Miracle in Washington D.C

by Jeff Fisher Wednesday, Jul. 12, 2006 at 10:15 AM
amercanpatriotjefffisher@gmail.com (202)580-8531 Washington D.C.

Freedom of Peace for former refugee orphan. Refuge for all Naturalized Citizens.

Jeff Fisher: GruNsYsbi, (translatation -Good Morning)

GnkecHniyayGq'eKoleT/. (Do you speak English)

B.P. Yes

This conversation took place this morning not far from the Office
of the Special Counsel. I was doing my usual thing regarding
getting information to the correct individuals at the Justice Department.

I met this woman outside the building that houses the office. The woman,
was homeless and from Los Angeles County. She had saved her money
for three years to get a plane ticket and see the White House via a tour.
When she got to D.C. she discovered that you now have to schedule a tour
through the House of Representatives months in advance. I told her we
would go and visit her Representative and get her a tour of the White House.

Along the way down Pennsylvania Ave we talked. I was to become aware
of her abused life in Los Angeles.Three years of sexual abuse, rape
and molestation. I would learn of an uncaring judical system in Santa Monica,
California that basically mistreated this woman who was a naturalize
American Citizen.

She left Los Angeles living in fear. I told her I would get her help to stay in
Washington D.C. permanently.

I went online ASAP at a hotel to find out who could help her. Congressman
Henry Waxman was her representative. We went to his office and within
minutes his office performed a miracle.

This women will have a safe haven now on the east coast. Tomorrow
I will be taking this woman to get the paperwork filled out so she can start her
life as an American Citizen again. She is crying in rejoice of having a new life,
a life of being reborn in America.

Free from the fear of being sexually assaulted; free from harassment
and ridicule for being blind; free from the bigotry which she has endured
for being Cambodian and free from being victimized for being a woman.

The Honorable Henry Wax man's staff was so kind, compassionate
and understanding of this situation.

This woman life took precedent and that is why I reacted to her needs.
My history is to protect life.

I even was able to give them information on the Election Fraud
and the selling of out nation's trade routs to the Chinese via Mexico.

202) 225-3976

An American Patriot that values life always, Jeff Fisher