The Iran, Idaho, Paris Connection

by claytOnleOnwintOn Wednesday, Mar. 15, 2006 at 10:04 AM 208-448-2215 1183 Robinson Dr, PriestRiver, Idaho, USA 83856

There is a connection between Iran, Paris and Idaho that has been missed by Intelligence Analysts.

The Iran, Paris, Idaho Connection

(Tuesday, March 14, 2006)

From the desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate:

President Ahemdinejad of Iran visualizes Iran at peace with the world, providing nurturing energy to beloved neighbors both inside of Iran and beyond it's borders. This is the goal of all Presidents, Commanders, Rulers, or "Throwns," the seat of governmental administration within any country on Earth.

While condemning isolation, every region entertains the notion that their own needs are of higher priority than others. This is because an individual person's life must be nurtured first, before providing nurture to others. Therefore, a balance must be reached between one's own needs, and that of all others, whom also serve and protect, providing the mechanisms to nurture both. All life is a symbiotic-relationship. Nations, too.

How can we help provide energy and economy to Iran, without holding back their own progress as a sovereign nation? Survival-of-the-fittest is often misinterpreted as 'kill first, before being killed.' This is always false. True survival of the fittest is mutual nurture, for it is always the most nurtured that survive, thriving by seeing to it that the weakest are protected and served. We all experience living life, together, mutually.

Peace is simple. Only hate is expensive, in terms of money and lives.

The State of Idaho refines crude-oil. It arrives by pipeline from all over the world, including Iran. The entire state also sits atop one of the richest natural-resource energy providers in the world, where hot water and steam rises from the ground, turning turbines to generate electricity. Also, hydro-electric dams on rivers provides energy to Idaho and other, neighboring states. Under-developed geo-thermal energy resources in Idaho is similar to that of Iran, because the State of Idaho has the onique ("unique opportunity") to uplift itself through geo-thermal resources while nurturing it's own beloved neighbors mutually, in peace.

Paris Hilton is a national treasure, a woman that shares her ideas, thoughts, opinions, uplifting all through shared energy, proving that survival-of-the-fittest is about sharing nurture with all. She has attacked no one, yet is under constant attack, hammered ruthlessly to the merciless CrossOfShame for merely breathing. That is where the old saying, "cross with you," comes from, i.e., "I'm cross with you." It's heard in old movie rentals and re-runs on television, though not heard in person during my own life. Because while Paris shares energy, others hate her life, jealous of her very existence in their own so-called 'positiveness,' doing figurative carpentry, hammering her ruthlessly to a positive-sign of their own making, the MercilessCrossOfShame. Peace is simple. Only hate is expensive.

Iran, Idaho and Paris have something in common: something to share, uplifting and nurturing all, in peace. What do others have to offer them? A positive-sign? Your own CrossOfShame, doing figurative carpentry in so-called 'positive-goodness?' Are you cross with all whom share?

Yes indeed, the Iran, Idaho and Paris connection is about nurturing energy. What do you have to offer?

Kind Regards, ALWAYS.
Clayton Winton - HFA
All rights reserved by Clayton Winton