great problems with Capitalism is that being a fascist dictatorship, it makes stable Democracy difficult even in the best of times. In the worst of times it makes Democracy impossible, which is why during times of Capitalist crisis, such as the Dirty 30s, you wind up with a real Dirty government like the one run by Hitler.

One of the great problems of Capitalism is that the government is always to be found sharing a bed and getting screwed by a Capitalist. It is for this reason that the ‘Anybody But Hitler' strategy which the Anti-Nazi movement used to ‘stop Hitler' by rallying around an optional candidate named Hindenberg (the optional hawk barfed up by the German system in that election) wound up getting Hitler at the end of it all. They stopped Hitler the one time by means of the rallying cry ‘Everyone for Hindenberg', and then Hindenberg signed a decree giving them Hitler. Because the system was always getting screwed by Capitalists even in the best of times, in the worst of times the system turned into a cabal of co- conspirators and collaborators who were feverishly plotting and scheming against the country. The ‘Anybody But Hitler' strategy served only to keep people involved in that scheming system, which was a time buying strategy, until the final plot could be hatched against the whole country and the trap could finally be sprung.

Capitalists need Hitler during bad times because daddy wants a tax cut and daddy does not want to sign any Newer Deals or pay for food stamps, and so daddy is going to send for Hitler and Hitler will spank a naughty country if it misbehaves and disobeys daddy, thus proving that it deserves a good spanking so it will behave itself.

One of the great problems with America's elite have mores, the true political base of George Bush, is that they became overconfident and thus were led astray by blind arrogant hubris. After skillfully manipulating public opinion and forming and shaping it like a potter molds the clay so many times in the past, they came to believe they could accomplish anything. All they required were spin doctors and pollsters so they could carefully track the shifts in public opinion as they manipulated the media system, for under Capitalism the media system does not inform but is rather a propaganda tool employed to shape public opinion, which is not the same thing.

Some poll results prove difficult for a Capitalist to manipulate. Three quarters of Americans consider a journalist an untrustworthy prick. This is one of the consequences of shaping public opinion. However for some weird reason they still pay some attention to that outfit, thus getting their opinions shaped time and time again, thus explaining how they got their opinions shaped to go into Iraq and thus got stuck in that damnable mess.

When Capitalists own the media system the Capitalist becomes like the wind which blows a weather vane in whatever direction it wishes the thing to point.

The German Capitalists got Hitler during the Great Depression, but Smedley Butler blew the whistle on the elite have mores of America, and thus spoiled their chances to do the same thing to America, so American capitalists got stuck with Roosevelt and were forced to sign some deal and walk around for a few decades wearing a dog leash. The leash would only be removed when Capitalists left the country and went to the third world to either rob or ruthlessly terrorize the place, since this was required, for once a robber always a robber, and while the Liberal Democrats wanted that Capitalist on a leash at home, they did not want to burn the house down, and so they understand that given the addiction to heroin from the third world and violent withdrawals which would follow, it is required that the system of ruthless oppression itself can never be morally reformed. This is why liberals supply band aids to the wounded poor in America, for since it is impossible to end poverty without destroying Capitalism, liberals, who are not leftists, but a variant form of Imperialist, supply band aid solutions instead..

One of the main tasks of a Revolutionary is to prevent Liberals from hijacking a revolution. This is best accomplished by completely destroying Capitalist ideology, since only in an ignorant population could liberalism find a base of political support. It would also help to remind people that Liberals put hamsters into cages and force them to spin wheels, and then they give out an extra food pellet afterwards, which is not enough to make up for losing your whole life so that some hamster wheel system can keep spinning. I doubt that we will see much Liberalism today, for they do not get extra pellets in places like China, and Capitalism being the gun fighting ideology that it is, this means that Americans will be losing food pellets not getting more food pellets, and that Liberalism is a bankrupted ideology, going bankrupted at the same time and at the same pace as the ideology it is designed to save and support, Capitalist Oppression.

Liberals could force food pellets out of American Capitalists once again, like they did the last time, but times have changed, and they might as well just shoot that Capitalist themselves, since that Capitalist will be getting gunned down in the OK Corral because of the extra costs of those Liberal pellets. Practical examples of this include many big American Corporations like the auto industry as one example, who are facing bankruptcy in American operations, and thus are making every attempt to get rid of every last extra food pellet and are also demanding that normal rations be cut drastically and so on.

When Liberalism goes bankrupt, the only other option is fascism. Since you cannot have Roosevelt today, even you wanted Roosevelt (bad idea that it is), therefore the only other option available is Hitler, which would then explain why you are getting fascism right now.

German Capitalists were forced to grab their chestnut out of a blazing fire, since they had to bring in Hitler during the middle of a depression with the fires of revolution blazing up all around them. American Capitalists, being led astray by blind arrogant hubris, and seeing ahead of time that the country was going to the dogs in the future, have decided remove their chestnut before any fire starts, thus not making the same mistake the German Capitalist made of waiting until later. Thus American Capitalists plan to stay one step ahead of everyone else, and are plotting Nazism ahead of time, the idea being that by the time the need it they will already have it and thus won't be found plunging their hands into burning fires trying to grab chestnuts. America's Elite Have Mores are the creme de la creme and the world's most illustrious aristocracy and they do not plunge their delicate hands into burning fires to get chestnuts. They just send for their well oiled propaganda machine and they begin blowing around that weather vane and doing what has to be done ahead time so they can pick up chestnuts without getting their fingers burned.

Now the problem with fascism in America, is that this is a delicate dish, sort of like a souffle, and it requires careful beating, done just right, so it fluffs up perfectly. It must be baked carefully, with no jumping or shaking taking place that might cause the thing to go flat. Fascism is a souffle, and it is a very delicate dish and requires the talents of the world's most skillful chefs if it is to turn out perfectly.

America's Elite Have Mores, the true political base of George Bush, consider themselves to be the world's most skillful chefs, for they are found to be working on beating up a delicate souffle like Nazism in a place like America, which requires great skill in the kitchen.

One big problem with cooking a souffle in the middle of the night, is that upstairs in the bedroom the sleeping giant lies sleeping. Now this sleeping giant has a well known habit of sleeping late every morning, and has never been known to wake up early. This is the well known custom of the sleeping dragon, and so that means that a chef working in the kitchen has until about eight o'clock in the morning to prepare breakfast to serve to the sleeping giant, because the sleeping giant never wakes up before eight, which means that there is plenty of time to prepare a souffle and make sure it is done before then. You would want to make sure it is done before then, because if that sleeping giant gets out of bed early and the sound of its huge feet are heard thudding down the stair steps, such shaking could cause a souffle to go flat, thus ruining everything. As well, when the sleeping giant sees that someone was busy cooking up a really bad souffle like that one, then all hell is going to break lose and that chef will be getting the worst of it.

If there is a lesson to be learned from all this, it is that if you are planning to snatch chestnuts thus saving your chestnuts, you are probably much better off to do it the German way, and just wait and then plunge your hand into burning fires to grab those chestnuts, even if such behavior is undignified for a true aristocracy. Otherwise you might find yourself in the difficult spot of being a chef sitting in a kitchen in the middle of the night, anxiously watching an egg timer while waiting for a very delicate souffle to finish cooking, while outside there are all these people banging on pots and pans and trying to wake up the sleeping giant.

From all this we can gather that what we would have here is a chef in a hell of a big hurry, because with all that racket the sleeping giant could wake up at any moment, and then there will be hell to pay. What is the fastest way to finish cooking a souffle. If a cook put on oven mitts and then very gently, without shaking, the souffle was softly removed from the oven and then slipped into a microwave and then zapped on high for ten minutes, would that finish a souffle really quick without ruining the souffle. I would suppose that if the whole plan was to cruise to Nazism at a slow an unalarming pace of 20 miles per hour, the new plan must now be to put the pedal to the metal and maybe get that thing moving at 75 miles per hour instead, or whatever other top speed the speed limits will allow on each particular stretch of the road.