Post-March "Backlash" : Is It Real or is It Memorex

by Geof Bard Wednesday, May. 10, 2006 at 4:10 PM

Geoffery debunks reactionary mythos that the march caused a backlash - that we should worry about.

Headlines and Hate Radio pundits suggest that the Marcha will cause a backlash as angry white men surge to the ranks of anti-migrant groups, checkbooks in hand, alarmed to see "Mexican flags on Our Soil." is it real, or is it Memorex?

A Zogby poll (N=8,000) supposedly shows that 61 per cent are backlashing less sympathetic to los indocumentados as a result of May Day protests.
But such findings may be unrealistically sanguine for the frenzied proponents of an American Kristallnacht.

According to Mark DiCamillo/Field Research, quoted by Rene P. Ciria-Cruz of New American Media, "... there's no sign of a backlash in California. If anything the Latinos are energized, and they're the fastest growing vote in the state. Immigration is not mobilizing white voters..."Ciria-Cruz suggests that the picture could be different in states with smaller numbers of Latinos, but wryly notes that the anti- immigration movement has not found "the key 'Willie Horton' moment against the pro-immigrant forces. "

Most commentators who are not blinded by hatred note that the prevalence of American flags was a successful strategy, despite hyper "patriot" whining and redbaiting. "This will change Arizona politics forever," said pollster Earl de Berge, reported in the Arizona Republic. "This is a tipping point (for) the Latino community and its energies."

The plain fact is that most Americans look at the so-called "Reconquista " and don't see tanks, missiles and armored columns of goose stepping Alien Invaders.

What they do see is hard working landscapers, dishwashers, janitors, construction workers, teachers and health care workers. In short: their neighbors.