Letter to Voz de Aztlan

by Juan Santos Monday, Jun. 19, 2006 at 3:06 AM

Sr. Carreon, Todos;

I have been notified by a reader that you have carried an article or articles I have authored on your website or that you have disseminated them via email.

I deny you permission to use my work or to disseminate it in any way without a prominently displayed disclaimer that the author, Juan Santos, has no association whatsoever with Azlan.net or Voz de Aztlan, that Juan Santos does not write for Azlan.net or Voz de Aztlan, that he does not support the ideology propagated by Azlan.net or Voz de Aztlan, and without a prominently displayed link to the original source.

That source will in no case be Aztlan.net or any publication in any medium with which you, Mr. Carreon, or any of your compatriots are associated.

Juan Santos

Original: Letter to Voz de Aztlan