Californians Will Vote Along Gasoline Lines

by Stewart A. Alexander Tuesday, Apr. 25, 2006 at 5:59 PM

When voters go to the polls to vote, during this 2006 election year, it will be on the issues and not along party lines. Stewart Alexander says, “If the voting poles were at gasoline stations, Californians would be making a complete change in leadership in Sacramento and Washington.”

Californians Will Vote Along Gasoline Lines

Stewart A. Alexander
2006 Candidate
California Lieutenant Governor
Peace and Freedom Party

Throughout California gasoline prices are reaching record highs daily and no relief is insight
from price gauging at the pumps. In some areas of the state prices have passed the $4.00 mark and as much as $3.30 for 87 octane.

Politicians in California are having weekly press interviews in front of gasoline stations because they are aware that the cost of gasoline is on every television and is capturing everyone’s attention. State and federal legislators are vowing to take action to investigate the rapid price increases and are trying to relieve consumer tensions; however Californians are only looking for results.

Within recent days Governor Schwarzenegger and California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez have vowed to take action to end any possible price gauging and to slow down rising prices, but for the present, gasoline prices are rising 5 to 10 cents daily.

This election year has now been narrowed down to three big issues, the Iraq War, gasoline prices, and immigration and the position of a candidate on these three issues can make or break a successful bid for public office.

California voters are departing from the days of voting along party lines and are listening to what measures are being taken to ease the crunch on their wallets

Stewart Alexander, the Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor, says, “The love affair with Democrat or Republican leaders is over, if a politician wants to lead, it’s time to go to work.”

Californians and all Americans are concerned about the representation they are now receiving from this new one party system. In 2003 this new Democratic Republican Party launched the U.S. into the war with Iraq and three years later congress is without a plan to end the war and to bring our troops home.

The issues concerning immigration have been with us for decades; now during an election year congress has placed this issue on the plates of all Americans to distract attention away from the war and out of control gasoline prices. Most Americans now understand that 12 million immigrants are here in the U.S. because the Democratic Republican Party has not enforced immigration laws and has welcomed immigrants as cheap labor.

The gasoline crises has been a wakeup call to voters and consumers nationwide. Also Californians do more driving than any other region of the nation and the gasoline crises is sorely affecting drivers, the daily commute to work or home, passing every gasoline station to compare prices, paying $45 to over $100 to fill the gas tank, several times weekly, and paying $75 to over $150 more on monthly gasoline cost.

Politicians often make promises to voters not to increase taxes, however within the past two years voters are receiving a tax increase weekly at the gas pumps, along with paying fat profits to the oil giants.

When voters go to the polls to vote, during this 2006 election year, it will be on the issues and not along party lines. Alexander says, “If the voting poles were at gasoline stations, Californians would be making a complete change in leadership in Sacramento and Washington.”

In another six weeks Californians will be making their ballots choices; once they have heard the positions of the candidates and after they have waited in the lines at the gasoline stations.

For more information, search the web for Stewart A. Alexander, Candidate for Lieutenant Governor.