May Day 2006: The Crack in the Cosmic Egg

by Geoffery Bard Thursday, May. 04, 2006 at 7:50 PM SBIMC

Anti-Pundit Geof Bard's Notes from the Anti-Fascist Underground Pacific Coast, Americas

May Day 2006: The Cr...
thankstojeanbarrot.jpg, image/jpeg, 140x200


As a new recording of The Star Spangled Banner hits the charts, you'd think that the rock rib Republican right wingers would be ecstatic at the gush of patriotism.

But no.

They just can't seem to get past the skin color thing.

Or the language thing. Or the scapegoat-Mexican-laborers thing. Or whatever one wants to call this demonic mania of racism which is sweeping the country.

The targets of this mass psychology of fascism seemingly can do no right.

The latest peeve of the deluded right: those nefarious folks south of the border have had the temerity, the gall, the chutzpah to actually have the nerve to (hold onto your seats folks) sing the Star Spangled Banner.

You got it right. The crime of the day is now the offense of actually singing the SSB ... in Spanish. Like, the nerve of those people, right?

The time has come for the right wing dullards to wake up and smell the coffee. What part of
"Our flag was still there...that star spangled banner" don't they understand?

A corrollary complaint of their is that, somewhere, under a sea of red white and blue, in those thousands of American flags, there is actually one or two Mexican flags here or there. And now every right wing pundit in the country rants and raves about "foreign flags on Our Soil."As if there wasn't an overwhelming preponderance of US flags.

I suppose they are using microscopes as they scan stacks and stacks of 8 x 10 glossy photographs, hoping to find a bandera here and there in red, green and white...sorry boys, I hate to inform you, but 99% of those flags are Old Glory.


They blame Mexicanos for anything and everything: traffic, smog, lines at the supermarket.

They bitch and moan because they have to hit "1" or "2" on automated phone calls. I am not making this up. Ted Hayes actually complained about that on the radio April 28. Spelling Is Correct.

Looks to me like the haters are just trying to belittle and degrade the workers on the bottom of the hierarchy, as if they don't have enough problems already.


I will give credit, however, where it is due.

For the first time in her career, Condoleeza Rice has actually made a high profile statement which did not click lock step with the right wing.

As the pundits line up to denounce the Spanish language version of The Star Spangled Banner, Rice actually broke ranks, delicately skirted her questioner's baited question, and remarked that she had 'hear all kinds of interpretations of the national anthem - classical, country wester, rap.

How nice. Now if Ms RIce can refrain from continuing her career as a lap dog ventrilqueswt dummy for the war machine, maybe she will be remembered for this tiny lucid interval in which she actually said something human and compassionate.

A remarkable day, May 1, 2006.