I'm Not Paranoid, Am I?

by Timothy Burns Watson Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 6:18 AM
apollospear@yahoo.com (416) 272-0260 278 Runnymede Rd., Toronto, Canada, M6S 2Y6

Some people are delusional about other people being paranoid, but that might just be my paranoia to assume they are delusional.

I’m Not Paranoid, Am I?
by Timothy Watson

If the leaders of this world really wanted peace, we’d surely to God be doing better than we are now. What is the explanation for elite bodies convening at Bilderberger, IMF, World Bank, and UN conferences ostensibly to pursue policies of security and peace only to move us closer to conflict and war? Are they really meeting for the purposes outlined in their briefs or is there a reason IMF organizers look for more and more remote conference venues? I recommend instead of Outer Mongolia or Timbuktu, they choose a lunar landing for the next conference and since their policies are ill-matched to the needs of the majority of the world’s citizenry, they might consider setting up shop on the dark side of the moon and staying there. I don’t intend anything malicious or mean-spirited by this modest proposal. I really mean it. If the Illuminati gods perceive themselves as an elite body of individuals, superior and of a caste inviolable and unassailable, perhaps they should endeavor to keep their bloodlines clean by pushing off and leaving the rest of us mere mortals to fend for ourselves on the planet the Creator saw fit to hand down to us.
I’m all for sharing, don’t get me wrong. I’m just as happy as the next fellow to have a stranger dine at my table. But if he has the audacity to deny me sufficient elbow room and hogs the potatoes, I get a little chagrined. I’m not inclined to put up with some absentee landlord monopolizing my annual yield, making off with my potatoes and causing my family to go hungry. And this in essence is the nature of the IMF and GATT treaties signed into being by the world’s landlords. And now the absentee landlords are denying our farmers the right to even plant their own seed in the spring. Amazing as it seems, suicide seeds or terminator technology has been widely disseminated by Monsanto, famed war crimes manufacturer of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. Now, I’m not one to complain. Normally, I’d encourage people to render unto Caesar the things that are his, but this is not about paying a mere tribute to Rome. This is our daily bread for Christ’s sake. And while we can’t live on bread alone, you can’t exactly live without it either. No, frankly, my heart is not entirely into relinquishing control over my daily bread and handing it over to Uncle Sam. Not that he has bad manners particularly. I mean normally he’s quite forthright about explaining why he’s trespassing on other people’s land. It’s just that his motives for doing so aren’t quite as clear cut as they once were. And I’m not altogether sold on him blackmailing my government into agreeing to whatever foreign policy is flavor of the month by telling our farmers we might not have a ready supply of seeds in the spring.
As for school administrators and teachers force-feeding kids Ritalin and other pharmaceutical goodies, I can only say that the nutty old man you used to fear would be handing out poison candy on Halloween is now on your school board. Incredibly, parents seem not the least bit worried about 5-in-1 vaccine shots being administered to their three-month-old infant. The fact they post on the bulletin board a recommended timetable for this prescription of induced autism, nervous system dysfunction and early death gives me the utmost confidence in my neighborhood school giving my child the best education for my tax dollar. I’m not in the least worried about my child’s mind being filled with useful facts or better still harmful misconceptions. Instead, I’m filled with the confidence that my neighborhood teaching professionals do their homework and research their subjects so thoroughly that they consistently get their facts right, so right in fact that they are in complete line with the Illuminati-controlled governments in charge of the Global Cleanse 2000 initiative to reduce the planet’s population by at least 3 billion. It’s far more important that we should agree with our public servants, since they are there to serve us, than show the slightest dissention or disapproval. We are teaching professionals after all whose sworn duty it is to turn our children into obedient, complaint and upstanding citizens, who like any good cow will bow their heads, knuckle under and go to the slaughter house without the least protest.
The one plus in all this is the war though, the one they call the war on terrorism. I’d say it’s going quite swimmingly really. I mean, when it was first launched, the object was to catch Osama. We didn’t get him so we went after his al-Qaeda minions. When we couldn’t round them up, we sent our cowboys in to corral the Taliban. And when we couldn’t get them, we started blowing up innocent civilians. The plus side is that as the casualty numbers went up, it become obvious that we must have picked off a few Taliban and al-Qaeda agents along the way. Fortunately, we employed smart bombs to reduce the collateral damage, but since the smart bombs were in the hands of our commander and chief and his equally smart boys in the field, the smart bombs didn’t have quite the accuracy we would have normally counted on. Anyway, we couldn’t really catch anyone in the end. Like wild horses, they proved a trifle ornery and a little hard to corral, so we went after the oil instead. The other bonus of course is that no one will really escape because Afghanistan and Iraq are so littered with depleted uranium dust from DU-laced tomahawk missiles and bombs that everyone in the region has had their life expectancy trimmed by at least three decades including our good old boys. When asked how our commander and chief thought he’d be viewed by posterity, he purportedly said, “It doesn’t matter. We’ll all be dead in a hundred years anyway.” He’s probably right, so there’s nothing to worry about anyway.
Amazingly, it was suggested I was paranoid in a radio show interview the other night. Interesting isn’t it that the very people who accuse you of being paranoid because you imagine conspiracy to be real rather than a theory fail to realize that, through the use of language, they embrace a conspiracy of exclusion, ostracism, alienation and expulsion themselves. Like most members of what is called civilized society, they are unwitting co-conspirators who engage in duplicity, backstabbing, and ostracism without the least cognizance of what they are doing because they feel morally justified by what has become established convention. Anyone who does not embrace consensus reality and uphold the status quo is clearly disaffected and dysfunctional and should be put on Ritalin or Prozac immediately, so that if they’re not completely mind-controlled, they soon will be. They use the conspiratorial language of “you don’t belong” and call it a theory. Well, folks I call that denial, and that’s not a river in Egypt, however much those in De Nile would like you to believe so. “Paranoid” conjures up images of a crazed nutcase that endangers the peace and sanctity of the home and might even cause you to have a bad day. No, we mustn’t allow such people to mess up our day, or God forbid, enter the public discourse. The lady who is not paranoid clearly had the right to tell me I was, even though she is the one feeling threatened not me. I know, I know, I’m delusional for having a rapier wit and a razor sharp intellect, but then so was Voltaire.